Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I got it!!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia

I got the JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For about 3 months now I've been sweating on whether the school would renew my contract for next year and YES!!!! they said they have been really happy with my work and would love to have me next year :wild: :wild:

I'm so excited!!! :clapping::clapping:

Come celebrate with me!!! :cheers:
Wow, great news! I'm happy for you and I'm here to celebrate with you!!!!:cheers:
I told you so! :lol: HEY! You found out earlier than Friday :unsure: Who'd you kill? :toofunny:

Ce-le-brate good times come on :cheers:
congrats, Linda ;)

in honour:


shamone now.
Yaayy!!!! Congrats! :cheers:
Now let's have a paaartyyy :dancin: :wild:
Congrats L.J!!!! :clapping: Now they would have been really stupid not to want you! lol :cheers:
I told you so! :lol: HEY! You found out earlier than Friday :unsure: Who'd you kill? :toofunny:

Ce-le-brate good times come on :cheers:

:shifty: well.....

:lol: nah no one... but I was nearly ready to kill the deputy principal because he was all serious like and just said "can I see you in my office" and I thought .... gee he doesn't look happy I wonder what I did wrong... :unsure:
Instead I must have done something right :wild:

Yaaay, congrats Jelly!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Me is proud of you :huggy:

aww fankies :huggy:

congrats, Linda ;)

in honour:


shamone now.

Oh wooo! I think I did something like that in the staffroom later on :rofl:

Congrats L.J!!!! :clapping: Now they would have been really stupid not to want you! lol :cheers:

:D yay yay!! thanks :)

Yaayy!!!! Congrats! :cheers:
Now let's have a paaartyyy :dancin: :wild:

Yes let's partaaayy!!! :dance: :holiday:

Congratulations sister. Keep it up brother!
Thanks :D:D
Congratulations LJ! I'm very happy for you and hope you have a wonderful school year ahead.
Pfftth! Of course they want you back!
How could they not when you totally rocked their world!
Hahaaaa! Congrats L.J.!
Employed for yet another year! :clapping::cheers:
Congrats LJ!

I guess by now you are partied out but I will do a little dance of joy just for you.


Thanks guys I'm so pumped :wild:

of course I haven't been sent the official papers yet but it's all coming. Now I'm just crossing my fingers that I get good classes (or subjects that I want to teach more importantly) but I think I have to wait until my mentor comes back as he will organise the staffing :yes:

Wooooo hoooooooo I am so sorry that I am late in responding about you getting your job! :( Good news that you got the job that you have been wanting. :clapping:I have already gone through my first week with my classroom and it went great! It is going to be a great school year for the both of us LJ. :punk: Anyway I am so happy for you. :cheeky:
Congrats LJ for your job. Do you still work (part time etc) at the airport as well?

Again, congrats. :D
Hey thanks Dorothy and Rebirth! :) :)

I'm still a little excited about the whole thing and just goes to show you that if you do the extra yards and work hard that you really do get noticed.

I left the airport job in April when I got the part-time teaching job at this school :) It was going to be too hard otherwise (I would have been working 7 days straight then as the teaching was Mon-Fri and the airport Fri night - Sunday evening).

I've done all the extra little jobs I could whilst being here and it's paid off with me getting the Full-time job for next year :) (It's only a one year contract but I have faith in the fact that they will offer me ongoing after next year as I have built good relationships with nearly all of the staff and I'm enthusastic and energetic and I don't show an interest in gossip or office politics... I haven't the personality or the interest in it :lol: )