Would You Date This Guy?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a movie called Bedtime Stories, there was a guy named Mickey who screamed loudly in his sleep, was a grown man who could not read he tells girls he loves them when he first meets them like a psycho, he acts like a 5 year old,he makes sick jokes about eating gerbils, he loves ketchup on his face, and he also dips fries in the same ketchup that was on his face, like a nasty ass. But, he's also extremely nice, innocent, and childlike... So, would you date Mickey?
Well, actually Mickey didn't actually joke that he eats gerbils. He jokingly suggested that he and Skeeter, the main character could make bacon out of the now humongous gerbil.

I could date a guy like Mickey, I would just invest in ear plugs when we are in bed together, get him Hooked On Phonics to help him with his illiteracy, and ask him not to eat ketchup that was on his face in front of me. LOL. :D
id have time for him,try to understand the reasons,...would think twice about dating if i saw potentional danger hidden in his actions.
if you're trying to say everybody is into facts, and reason, and critical thinking, until they fall in love, and, then, in that case, they aren't into facts, and reason, and critical thinking, and then, after they fall in love, they try to change the person into a clone of themselves..lol..you're right. lol
One thing I don't understand is that Mickey is a waiter at a restaurant, but he cannot read. Um....Weird? :blink:....
I would definitely not date a guy like that...but there is a chance we could become friends :D
Oh, I forgot to add, Mickey is very handsome looking. He's FINE!:wild:
Oh, I forgot to add, Mickey is very handsome looking. He's FINE!:wild:

Well then, thaaat changes everything, kinda like love, ya know? lol Sure thang, i would date the guy. At least the ketchup would be on a goodlookin' face, right? :lol: I'll even lend him some if he like it so darn much; i got myself always a bottle ready in the fridge back at work, for fries and pizza. He sounds like my kinda guy :punk: 2bad i'm taken though. Oh well.... i guess i'll see him next lifetime, kinda like Tyrone, ya know? Oh wait, i don't believe in those :p next lifetimes i mean.

Why u askin' btw? Do you know such a guy in real life? Are you planning on datin' him? Sorry if i'm being nosey, but i tend to stuck my nose in all the wrong places nowadays lol.

J/K every1, juuuust kiddin'