Wrong place/wrong time/wrong people?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey, I know there are several threads with the same content. But in none of those thread I thought I could post my problems, because my problem contains all of those threads, to be honest. I'm 18 by the way.
Hmm, I don't know where to start exactly. From the day I was born I was lonely. I've only had one best friends, I had her for more than 10 years. Then she went to a different (a better) school and she started to deal with wrong people and our friendship broke down. When I was in the 7th grade a 'friend' fooled me big time. I did trust her a lot and I told her everything about me. But after a year, she babbles my secrets, I've told her in trust, to everyone. Other guys started hating me back then. I've got death threats because of the lies she told about me. And everybody believed her. Even the teachers. I couldn't defend myself. The more I tried, the more I was hated. I had to change school after that.

Then I went to a different school, and I hope it would get better. Because I knew I was not a bad person. Well, the guys in my new class they did drink and party a lot. And I'm just not that type of person. They didn't know the meaning of a true friendship. They prefered to have 10 buddys who they could party with, then 1 or 2 good friend/s who they can rely on. I would never understand that. I was searching (well, I still am!) for a true friendship like that one I had when I was a child. The people aren't as trustworthy as they used to were earlier. I'm a very lonely person. I guess that's why I like MJ so much, because he had the same problem with friendships and lies. And of course in love.
I'm not ugly. I've got boys who were really in love with me. I could count them on 10 fingers, to be honest. But I always cut them off. I didn't even have a boyfriend in my whole life. If I'm asked by someone 'Do you have a boyfriend?' I usually say 'No, I never had one.'. They treat me like an alien, for being honest. That's not really fair. I believe in real love. Not just a relationship for 1 or 2 months. No! I'm just not that type of person. I'm really romantic. And nobody seems to understand me. The others just have a relationship to .. I won't say it. But it's the true. Theres no real love, there's just hormons. :p

Is it really that unusual to be like me? Is it so unnatural that I don't party and that I don't drink any alcohol (really, not even wine) and that I don't smoke or doing any drugs? I was raised like that. Many elder persons (like my mother and my uncle, who I love very much) are proud of me being like that. But the persons in my age and area use to call me strange and boring. And that hurts a lot. I don't know who I should believe.
I'm strange because I like old music like swing and stuff, Frank Sinatra and movies with Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron! (I do hear modern music, but I don't have a favorite act at the moment.). I'm strange because I like to dress and make up like they do in the 40's. I'm strange because I don't speak the local accent (I know it sounds stupid but they really said it to me!).

To come to an end. I just feel completly lonely and out of time. I just feel that I don't belong here. I don't know if god had a reason to put me in this place (If yes, I didn't found it out yet). Does anyone feel the same?
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NO!!! I'm in college, 18 years old, and I don't party. I don't smoke or drink. I've seen what those things do; in fact, an 18-year-old who went to my school was killed last year after he was driving drunk. I've sworn to never make bad choices like that.
I've loved old music since I can remember, but I started to REALLY get into 50s, 60s, and 70s music -- primarily The Beatles -- when I was 9 years old. And there's been no going back for me. I love swing music, too! In fact, I'm in a swing dance group here at my college, and it's a BLAST. You know, I was teased for the longest time because of the music I liked, and was also made fun of because I play an acoustic guitar (as well as electric, but people were more focused on the acoustic, because apparently that made me a hippie).
Boyfriend thing: I haven't had a REAL boyfriend since I was 14. I had a serious involvement with a boy last year, but that turned out ugly and my heart was shattered into a million pieces. I'm still picking them up, but there aren't as many left now. I feel so left out because I don't have a boyfriend, but I'm praying to God to lead me to the right person soon and to bring us together. One of the reasons I'm at college, besides getting a degree, of course, is to meet my future husband. I have strict rules that I go by when dealing with this.
If you want to talk more, PM me, and I'll be glad to help you out!
It's good to know that there are people in the same situation like me. I've always felt like I was the only person on the whole globe thinking like this.
That thing with your first boyfriend is really tragic .. I can imagine how much it hurt you back then. And my fear is, to be hurt like that too. I don't want to experience real lovesickness. Because I know it would kill me. If I love, then with all my heart. I would give this person everything I can offer. But I'm scared about it. I just don't want to be fooled anymore. Not from friends, not from lovers. I would like to find someone who I can spend the rest of my life with. As I said before, I don't like those fast relationships. I'm also praying and begging that god would send someone really nice to me. But I lost hope.
Can we stay in touch or stuff like that? :)
Hi there!

