Would you visit Michael's burial place if it was opened somehow to the public?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2009
I had heard about the family letting fans in there, but idk what that was about...

Would you want to go there?

I would want to be there in a heartbeat even though it'd be hard. But my distance from America would probably mean I wouldn't be there so quickly, sigh.

p.s sorry if there is already a discussion on this somewhere.
I dont know. I'd have to have people with me when I go. I want to pay my respects one day but it'd be much too hard to do it on my own.
I would visit. I'd go alone and tell him few things and pay my respect to him. I hope some day I'll be able to it :(
yes. id go now with the way its set up. i dont know if i could handle actually seeing it
No I wouldn't. I prefer to remember him alive...
I would go in and see it but I don't think they'll let anyone in because haters will steal things and vandalise everything + forest lawn people will never allow it (unless they get paid for it)!!!!!!!
Yes i would.If i could go,i would like to be there alone so i could pray,talk to him,thank him for everything he always did for me,and cry.
Cry like a baby,because i need to find a way to do so very much.
What other place could i choose than being next to one of the persons i love the most in this world?..
If there were proper security measures in place to ensure no one vandalized his resting place, I might visit.
I don't know though...it's just his physical body laying there. It's not really "him" anymore. Then again, it would definitely be a little bit of closure, and I would love to have the chance to meet other fans there. :(

I just don't know.
Yes. I'm planning to go next month to see as much as we are allowed to see.
I dont know.. it would be too hard I think :cry:

I would rather visit Michael in heaven :cry: