Wow, i just got treated like dirt at this store.

Jan 17, 2004
So this week i bought some new clothing, new jeans, sweater, all that kinda stuff. But i just wasn't too happy with the jeans, so i check the receit and i see it says 'Not happy? you can always return it within 30 days' . So i'm like, hey why not, if i can get a better jeans for this i'll try it.

So i go there, i talk to the lady at the counter and explain everything. She asks me if i don't have the little cards anymore, you know...those things they always have attached to clothing. So i say i have cut them off, i have already worn the jeans, but if it's nessecary i can go back home and get them. She tells me she doesn't know for sure and has to ask someone else about it. She comes back and says it's not possible for them. Then she says "And by the looks of it, the jeans already have been worn". And as i had said before, that's true. Then the lady goes from friendly to total crazy bitch and saying "Sir, what you are doing now is fraud. I should have you leave the store right now, and if you do this again, i will make sure you won't be able to visit this store anymore"

And i am like, and i said , oh this is how you treat all of your customers? Nice, well, i won't be buying anything anymore in this store, crazy bitch. And she walked away while she said , fine sir.

I was gonna leave it at this, but no way. I won't get treated like this and nothing happens. So i went back, i told the whole story to another dude at the store and i asked for a superior there, unfortunetely he wasn't around but he will be tomorrow. The dude said maybe i should talk to the lady agani cause for today she was in charge there....but no way, she treats me like this, screw her. She treated me like i was a criminal..

And what logic is it anyway, how the hell can that ever be considered fraud. And saw those cards were cut off from the jeans, and i already told you right from the start that they had been used, what the hell is wrong with you! So tmorrow i'm gonna ask that dude for a clear explanation about their definition of fraud and of course i will explain about the crazy lady.
I been through crap like this before, one time there was a woman at a clothing store that was so mean, I told her nicely that I wanted a purse that was on the behind the counter shelf and she ignored me. Even when a another costumer told her, she still ignored it, she was never friendly to me and always acted bitter, was so glad when she was no longer there.
I don't think you can return clothes if you've cut off the tags from them and worn them. How many times did you wear them?
I don't think you can return clothes if you've cut off the tags from them and worn them. How many times did you wear them?

One day long basically, but thats not really the point. Because you know...i have no problem with that, i can understand it perfectly well that they don't want used clothing anymore. But since when is it normal to treat customers like this? Like a criminal? To make threats about me having to leave and not being able to go back to the store again...and called it fraud? That's what this is all about. I was 100% honest about everything, i said it was used, about the tags and stuff. And she goes acting all crazy on me. I ain't having that. I won't get treated like this.
Yeah...I don't get the point of threatening you like that. That's unusual. She could have just easily told you that you can't return the clothes and that's the end of it. Seriously is she new in retail? I don't know how it is in the Netherlands, but I'll bet there isn't a day where somebody doesn't try to return used items in the U.S. Trust me, some people have no shame. They'll try to return clothes that smell of smoke or like they've ran a marathon in them. You should make a complaint to somebody who is higher up. I know you said the guy wasn't there but if you are going back you might as well talk to that person.
Some people are just horrible and in patcient and dont want to help anyone! I hope you get an apology when you go back! I dont understand how some people can be so cruel and not care about hurting anyones feelings!
I dont think you can take back clothes to any stores if they've been worn, sometimes you'll get a credit note!
Yep, i'm going back tomorrow. And i'll explain everything to the man. I'll ask their definition of fraud as well, cause what i did had absolutely nothing to do with fraud in any way. And i'll tell them that this is not the way i like to be treated by stores. Plus that many other customers were watching all of this,how do you think that makes me feel? I will tell about all of that, whether it's gonna mean i get something or not, i at least did something, cause this is ridiculous.

