would you like to see a FREEE Mariah Carey concert?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
if you are living in or are near, or would like a reason to go to hollywood california on july 31, that's when she is performing a free concert on the corner of hollywood blvd. and highland. tune in frequently to..


and click on listen live, for time and details.
Unfortunately, I can't go but I would have been interested. Thanks for letting us know :) Will you be going?
You couldnt pay me to see that kettle boil!
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Unfortunately, I can't go but I would have been interested. Thanks for letting us know :) Will you be going?

no prob.

i love her video 'love takes time', but i'm not ready to see her in concert. but hey..if the inertia hits in time, i might be there.
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you guys are craaaaazy! lol! Free concerts= danger!!!! Lots of people and pushing and shoving! Well, if anyone goes, let us know how it went!
erm... I'd have more fun doing myself an homemade tattoo by scrapping a black or blue or even red (or infact all of them colours) into my arm using a Bic Pen from Partners or any other retail stationery shops lol :)

Look at me giving all the limelight to Partners stationery shops! lol
If live there of course I would go - it's free! :D
I would go see my neighbour singing if it was free.
i waannnanananna gooooooooo toooooooo!!!!!

*grabs your hand*

nice thread hun *huggs*
I would never go to her concert, free or not.

I mean i do like some songs but ugh she bores me. lol.
Totally. I'm glad to see her get some acknowledgement. For anyone wanting to see how amazing she is, there's three live concerts which really shows off her chops. I've never seen a better live singer then her. "Fantasy", "Maria Carey" and "Mariah Carey In Japan" are three great shows everyone who doubts her abilities should check out.
Great singer, but overall not that great of a performer. I'll continue to buy her music, but I would never pay to see her live, but for free? Sure, why not. I'd definitely go, but she's not playing in my area so well. Maybe next time.
great ideai vinceybabe!!!! :lol:jumps too !!! twirls, trips up over dress (of course).
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
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