Yesterday was the best day ever!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Natural State
I live in apartments and have some really good friends that live upstairs from me. They have 4 really cute kids that have never had the experience of listening to Michael Jackson. I decided to get up at 8, put on my MJ shirt, glove, hat and shoes and then got my baby girl up and got her ready and thought I would go upstairs to put in some videos but they werent home so I stayed home and my daughter Destiny and I sat on the couch and watched MJ videos all morning long and she would not take her eyes off that television for anything! lol and shes only 15 months old! :) Later on that day around 5 they came home and the kids were home from school so I went upstairs to share a little bit of my happiness and I popped in some videos starting out with Thriller. The kids didnt pay much attention cuz they had a long day at school but their mom Tammy (which is in a wheelchair) and I watched them for a while until my husband came up. We all decided to have a BBQ in celebration of Michaels b-day cuz their dad and his brother are big fans of MJ to. I went to the store to get some burgers n stuff and a little bit wine and some other drinks ;) and we started our night. I put Destiny to bed for the night went back upstairs and I put in some more videos and the kids had calmed down alot so they were all in tuned to the television and everytime one of the videos ended they wanted me to play it over again.. hehe.. We ended up having a dancing contest and all the kids even my husband got up and danced. Everyone wanted me to moonwalk for them so I did that and eventually had to teach all the kids, lol. Then went back down stairs to get all my cds, magazines, dolls, posters and my collage to show off cuz the kids were so obsessed by this time... I always seem to get more people or kids fall hard for MJ lol. It was so much fun :)
Brilliant, thats what we wanna hear,

Hope you continue to let your children listen to the magic that is Michael Jackson