This is a realistic concert, like most of the tours.
Intro - Michael walks out on a plainly lit stage. The crowd is going wild. Humbly, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out what appears to be a ball of light. He holds it out to the audience, and it floats over their heads and travels around the arena until finally reaching above Michael's head and bursting into a flurry of sparks and color. The explosion changes the light to reveal the rest of the band behind MJ, and as soon as the explosion starts, start the Concert Opener Medley.
1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'/Jam/Scream (Concert Opener Medley. "Toast" the other dancers before the "If you can't feed your baby" part)
2. Human Nature OR Stranger in Moscow (alternate between nights)
3. Smooth Criminal (Dangerous Tour version, not with the video)
4. Speechless/She's Out Of My Life (Run through Speechless [a girl would come up and hug Michael during Speechless], end with "words like... like..." and have MJ kneel down like he's crying. He stands up, wipes his eyes, and starts singing SOOML.)
5. The Way You Make Me Feel/Who Is It (I can even imagine the choreography for this one. Have the standard TWYMMF performance like it was on the HIStory tour, but at the end of the song, have a man walk up to the side of the stage and lean against the wall. The girl walks over to him and they walk off to the side of the stage unseen by the audience, then start Who Is It.)
6. Jackson 5 Medley (I Want You Back/The Love You Save/ABC)
7. I'll Be There (full song w/ 2nd verse)
8. Off The Wall Medley (Rock With You/Off The Wall/Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough/Working Day and Night, which would do the *BOOM* into the beginning of Beat It)
9. Beat It (Let the jacket burn and then the lights out!)
10. Thriller/Threatened (It would be like in This Is It, except the chorus of Threatened would be sung.)
11. Billie Jean (Like HIStory Tour Auckland with the repeated chorus at the end)
12. Dangerous (like the version from the 1993 leg of the Dangerous Tour)
13. Drill/Bad (the actual song, not just "Who's Bad)/They Don't Care About Us
14. Dirty Diana (Bad Tour version, not the bed)
15. Black or White
16. We Are The World/Heal The World
17. Earth Song (Do the crane, except end like the adlibs in Royal Brunei)
18. HIStory (This would be huge. After Earth Song, the stage would appear to collapse under him as he visibly prepares for the next song, leaving a hole in the floor and bringing some smoke and dust up into the air. It would be expected that the audience would show signs of worry and anxiety for Michael as he moves from the hole he went into for the stunt to backstage where he would climb up to a catwalk and be lowered back down to the stage on a harness. Gates of Kiev would play as he's slowly lowered back onto the stage for HIStory.)
19. Man in the Mirror (End the concert with a slower number, audience pulls out the lighers and waves them to the beat. The end chorus would repeat as long as it takes for Michael to give a shout out to the individual band members, dancers, and backup singers, then finally end with "Make that change" and turn the lights completely dark, pitch black. The band and Michael clear off the stage in the darkness and the lights are turned back on immediately afterwards so the audience can see where they're moving on the way out.
And obviously, it would all be sung live. I think this should've been the Invincible World Tour, had MJ not encountered health problems.