Yesterday we climbed trees


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Today I could touch her without her jumping and running away.
Her body is stiff, her eyes are blind and she´s not afraid for hands any more.
She´s one of the stray cats I´ve taken care of and although it isn´t that many cars
here and the speed is limited it´s enough for a little cat to lose her life.
I Know it´s dangerous for outdoorcats even if you live on the countryside but my house isn´t big and I have 8 other cats and they are not happy if all of them have to spend all time indoors.
Cats can live a happy life indoors but here it´s to small for 9 cats.
It´s ok in the winter but not in the summer.
Milla was found when she was a young cat,there was no home for her and they were going to take her to a veterinarian to get her killed.
I made a little space for her..

If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...

I believe she´s taken care of in heaven by my old cats who she loved very much, but we´ll miss her on earth.

This is for all cats who lost their lifes today