Would you keep the things bought from aeg if they or individiauls in aeg played a part in his death?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Aeg and sony to some degree are packing in the money on the back of michael's death.That is evident.Sony done bad things but they weren't involved in any of this venture really so leaving them aside for now ..

but aeg,they have been them from the very start and maybe before michael even knew about it. hmm.what other roles did they play??

Even if they didn't play any part in this, they still lost money and trying to get it back in methods that have been known, licked ticket or money, gettin onvolved in the jackson estate? and many indidual comments and body langauge of randy phillips plus the insurance policy, the doctor involved , the contracts and most importantly of all...the 50 shows happening..whatever happened, aeg wanted 50 shows...hmmm

so now they come to the merchandise side of things and i don't know who has bought anything on here, but would you not buy someting maybe, until they are cleared/guilty...

or have you already bought something out of respect for michael and the show?

But if they are involved in deeper things, how would you view the merchandise you bought? keep or burn?
AEG definitely played no part in his death. I don't buy into that theory at all.

They would have made millions regardless. The merch still would have made an insane amount even if MJ was alive. They probably would have made MORE on merch, even. Thousands of people would have been purchasing at the venue for each show, whereas now lots of people won't be buying anything at all through the website. They would have kept the money they made on selling out the shows (I DO believe MJ would have done all the shows.. 50 shows over a span of FIVE months -3 shows a week- not such a hectic schedule like people were making it sound). Plus all the money they would have made off of the concert DVD... which they're still going to make now with the rehearsals. They're really only trying to compensate for the millions they lost, and honestly, you can't blame them. At the end of the day they're a business, they've got jobs they need to keep, families they need to feed, and they need to do what they can to keep the ball rolling. What happened is sad from a personal perspective, but from a business perspective, it's all about making up for lost profit. They have no choice. However I do genuinely believe that they still would have been making millions had he still been alive.
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I wouldn't buy anything because I believe that are fabricating the truth to some degree.

But with the release of the rehersals which is sony's film which was (convenitially, recorded in hd and all the works) filmed by AEG..(nother money grabbing moment),

would anyone NOT watch it? Even if you burned all the stuff you bought from aeg, burned the tickets...you would have to watch the rehersals because it is OF michael..so aeg being guilty doesn't come into it...but everything else they sell connected to michael and probably approved by him., that get's a different view...but weird huh, that but i see why...

I'd hate AEG but i guess i would also be glad they recorded him? , even if they did it for other reasons? hmmm
thats the reason i havent bought anything "new" yet just the thought of it eww while im fairly certain they had nothing to do with it I dont wana be siting here in a few weeks going OUT dam spot like macbeth
Sure making money is one thing, i said i understand that bit..but THE WAYS they have been trying to scrambble up the loses..the estate?? the insurance policy? some things really are fishy for a company like this in the wake of a death, regardless of how much they lost..i mean 30 mill isn't it...they aren't exactly bankrupt

I personally don't agree on the idea of Michae wanting tol do 50 shows..When i heard the announcment of 50 shows, regardless of the spacing of shows, I didn't want to pay my friend for my ticket.I thought it was that big a deal.He was 50 remember.

If you look back on all the concerts and tours Michael has been fully in control off, they are done when Michael is fully ready...sound body and mind to step his feet into the water so to speak..

He is maticulous in his planning and preparation and that is very unique and on a whole other level..That is why he toured around every 4 years or so..He was a perfectionist in a very different way and someone who needed that time of around 4 years to heal and prepare for the next time because his 2 hours plus on stage is intense, his day to day life in that mode of touring is intense, sleeping patterns are intense...alot of things change when he goes on tour..so he has to prepare..

And also after the victory tour, if there was a tour..michael would take it ALL OVER THE WORLD...again adding to the strain and toughness of touring but at the same time, a necessity for michael was to go all over the world and see everyone...

So then we have a good gap of rest, especially extra needed after the trial,even with all that rest, Michael did want to tour once more yes..but obviously on his terms and to conserve his energy for one last tour, all over the world..10 maybe and then take in round the world at his pace..He was 50 and had to adapt to that like any great artist.He knew he had more limitations and wouldn't put his career on the line for 5o shows under the scrutiny of youtube, media and camera phones etc..50 shows of mostly michael(because he would have it no other way, none of this rubbish about michael perfroming only a bit in each show), staying in one city, at his age and that in relation to how he performs...50, seems bit convenient that number..aeg thought 'oo he is 50 lets do 50 shows that will look alright.'
I never imagined michael doing a residency inone place for that amount of time..it's not him..not deep down.

And having him on a contract to take it round world in 5 years?? or whatever it was, noooo....would have been a 2 years thing max going all round world..maybe once or twice some places...one last time...I believe the story of michael sayin ' i thought i was doing 10 , wake up and it's 50

this is going off the point i know lol
I personally don't agree on the idea of Michae wanting tol do 50 shows..When i heard the announcment of 50 shows, regardless of the spacing of shows, I didn't want to pay my friend for my ticket.I thought it was that big a deal.He was 50 remember.

If Mick Jagger can prance around like a chicken on world tours, I would have thought Michael could pull off what he does best. Three shows a week WITHOUT travel is no different than getting into a gym and doing a cardio workout. Sorry, it is NOT as intense and killer as people made it sound. To accommodate a 50 yr old, the circumstances of the shows truly weren't that bad. I think once Michael got back into the groove of things, he was actually really looking forward to being up there again with the fans. That euphoric feeling of being onstage never goes away.

