'You Are Not Alone' written because of divorce??


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I heard that Y.A.N.A. was written ABOUT his & Lisa M. P's divorce....

Any truth to it???

& thats why she was even in the video....:no: or :yes:
Well No, Because You are not alone wasn't written by Michael. It was written by R Kelly. ;)
I loved that video. They really looked in love. They were definitely NOT divorced during that filming.
Apparently the final scene of the video was filmed without their knowledge? How cute is that? They looked quite happy together. Dunno if it was for show though.
R kelly stole the song from European singers.
R kelly stole the song from European singers.

Well he "stole" the music - not the lyrics.

And yes, LMP and Michael were still together when the movie was shot.

The real question would be if they had even a romance when the lyrics were written?!
The song was recorded in late '94- early '95. How could it be about their divorce when they had just gotten married? :lol:
Exactly how can it be about their divorce is they are naked together in the music video???
1. The song was written by R. Kelly, not MJ
2. It came out more then 6 months after they broke up.
3. They were naked together in the video.