~*~You Don't Know Jack! game & fun*~*


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Ok I thought it might be fun to have a new game. Its 'You Don't Know Jack' game I got a long time ago & it might be fun so here I will start with afew interesting facts & questions....

I will come and give the answer later...

1.If you lived in medieval England & were condemned to die by the axe, what would be the customary thing to do before your execution????

A. Perform a skit for the nobles
B. tip the executioner
C.Kiss the left foot of the reigning monarch

2.Ed Macmahon is to PBC envelope, as Roosevelt is to:
A.U.S Dime
B.Mount Rushmore
C.Frosted Flakes

3.To put it politely, which of these animals excretes where it eats?
C. jellyfish

4.Suppose your interviewing Abraham Lincoln & ask him "what were the last words you heard before you were shot?" If memory serves him correct, what would he say??

-The answer to this is the play he was watching and it was "You sock -dologizing old mantrap" lol

5. If Don Knotts were sailing at the speed of 1 knot for one entire 30 min taping of Threes Co. how far would he have travled by the end of the show?
A. 1 1/2 of a nautical mile
B. 3 nautical miles
C. one knot is 1 nautical mile per hour, or Don Knotts speeding towards hilarity at about 1.15 mph

Ok lets try this lol... I will come back later and reveal the answers but everyone guess & / or do the research yourself. Its fun.:yes::D