Writing vs physical harm


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Will poetry help me through this? I was once an english teacher who had never finished my dissertation..my writing skills have fallen behind the times.
ive learned it absolutely helps. the healing and therapeutic nature of my poems i wrote for heath ledger is something no one can ever replace. 'what doesnt kill, makes you stranger.' indeed, heath, indeed. strange is good though. take out a pen and let your words flow
Yes. Writing is very theraputic. I find it helps me a lot.
Thanks for the comment CFD. you didn't carve HAL in your skin did you? Th emore I think about it, the worse this idea sounds. I'll let me fingers do the talking for a little while.
i feel writing is a medcine you kno ? i think it helps ..
please express it on paper . please let emotions flow
we are all here ,were all here :huggy:
I breathe deep for my dear micheal. I weep for his loss. I weep for the music world. I weep for society. Our country is in shambles, but all of that is nonsense. Why do I hear Cap and Trade when I should hear Cry and Mourn? SO sad these folks who have not known the Michael that I know. He touched my life and so could have theirs. Please let these words heal my soul and take away the pain.
Writing is an excellent way of expression, it's how Michael himself probably dealt with a lot of his emotions.
Writing is an excellent way of expression, it's how Michael himself probably dealt with a lot of his emotions.

i totally agree. his words probably helped him though rough times. I can see it's helping already...
on 2nd thought, if MJJ is going through autopsy, he's under the knife, I feel closer to him if I do what I was doing previuosly..
No, don't. Remember, MjMania, Michael is not in that body anymore. He's not feeling pain. You are.
That's not MJ though, not the MJ we know. The real MJ, his spirit has moved on.