Would you like to be famous and wealthy like Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'd say I wouldn't like to be THAT famous because it gets sometimes very negative. Of course there are many positive aspects being famous like you mostly have a job all the time.

I think being admired is another issue. Everyone wants to be admired I think. I think Michael also loves being admired but you have to be humble that you won't get too proud of yourself and impolite to others.
Probably No to both! there are to many negaitv thigngs when you are Famous like this....
Well I thought I wanted to be Famous due to my talent and I said maybe but not that famous because I would like to be behind the scenes like a Recording Engineer, a Composer or a Studio Musician.
I could get to meet othe musician and singers like me from the past to the present and Maybe some people in The Entertainment business but Not so famous so certain Media people would make my nerve and get into my business which is none of their business to begin with.
If I was Married to a Famous person,I don't want to be in the public eye so much but to be seen with my husband to let people know that I'm married to the Famous person.
I would be soully devoted to him and Not like these Golddiggers out here with schemes to further or make a career or scam him for money.
I know about The Vulture Photographers and Scandal seekers but I wouldn't give them reason to Scandalize my name to make money off of me.What's to tell anyway ?
Ok ,I love Bowling,Watching The CBS Soap Oprea The Young and The Restless , The Discovery Channel's Mythbusters and The Food Channel's Rachel Ray and Paula Deen,SO WHAT ?

As far as Me being Wealthy.Well,It would a Blessing and a Curse,(1) To Me ,I would be able to continue to pay my Bills,Travel to places I either traveled before or never been to in my customed made Bus,Buy some decent fitting clothes,Go to any restaurant I want no matter where it is. Buy a Couple of Homes without Mortagaging them but keeping up with the Property taxes and Water Bills and Ofcourse The Electricity Bills( I got to have my central Air for the Winter and Summer) 2 of My Houses will have enough room for my family and a Recording Studio and Videogame Play room with a Pool Table.
(2) If Many people knew I was Wealthy,People would comeout of the woodworks and try to Scam me by saying that they are my Long Lost Friend, Cousin or Uncle ,Sister,Brother,ect...Churches that either you are or you are not afilliated with coming at you left and right with stories that are not founded to be true. Someone will try to rob you ,People coming at you with schemes to get your money.You really have to be on your guard.
I haven't gotten to both points yet so If God puts me in that position,I'll have to learn how to handle it the best way I can. at least I would like to be mildly famous and mildly Wealthy just to make ends meet.but it's not like I never thought about it though. Good Question.
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I'd say no but i would kill to have just 1% of his talent
NO !!! ...

but i would love to see how it is to be michael jackson for 24 hours.
give me enough money and I will deal with the negative aspects ... i have a good sense of humor, I would give the rags and paps a run for they money :lol: the shit I would pull jusssssssss to get a kick out of it :trytobeangel
money not the fame

I wouldn't want the money either... with the leaches who unescapably come with it, and never knowing who your real friends are... no thanks.:mello:

And I'd suck at being famous. I hate journalists too much, the ones hanging around wherever Michael is already get on my nerves big time.
Honestly I would like to be that famous, I know it has its downside but I can handle that and If any thing bad happened like a 'trial' as long as I know the truth and the truth is out there, I would be ok. I have always liked the idea of being rich and famous LOL!
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