Would you like to have Michael as your father?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
From what I heard and of course Paris, Michael was a GREAT father. I would love to have him as a father. Of course, I'm not discrediting my dad haha.

Would you?
Without a doubt, he was a wonderful father. Michael is the ideal father. However, I think I'd rather have him as a father or father figure to my own children. I would also love to have him as a friend. I'd be a very true friend to him.
I could take this in another direction.
I better refrain LOL, but my imagination is running wild.
Michael was a wonderful father, there is no doubt about it BUT I'd rather Michael to be my friend or my husband (LOL a girl can dream)
Michael is a great father. but I'd rather Michael to be my husband..(dreaming...
No, thats not the way I see him. To me, Michael has always been, and will always be, the big brother I've always wanted. The one that understands, that guides u, that kicks ur butt, that comforts you. But not a dad. I've always felt closer to Michael than to my dad.
If Michael was my father, my life would be much easier as I would have such an understanding, caring and emotionally supportive father in my life but...

I look at him as my love, my baby. :wub:
I would love to have Michael as father of my children, my husband, my friend, my lover and love of my life :girl_love:
I could take this in another direction.
I better refrain LOL, but my imagination is running wild.

HAHAHA :rofl:

(I'm surprised that no one has quoted this yet?!)

I love my own Father wayyyy too much to answer this! But I have always wanted a friend like Michael. :yes:
No. :)

Michael was a wonderful person, a wonderful dad for sure but I'd much rather have had him as my friend. :)
No, because I am fortunate to have the wonderful and loving dad that happens to be my father. :wub:
I'd want him to be my dad the next time around as well.

Besides, :bugeyed, that would be really, really weird. Michael can be about anything to me, but please not sibling or parent.
That thought just creeps me out, really. :D :doh:
I'd much rather bring some excitement and passion into his life, trying to tickle him into flows of inspiration for his art.
I would rather have had him as a friend than to be my father. But to have had a father like Michael, rather than the deadbeat one I was given who ran away from his responsibilities, would have been nice.
I could take this in another direction.
I better refrain LOL, but my imagination is running wild.


Yes of course a real loving and sweet father he was I can imagine the time spending with my father Michael Jackson

just chilling with him having him meet my boyfriend going shopping with him free concerts with my girls :rolleyes: at the females wanting my dad poping bottles and clubing with my dad MJ trips around the world holla!!lol
Yes, but I will say my own father is neither the best nor the worst father ever. I'm happy with what I got and I wouldn't change that. I love my dad very much. But having Michael be my father would probably be the best thing in the world. He's actually the same age as my dad too. You can see how much he loved his children and he raised them so well. I can imagine having him as a dad would be really wonderful. Everyone would probably benefit/have a great upbringing, if their dad was like Michael.

I see him as a father/older brother/friend/romantic interest, yet at the same time, none of those things. It's hard to explain what he is to me.
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It could be wonderful to have him as my father than the one I have now.
I'm closer to Michael than my dad... but...
I pretend to have him as my lover.. :wub:
He is the man of my life..
I Love you Michael. I will always do. You mean everything to me. You are the sweetest man ever on this earth.. I Love you.. I truly do.. It's real..I mean it.. Michael just understand it!!!! :cry: I love you... :weeping:
I could kill myself to be with you..