Wtf ???!!!!

The Healer

Proud Member
May 15, 2009
I just have to share something with you, guys...I didn"t even know how to call this thread...I am so shocked and angry.
I just have read an article ( it happened in my country ) that a 32 old man who raped a 4 YEAR OLD GIRL was sentenced for only 6 years in prison !!!
He lourded this little girl in his apartment, showed her porn - movies and raped her !!!!
6 years !!!!! How is that possible ???? Where is the justice in this sick world today ?!
Can you believe that ?
I am in shock. I can"t find the words to describe what I feel.....:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed
If it makes you feel any better, he'll probably get raped and/or killed by the other inmates once they find out what he's in for. Child molesters are the bottom of the rung on the prison 'hierarchy', and they usually get bullied/beat up/gang raped or even killed. I'll keep my fingers crossed, and hope this is the fate he's destined to.

It's beyond me, how someone can think sexually of a four year old child... :|

Oh, could you post the article, too? I'm curious as to how they arrived at the six years sentence.
I will try to find it ans post, but the thing is..he did that in jun 2009. It took them almost 2 years to convict that monster and he was already known to the police.
It is unbelivable. They were questioning this little girl trying to find out if she is telling the truth . I could a 4 year old child know anything about that stuff ???
I can only hope he will get the same tratment in prison. omg
They should bring a death-penalty for things like this. He will live the next 6 years , watch TV, have his meals...what about that girl ? What about her parents ?
If I was a mother of that girl....he would not see the light of day again....
Well, there are plenty of reasons for not taking what a four year old child says to be the absolute truth of the events--not because the child itself is capable or willing to lie to gain some sort of benefit from the imprisonment of someone, or to even know what that kind of stuff is, like you said. However, a four year old child is highly malleable and able to be manipulated by his parents, who would know about that kind of stuff and could possibly have some sort of benefit from having someone imprisoned and ruining their reputation, etc. It's certainly not unheard of that allegations, even by young children, turn out to be false for some reason or other, so it was good procedure on part of the police to make sure the story was consistent.

However, you said the man in question had a history of doing this kind of that makes the girl's story a Hell of a lot more credible. It takes time to convict someone, but I am aghast that, even while having a history of offences [if that's what you meant to say], he only got six years in prison. That seems strange.

Like I said, hopefully the other prisoners will give him what he deserves. They have an honour system in prison (strangely enough) and the one type of criminal that seems to be universally reviled in prisons throughout the world is the child molester, for obvious reasons.

I sympathize with your view--if that had been my child, he wouldn't be alive to face his prison term. I hope he gets killed by an army of little girls.
Stories like this just makes very sick. People if I were you I restrain myself from using that "M" word, that word tries to mess with me, everytime I hear that word it always tries to make me think the 93' allegations and the trial. I still wish that word hasn't been invented, that word should be a taboo here, no one should use that word again or jsut censor it.
This evil being has destroyed the life of that little girl...............

Surely that must be treated the same way as murder is and he should get at least one life sentence in prison!!!!
Of course there must be evidence for accusing someone of sex-crime. But it is proven without a doubt that this man raped a child. And he gets 6 years..that I will NEVER understand. He even filmed it on his cell-phone !!!
And you know what..these kind of stories are in the newspapers for a day or two and then....ppl just forget !
There was another case...( also in my country ) when a granfather molested his grandaughter. That happened 3 years ago. He is still free, waiting for a trial.
I cannot believe it. That is sick.
Like I said...bring the death-penalty. That kind of monsters do not deserve to live.
6 years only?... Maybe those regulators have some kind of 'problem' going on themselves. ....

:eek: a four year old girl, that is repulsive, and the 6 year sentence is just as bad. What kind of world do we live in today, hope the girl is okay now after what this monster did to her.
Horrible. I do assume he will be obliged to enter an enclosed mental institution after he has done his jail time?

Death penalty is never a good punishment in my book. Thou shall not kill, not even the scum of the earth. Castration (chemical) however seems like a good idea with this criminal, and similar fellows who are evil like him. That way he will no longer be a threat to innocence.
You know...I have NO MERCY WHATSOEVER for ppl like that.
If someone did that to my child I would kill him with my bare hands. I feel the same for any other child.
Castration is a good thing....
I am very sensitive about things like that, because I was a victim when I was a child.
It is a terrible , terrible story and I never fully recovered. And he is free as a bird....
I am very sensitive about things like that, because I was a victim when I was a child.
It is a terrible , terrible story and I never fully recovered. And he is free as a bird....

*Hugs*.... That's simply horrifying.

May God watch over you...
Thank you.
I wish that I could have magical powers. I would fight for the innocent.
Because it hurts so much. Especially to be hurt by someone you are supposed to trust with your life. It is so damaging.
I can never understand how can someone hurt someone who is helpless. That is beyond me.
Where was the case heard? Was it heard at the European Courts of Justice? How a European court could give him such a short sentence is beyond me. *confused:
Croatia is still not a member of European community.....
Laws in my country are just ridiculous. This is not the first time something like that happened.
A man raped a young woman and got only 2 years !!!! Some get only 6 months !
But this is a 4 year old child we are talking about. Unbelivable.
I just have to share something with you, guys...I didn"t even know how to call this thread...I am so shocked and angry.
I just have read an article ( it happened in my country ) that a 32 old man who raped a 4 YEAR OLD GIRL was sentenced for only 6 years in prison !!!
He lourded this little girl in his apartment, showed her porn - movies and raped her !!!!
6 years !!!!! How is that possible ???? Where is the justice in this sick world today ?!
Can you believe that ?
I am in shock. I can"t find the words to describe what I feel.....:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

It's unbelieveble sad..
That's what it is..
A sad sad sad world..
There is no justice in this world, justice was made by human being, we don't have the power the control this system. Because we aren't human anymore..well alot in this world aren't..

You know...I have NO MERCY WHATSOEVER for ppl like that.
If someone did that to my child I would kill him with my bare hands. I feel the same for any other child.
Castration is a good thing....
I am very sensitive about things like that, because I was a victim when I was a child.
It is a terrible , terrible story and I never fully recovered. And he is free as a bird....

I am so so sorry for you:(
What a terrible thing to read..
Atleast you recoverd a bit...maybe someone is watching over you.. I'm sure someone protects you..;) *MJ*

Croatia is still not a member of European community.....
Laws in my country are just ridiculous. This is not the first time something like that happened.
A man raped a young woman and got only 2 years !!!! Some get only 6 months !
But this is a 4 year old child we are talking about. Unbelivable.

The Law system in whole of Europe are shit!
In my country, The Netherlands, there are some laws.. it's behind imagination..really they suck really bad..
For instance.. if you rape as a grown man a young girl/boy.. you will get 6 months in this country..
If you defend yourself.. because of some people are there to hurt you.. and you just defend you and hurt them.. you will get in this country.. some prison time.. really.. the laws needs to be rewritten..
Such a shame all of this..
Yes..this is hard to understand, really.
Where is humanity going ?????????
Before.....the shocking news were when somebody did something bad...and now, the shocking news are when somebody does something good. omg
European Law is not "shit". Their legal system is often borrowed by other countries too, you know. :p Just making it clear.