Anyway, I'm not here to debate the 50 show issue, I gave my opinion, and that's that.
if they played like a HUGE part in his death, I would never keep anything from them. It's like... as if I kept a knife in blood from a murderer of a person I loved.
That is just my crazy point of view :D
Yea but vax , you can't compare michael's stage show to mick jaggers lol..michael's intensity never drops when he performs and he has always done it , every major tour above 10 levels higher than james brown in his prime..that is toughhh...maybe he did feel he couldn't do all the travelling and he could have better sleeping in one city, but i just feel 50 was never in the cards for him.10 and then have a rest...then go somewhere else when he was ready, it would of been on his terms...he wasn't desperate for money as it has been confirmed he wasn't bankrupt..he wanted to work again, but surely his way? When it came to buisness and his legcay i always felt he was in firm control, things in his head took over and he became so selfish and focused in a good way for his legacy and what he built...just seems like 50 would have created problems for that legacy as it was so different to the way he usually performs...it would have been a different way of performing and a new method after a 9 year gap?? Why not stick to tried and tested method he knows, spacing it out a bit more..just seemed really odd for a michael jackson tour
Yea but vax , you can't compare michael's stage show to mick jaggers lol..michael's intensity never drops when he performs and he has always done it , every major tour above 10 levels higher than james brown in his prime..that is toughhh...maybe he did feel he couldn't do all the travelling and he could have better sleeping in one city, but i just feel 50 was never in the cards for him.10 and then have a rest...then go somewhere else when he was ready, it would of been on his terms...he wasn't desperate for money as it has been confirmed he wasn't bankrupt..he wanted to work again, but surely his way? When it came to buisness and his legcay i always felt he was in firm control, things in his head took over and he became so selfish and focused in a good way for his legacy and what he built...just seems like 50 would have created problems for that legacy as it was so different to the way he usually performs...it would have been a different way of performing and a new method after a 9 year gap?? Why not stick to tried and tested method he knows, spacing it out a bit more..just seemed really odd for a michael jackson tour

I know you can't quite compare the physicality of a Stones vs a Michael Jackson show. But Mick's got a lot of years on Mike, so take that into consideration. He still moves quite a bit in his shows, plus deals with constant jet lag, etc. And alright, I'll bring someone else into the equation that puts just as much physical work into her shows as MJ - Madonna. It's important to also keep in mind that Michael would have had 3 months break in between those shows, so it would not have been constant either. Whatever the case may have been, no point talking about it, nothing can be done now sadly, and we'll never know the whole truth.
I just don't believe he in himself thought he could do 50..Mick and madonna both know what they can and can't go through, so does michael jackson..everyone believed he could do 50 because he showed no signs of anything at rehersals..which is how michael would have always been...fully commited at work...but there is always moving in his shows unlike mick jagger and madonna who have songs standing still i believe, his shows are on another level and i don't think he ever envisaged 50 shows as a comeback,maybe he got braiwashed into believeing he could or got consumed by ideas..but deep down 50 shows, naa..not even with the breaks in the weeks and months throughout..he wasn't in fittest form simply because he was older and rusty to a degree..if he wasn't and i heard 50 shows, i would think yep sounds gd...i don't think he ever envisaged doing 50 ..but it pointles talking bout it in here...aeg are dodgy though
Yes. Because at the end of the day me keeping things or not keeping them isn't gonna bring Michael back.
I don't understand why AEG are being blamed for anything. I don't think Michael would have allowed himself to be pushed into anything. 50 concerts over a 9 month period was well within his ability I am sure.

It is becoming pretty obvious that he died from drugs, not any physical problem. Murrey was Michael's doctor long before he got with AEG. He invited this man into his home, and obviously trusted him. AEG have lost hundreds of millions, as Michael could have gone on to do concerts in other countries. We can't look for scapegoats here, and we should credit Michael with having a mind of his own.
Yes. Because at the end of the day me keeping things or not keeping them isn't gonna bring Michael back.
Good answer. Plus, it's OUR money that would go to waste if we "burned" our things.
I don't understand why AEG are being blamed for anything. I don't think Michael would have allowed himself to be pushed into anything. 50 concerts over a 9 month period was well within his ability I am sure.

It is becoming pretty obvious that he died from drugs, not any physical problem. Murrey was Michael's doctor long before he got with AEG. He invited this man into his home, and obviously trusted him. AEG have lost hundreds of millions, as Michael could have gone on to do concerts in other countries. We can't look for scapegoats here, and we should credit Michael with having a mind of his own.

Love this post.
Exactly. You can burn your tshirts and tickets and whatever else, but AEG will still have your money and you'd be left with nothing. I say keep those things, not because they remind you of AEG IF it's discovered they had something to do with his death (which I doubt) but because they remind you of Michael. It's not about the things, it's about the music and YOUR feelings and good memories about MJ. That's just how I feel about it. I ordered some things... I'll wait till they come,wear my tshirt and be happy because everyone I encounter while I wear it will have a little MJ to brighten up their day.
aeg and specificalyy randy phillips knew something, i am ssure of it..long discusions in meetings with mike..why do that insurace policy? why have back up plans like they seem to have...just seems bit too neat for me..i know they are a buisness but i think they were aware of potential what if's, maybe they didn't instigate the 50 shows intentioanlly to use and get to michael..but they knew he might of been not in right frame to do 50..something does not add up in their relationship and how it is panning out...