would you pay for convenience?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
if you have to walk a mile to pay less money, would you?
or would you pay a percentage more, just to walk across the street to buy a product?

or, do you consider the higher price, inconvenient, no matter what?

i would pay more to cross the street, as long as i knew i wasn't being gauged.
I'm walking the mile. I'd rather get my exercise and a good deal all in one. LOL :lol:
Depends on how less and how more it would cost. If it's related to the MJ concert then I'm happy to pay more for convenience. But also happy to pay less if I had another fan to keep me company during the long walk to pay less.
Well again if this is related to the MJ concert i'd say that i'd rather be somewhere convenient and safe, where i know that i'll be able to get back after the concert without any problems or worries about transport etc. However, i do like a bargain and hate paying through the nose for something if there's any way around it (at all).

EDIT: Just realised i sound like a shoplifter...am not at all like that lol!
Depends on how less and how more it would cost. If it's related to the MJ concert then I'm happy to pay more for convenience. But also happy to pay less if I had another fan to keep me company during the long walk to pay less.

Well again if this is related to the MJ concert i'd say that i'd rather be somewhere convenient and safe, where i know that i'll be able to get back after the concert without any problems or worries about transport etc. However, i do like a bargain and hate paying through the nose for something if there's any way around it (at all).

EDIT: Just realised i sound like a shoplifter...am not at all like that lol!

yeah. it does depend on the situation. doesn't souind like shoplifting. lol :)