I'm 18 myself (a boy though) and I'm a bit similar to you in ways! I've had people betray me and tell very personal secrets about me. Very embarrassing and arguably shameful things - not many people understand me! Just rumours that went around about who I am... often due to my stupidity in trusting people! I never changed schools though! And for the most part I learned not to care what people thought of me; I just try to be as nice as I can to everyone. If they don't like you back then that's their loss. I'm fortunate to have great and loving friends who accept me. I know though, what it is like to feel lonely, isolated and betrayed. It's not very nice at all! I'm sorry that you're having trouble making best friends dear. You seem like a wonderful person from what I can see on a forum! You must be wonderful in real life too :)

And I totally know how you feel toward how young people act these days. I drink on the occasion! Not to get smashed but just to enjoy myself. I don't do drugs or any of that - I believe you can still have so much fun without needing those kinds of things. And particulary towards love, you and I are the same :) I'm a very romantic person. I've had three girlfriends in my whole life; none of those ended particulary well but the whole time it was wonderful. I'm a pretty long term commited person I'd like to think :) I'm a very loving, accepting person.. I will always put my everything into my relationships and friendships. Just because we don't want to have one night stands and all that - doesn't make us 'boring' or whatever. I find I'm the happiest I can be when I'm in love. I'm in love at the moment with someone.. but they don't know! It's a long story I won't explain here.. All I know is it's certainly not unnatural to be who you are. I don't think there's anything wrong with what you're doing at all. The music these days is mostly crap anyway! I love the 60s/70s and particulary 80s! And I'm proud of it! Music we listen to or how we dress shouldn't dictate who we supposably are to others! People these days can be very superficial. You've just gotta find that niche group of yours who you can relate to! I think you'll find many people our age are loving, caring and supportive! You just gotta find them! Easier said than done, I know but I really think having a strong support group can help :)

Oh and I believe in true love too :wub:

PM me whenever you need.

Lots of love
It's good to know that there are people in the same situation like me. I've always felt like I was the only person on the whole globe thinking like this.
That thing with your first boyfriend is really tragic .. I can imagine how much it hurt you back then. And my fear is, to be hurt like that too. I don't want to experience real lovesickness. Because I know it would kill me. If I love, then with all my heart. I would give this person everything I can offer. But I'm scared about it. I just don't want to be fooled anymore. Not from friends, not from lovers. I would like to find someone who I can spend the rest of my life with. As I said before, I don't like those fast relationships. I'm also praying and begging that god would send someone really nice to me. But I lost hope.
Can we stay in touch or stuff like that? :)

Sorry to interupt! Just speaking from experience. Being love sick is horrid.. but I personally think its worth the risk.. Being in love.. and having someone love you for you.. is the most special and beautiful thing to me.. And wow me and you are alike hehe. I love with all my heart too. I'm either all or nothing! Some people may think it's over the top but its just who I am! Fast relationships do nothing for me. Not that I've ever tried them!

You've just got to persevere dear. Sometimes you've got to take a leap of faith when it comes to love. And you may fall back, you may get hurt. I can't guarantee you'll be successful first time. But get back on your feet and I promise you.. you won't regret it when you find the love you're waiting for.
You have no idea how much I can relate to you guys. It feels like I've been in the exact same situation my whole life. I've never felt like I belonged and I don't make friends very easily. It's kind of like I'm inclined to live a life of loneliness. I actually only have one friend. She is the best friend I could ever have imagined at times. But recently within the last few months it feels as if we are becoming very distant and can't really relate to each other like we used to. And since I moved away to college last month it's been even worse. There are about 30,000 people at my college and I had hopes of making new friends, but since I've been here for two months i've never felt lonelier in my whole entire life. Maybe I'm a bit anti-social but the people that I have met and attempted establish a path to friendship have found me rather boring and don't wish too. My school is also a party school. I feel like such a "good girl" because I don't partake in drugs, alcohol, or casual sex. I'm 18 and I've never had a boyfriend either. Most of the times I just cry wondering if I'm going to die a lonely person. I too find myself pondering the purpose of my life. I just want a REAL friend who will love me for who I am. Feel free to keep in touch or pm me anytime.