It's true that i didn't like the jeans much but it was also because i saw on their site that they had better looking ones, and they were even cheaper than what i had. The thing is..,when i was there this week, i asked a guy there for the lowest prices, i needed new jeans but my budget was very low....but you just can't trust them to really show you a cheaper jeans at all, even if you ask. I should have looked around more myself first.
I had a similar situation late November, my sister bought me a new shirt for my birthday and I already had it, so she told me and asked me to come with her so I could choose the one I wanted. I got the one I wanted and went over to the till and the manager came over and said to me and my sister that it had been worn and brought back even though it still had the tags on it ! and then she added "nice try but it ain't gonna happen" I was furious and stormed out of the shop swearing. I went to tell my mum and my mum was 10 times angeryer than me and rang the store and spoke to her and she was really nice to my mum and said we could have a refund !!
Is there another store close by? Maybe try them there. Also, it is usually a store policy everywhere you can't return a product that has been worn. I worked at a SAKS and some guy returned jeans and well, let's just say he didn't wear underwear. So stores lose money because we couldn't wash them then sell them. It was money lost. Also, I think you will have a big problem tomorrow since you called her a crazy bitch. That is verbal harrasment. Kill them with kindness not cursing at them. Good luck. If it doesn't work, maybe try a resale shop and get a couple dollars there.
Is there another store close by? Maybe try them there. Also, it is usually a store policy everywhere you can't return a product that has been worn. I worked at a SAKS and some guy returned jeans and well, let's just say he didn't wear underwear. So stores lose money because we couldn't wash them then sell them. It was money lost. Also, I think you will have a big problem tomorrow since you called her a crazy bitch. That is verbal harrasment. Kill them with kindness not cursing at them. Good luck. If it doesn't work, maybe try a resale shop and get a couple dollars there.

It's not really bitch what i dutch it's 'gek wijf' and thats not really bitch :). Thing is...she accused me of fraud, and threatened my book it's muuuuuuuuch worse than me calling her a crazy woman/bitch. And it's really not about their policy, even though they should make it more clear. The woman should have simply said that these were the rules and its not gonna happen. No problems...but she went all out on man.

This reminds me of a few years ago...i went to this other clothing store and i checked for some jogging pants and stuff. I didn't buy any and i was about to leave the store, when this dude grabs my arm and says 'no young man, let's return to the store, shall we' . So back at the store, the idiot claimed i had stolen a joggingpant of theirs and i was wearing it underneath my normal joggingpant. When i showed the loser that the pants didn't even were from his store he said 'ok, well, from me you get the benefit of the doubt' .

I told the guy...dude are you stupid? You see that i haven't stolen a thing, benefit of the doubt? You should be apolagising to me for this behaviour. And now i regret that i didn't file a complaint about the guy. So in this case now, i am gonna file a complaint.
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I work for Kmart and if any of our associates did that, their ass would be on the unemployment line
I get what you are saying. You told her up front about everything and she accuses of something not to be true. It's the principle of the fact. She tried to make you feel less than and tried to play a power role.

Now had you not mentioned anything about the jeans being worn before and then she said something that's different but not even then are the sales people supposed to accuse people.

Awww..yeah people got issues. I say..just let it go but she does owens you and apology and you might want to shop there. so it's now fair. Maybe she was having a rough day. (no excuse though).
I didn't had the time for it today, but i still think it's worth it to go there on Monday. The guy will be there as well, i just want to this off my chest. I wish to never ever be treated like that again.
I work in retail and our return policy is like this:

60 days to return and get your full form of payment back. After 60 up to 180 days you can get merchandise credit. The clothing can be worn or washed, and you can cut the tags off and still return it. The store ALWAYS has ways of finding the sku and putting their own tags back on! And if it's not specified that the clothing can't be worn on the receipt, or somewhere within sight of the customer at the cash wrap then they HAVE to return it for you. Sometimes it IS irritating when you know someone bought something to wear once and intended to bring it back, but you always have to return it for them no matter what.

Keep in mind I work in childrens clothing right now. But I have worked in retail for 6 years and everyone has different 'rules' for their returns. But that girl can TOTALLLLY get in some deep shit. She is falsely accusing you of something. You should most definetly call some higher ups and get her in trouble! If I EVER said something like tha I would be possibly losing my position!!
How did it go and which store was it? Mostly shops don't take clothes back if you did worn them and cut of the tags but how you got treated is really out of line.