You all are so wonderful


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newbie here to this community - thank you for being such amazing fans - I was sick of all the haters on the other forums - literally sick and really mad.

I'm a musician myself (I was #1 on iTunes a few months ago) , and growing up in Mumbai, India (I was living with my grandmother) .. we didn't have access to any MTV or anything of that sort. We had 1 tv channel that used to show farming stuff and other boring things.

First time I saw Michael's album was 'BAD' .. stocked in a cassette store. I had heard of him but never listened to his music. I thought the cover of the album was so cool - I picked it up.. put it in my tape player and the rest is.. :)

MTV finally came to India in 1992 or so.. I was 14 - we were so excited to see all his videos on TV. I remember being in the bathroom, taking a leak and my grandma yelled excitedly ' MICHAEL IS ON TV!!' and I started screaming.. stopped what I was doing.. ran out with my pants half down to watch.. lol.

I finally got to see him perform when he came to Mumbai - from 200 feet away lol. IT was the most memorable experiences, ever.. the term 'magical' does not do justice. I think the post-concert depression never left me for a couple of years.

Thank you Michael for the most most amazing, heart warming, dream-inducing memories - your music, your personality, your manners, your humility, your genius, your giving - thank you for YOU and for giving us this awesome chance to witness history as it was being made.

Thank you Michael's fans - you guys are the real angels. Makes me feel better that there are so many true believers out there.

PS - I graduated from medical school (like all nerdy indians) and I'm pissed, that there was no defibrillator at Michael's residence. Those things cost like $1200! Could have easily saved his life. Dumb a$$ cardiologist - bah
Welcome fellow musician!!! I'm very glad you like it here at MJJC! It truly is a wonderful community of MJ fans. I'd like to think we honor the man a little differently than other boards. We are def. more positive than some others. And especially during these hard times for many of us, there are several people who are willing to help those who are suffering.

And great story as well. You are very lucky to have seen him perform! I for one am very jealous, lol!

Welcome again!
yes, welcome. This is an amazing MJ community :yes: And we are all here to talk if you need us!