I hear ya- I'm still not entirely happy with it. It's okay the way it is, but it could still be better. I just rushed through the editing process so I had something to post. It cuts off the date in the lower right corner, too.
I will fix that along with his head. I've been playing with it a bit the last half hour or so, and when I shrink him down so that his face isn't cut off.... it just looks weird. I'm thinking that I shouldn't have cut out the bottom half of his face. There needs to be something to use up that negative space so he's not just a floating head, lol.
I dunno. I'll play with it more later. 4 am (well, 5 now) is not the time to be doing that :lol: It's time to go back to bed!
EDIT: I take that back. I fixed it, so it's 10000 times better. Check my first post for the edited version. I fixed them all.