MJJ_luv1991: I am also in a Swing dance group at my college :)
You have no idea how much I can relate to you guys. It feels like I've been in the exact same situation my whole life. I've never felt like I belonged and I don't make friends very easily. It's kind of like I'm inclined to live a life of loneliness. I actually only have one friend. She is the best friend I could ever have imagined at times. But recently within the last few months it feels as if we are becoming very distant and can't really relate to each other like we used to. And since I moved away to college last month it's been even worse. There are about 30,000 people at my college and I had hopes of making new friends, but since I've been here for two months i've never felt lonelier in my whole entire life. Maybe I'm a bit anti-social but the people that I have met and attempted establish a path to friendship have found me rather boring and don't wish too. My school is also a party school. I feel like such a "good girl" because I don't partake in drugs, alcohol, or casual sex. I'm 18 and I've never had a boyfriend either. Most of the times I just cry wondering if I'm going to die a lonely person. I too find myself pondering the purpose of my life. I just want a REAL friend who will love me for who I am. Feel free to keep in touch or pm me anytime.

MJJ_luv1991: I am also in a Swing dance group at my college :)

Omg! Everyone is like me here haha. Well in relation to going to a Uni/College and feeling isolated. There are 35,000 people at my Uni. And I have very few friends! The only ones I have I've made in the past from meeting them previously or them going to my high school. Oh babe :huggy: Don't lose faith and please don't think you're going to be lonely always! I know what it's like to see only darkness :( I also hope the girl that I love doesn't feel really down because she's never had a boyfriend! I honestly don't know how she hasn't had one she is utterly amazing, gorgeous and just has a beautiful soul. She's also liked me for 7 years and I've only just realised how much I love her.. Makes me sad :(

Listen to 'Someone In The Dark' guys. It always helps me.. I think anyway..

Holy cow.. It's scary how much I relate to everyone here...

I just turned 18 this year and I'm honestly lost. I still feel like a kid but everyone expects me to be a grown up adult.

I also fall in the category of having few friends but I have a lot of acquaintances..
I'm very friendly but I never feel comfortable being in the spotlight. But oddly enough I can talk to people who I dont know really easily and discuss business/work efficiently. LOLS!

I pretty much keep to myself whenever necessary... Yet, I dont feel lonely. I like to spend time by myself once in a while rather than party with people whom I barely know doing crazy things to each other. Yup, I'm a friendy introvert. :lol:

I always loved music especially the classics which was encouraged even more so by my Dad. I can appreciate a good beat but nothing compares to a song with substance and rhythm (One of the many reasons hy I love MJ). My friends dont really mind though. They know it's a hobby of mine...

As for realtionships, I go out with guys but it's always nothing serious. I'm also afraid of being hurt. That's why I dont really want to enter a serious relationship. I dont think I'm ready for that yet.

I'm pretty much a self-proclaimed goody two shoes modeled student/daughter... :lol: That sounds so nerdy but I am. That's why I really looked up to Michael. I can relate to him.

You know, he used to feel lonely too and he also never thought he can fit in with people his own age. But look at him and what he had achieved in his life. He is so inspirational. Anyways, that's my rant about this subject... I'm sorry cause this is really long...:blush:
I have to chime in too! :hiya:

I too, went to a big "party school," and sometimes it felt like I was the only one staying in on a Friday night. I'm not big on parties and I almost never drink unless I'm at a family or social gathering. The feeling of isolation can seem incredibly overwhelming at times. You just need to stick to your guns.
I'm sorry that I didn't answer here, I was away a few days. It's amazing how many people have the same problems as me.


Oh, I love your posts. You sound so sweet. I bet the girl who gets you must be the luckiest girl in the whole world. :D
But thank you, you gave me a lot of hope with your posts.