Yahoo: 50 Years of Michael Jackson's Style


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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My apology if this has been posted previously.
Yahoo: 50 Years of Michael Jackson's Style

In celebration of Michael Jackson's 50th birthday, take a look back at his style evolution. Even as a talented teen, Michael wore some sharp suits!

Surprisingly positive content. Just ignore the comments though.
Thanks for that. I wasn't very impressed with that at all. Somehow, I don't feel that they were really showing his style at all. I feel that they were trying to show something else. MJ's style was much more that that, and there were many more fantastic images of MJ they coud have shown.
Maybe fans should visit and post on these sites to counter the negativity that gets posted there.
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Very positive and sweet! I don't see what anybody could possibly find to object to; not one mention of plastic surgery, the trial, 'baby dangling' or any such boring cr*p. Just a celebration of the man and his unique style. I don't remember when last I read something that didn't contain one single negative element. I enjoyed it very much indeed.
I just looked at the photos. They were alright, but they could have shone more. Also some of comments made were very mean and nasty.Can't they just leave MJ alone .
Thanks for that. I wasn't very impressed with that at all. Somehow, I don't feel that they were really showing his style at all. I feel that they were trying to show something else. MJ's stly was much mote that that, and there were many more fantastic images of MJ they coud have shown.
Maybe fans should visit and post on these sites to counter the negativity that gets posted there.

They could have posted these imo.
The armband during dangerous era.

The military style clothing and gloves during bad era

Very positive and sweet! I don't see what anybody could possibly find to object to; not one mention of plastic surgery, the trial, 'baby dangling' or any such boring cr*p. Just a celebration of the man and his unique style. I don't remember when last I read something that didn't contain one single negative element. I enjoyed it very much indeed.
It wasn't about MJ's lifestyle, it was about his fashion, all 50 years of it. Considering that Mj was a style setter fron the time he set foot on the stage, I feel that much more of his fashion could have been shown alo some more of his more youthful and flattering image could have been used.
Elvis Presley always manage to get his youthful and flattering image in the mags. I never understand why MJ's never get used. Always pictures that do not show up his best qualities. Anyway, it is just someone else's opnion. We don't have to agree.
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Maybe fans should visit and post on these sites to counter the negativity that gets posted there.

You can do your part as well. You just can't tell fans to do something when you can do something yourself. The people who did the Yahoo thing on MJ made the decisions and at least they did something positive. It could have been worse and trash the man. However, they didn't. I think they showed most of his style.
You can do your part as well. You just can't tell fans to do something when you can do something yourself. The people who did the Yahoo thing on MJ made the decisions and at least they did something positive. It could have been worse and trash the man. However, they didn't. I think they showed most of his style.

Am I allowed to have an opnion here BEE>?
number 14 is the best picture IMO.

Thanks for showing this. I really love the positive comments on the fashion. I love the last one about the embroidered military shirts! LOL, aint it the truth!

I couldn't help myself and look at the comments. Normally, comments like that would bug me, but 9 outta 10 of those posters are kids between the ages of 11-18. Maybe even younger. And they don't know any better because that's all they were told. That Michael is a white woman who loves little boys. They don't know anything about his childhood, his adolescence, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous...none of that. All they know is the mugshot.
Thanks for sharing. It was surprisingly positive for once!

^^I agree with you about the comments, but that's precisely why they bother me. I'm 17 and a huge fan, and it makes me upset that so many people my age and younger have been brainwashed into thinking that way, and that they're stupid enough to believe everything they hear. :no:

They could have posted these imo.
The armband during dangerous era.
The military style clothing and gloves during bad era

Images have useage licenses, as much as us and MJJpictures love the images..... they cannot put up images they don't have permission to use or do not own, Anyway the article is very positive and i love it!.

To be honest MJJpictures could be shut down tomorrow is someone felt bad enough.

Which are? Nose changed, and?

Thats it... also don't bring the subject up, Thank You,

I meant exactly that the media almost always like to portray it as if Jackson was "completely another person" (while nothing seriously was changed other than nose) and make a new wave of speculations on this false premise.
Thanks for sharing. It was surprisingly positive for once!

^^I agree with you about the comments, but that's precisely why they bother me. I'm 17 and a huge fan, and it makes me upset that so many people my age and younger have been brainwashed into thinking that way, and that they're stupid enough to believe everything they hear. :no:

the reason more you should be proud of yourself.

being different - isn't that the most important? ;)
Thank you. Now you talking. Maybe we the fans should send them some MJ fashion to help them along.

Please give me the email address and I'll send them the pictures.
You're rite. the pictures of fat Elvis were never ever seen on mags and in the media, but why are some of those 1% of MJ's not-so-good pictures used all the time?