Writing 'HIStory' when none MJ related


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I had to write an essay in college a few weeks ago. It was completely unrelated to Michael.

My college tutor went over my essay with me by him pointing out certain things I had done wrong which I needed to improve in a 2nd draft.

One of the things he pointed out was that I had wrote the word history as 'HIStory' without even thinking.

I thought id sound weird explaining the real reason behind it to him, so I simply just said I must have left caps lock on or something.

Anyway, this isnt the first time this has happened ans certainly wont be the last. Anyone else find themselves doing this?

Yes, what an excellent thread idea. While most of my friends are out partying and what not, this is what goes through my head on a Friday night :)
Nice Story :)
Michael is everywhere.

I don't remember having a similar story, but at work, everytime someone says a word, I can always start a MJ song with it in my head... I don't sing it out loud, but it happens to me all the time. And since I work in a musical instrument's shop, we sometimes buy guitars... ''Jackson'' guitars, and when I make the check I always smile cause I have to write ''Jackson''... yeah I'm crazy!

See what I do on Friday evening? Practicing thrilltheworld routine and writting about my job :lmao:
LMAO, that's a funny one! :lol:

I have those things a lot.....he's just in my mind all the time, not always realise it but it pops up often. Like yesterday, I was watching this docu about 9/11 and all I could think is...'OMG...how awful' and then 'hey..Michael was in NY that time too...wow...he only had 8 years left by that time'. :( Or everytime when I see or hear the name Michael I smile....and just about everything....like mentioning KFC or whatever, everything has some sort of relation to Michael.:scratch: