Would opening Neverland to the public be ethical?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm currently writing my dissertation for my university course. I am exploring whether it would be ethical to open up Michael Jackson's Neverland to the public. How would you - the fans - feel about it opening? Would you visit? How far would you travel to get to it? What would your expectations be (in terms of interpretation)? How much would you pay to enter? How would you feel about it being used as a tourist attraction?

Any feedback would be appreciated and will help me with my research.

This is for my university course and any information you provide will be strictly confidential.

"I will never, ever sell Neverland. Neverland is me, it represents the totality of who I am. It really does. I love Neverland - Michael Jackson

There is a fan group and a petition dedicated to getting Neverland reopened, my own opinion is that it should be restored to it's former glory with the Zoo, amusement park, cinema everything reopened and the house could be turned into an MJ museum . I think they could run it like graceland with an entrance fee for the general public, the money from this would pay for the running and up keep of the grounds. I also think that there should be free entry for underpriveledges kids and everything including food and transport to the ranch should also be freefor them just like Michael had it.

Here is a link to another forum discussing Neverland.

i believe it should be reopened and used by charities. so kids can get the escapism they got when mj opened it. that be the biggest way to honour mj. then open it to the gen public on selected days in order to raise funds to run it. i dont like the idea of non fans going just to be nosey.but u can hardly select ppl and work out whos a fan and who isnt so its swings and round abouts. i dont believe it should be sold off cause thats what the haters want. they drove him out of his home destroyed the place then killed him. they won totally so reopening the place will give us some slight victory no matter how pointless it is now
Of course i would love to see Neverland, and i know it would be amazing if it were opened to the public, especially it it could be for charity.
BUT in my mind i always think, he said he loved Neverland, its who he is! Why should anyone be aloud to open it for everyone to see? Who has the right to do that? Would he want it? Cant something just be left his and not be exploited?
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I heard alot of people say that after the trial he wanted nothing to do with that place. Is that true if so then no it shouldn't be reopened. I think it would just be another way for people to make money off of his death.
Would opening Neverland to the public be ethical? I'm not sure how to answer that.

But I can tell you that if it was opened to the public I would very much like to go there. So I would support it being opened to the public. The idea of paying to go there bothers me somewhat and I would rather it be free, as Michael would not want to charge people to enter, those he knew were loving towards him of course. But if Neverland was like Elusive said used to let charities go there and then opened to the public to raise money for things like that then I wouldn't have a problem paying to go there. I think it would be a beautiful tribute to Michael in a way to continue Neverland in a way that he did when he was there and loved being there .. letting the under-privileged and sick children and charities there. Why couldn't we continue that :)
If Neverland opened to the public/to fans I would very much like to be there even though I am from overseas (Australia) it would certainly be a reason for me to travel over that side of the world amongst others of course. I don't know but I'd just like to go there to feel close to Michael and to be in a place where you can find some peace from the world just like he did.

But at the same time I don't know what happened out there after Michael left, well it changed of course, so in a way it would have to be rebuilt so it's not exactly like you are reopening the original you are creating a replica which is a bit of a disappointment but there's not much that can be done about that. Still, if it was done right, I think something beautiful could be achieved fitting to who Michael was and the Neverland he once loved. Instead of turning away from what happened I wish we could recreate and open it so as to turn back the clock to when things were good and in a way for society to say sorry to Michael..... *am I dreaming too much.. sigh?*
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I'm currently writing my dissertation for my university course. I am exploring whether it would be ethical to open up Michael Jackson's Neverland to the public. How would you - the fans - feel about it opening? Would you visit? How far would you travel to get to it? What would your expectations be (in terms of interpretation)? How much would you pay to enter? How would you feel about it being used as a tourist attraction?

Any feedback would be appreciated and will help me with my research.

This is for my university course and any information you provide will be strictly confidential.


"Society turned Mr.Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch that was once a very innocent, beautiful, Godlike HOME and turned it into a house that is very ugly & dirty..!"

Therefore, to answer your inquiries..."Never, Absolutly Not..!"

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
I heard
alot of people say that after the trial he wanted nothing to do with that place.
Is that true if so then no it shouldn't be reopened. I think it would just be another way for people to make money off of his death

:punk: You hit THAT ("fact")...nail right on the head..!

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Neverland doesn't exist anymore.

Michael moved all his stuff away... all he even could. Sycamore Valley Ranch went obviously down. I am not that interested in a piece of land Colony Capital renovated for all financial reasons only.

It's Sycamore Valley Ranch.

As long as ownership is not open to the public I'd certainly not visit it for whatever would be the price.

I personally wouldn't give a single cent to colony capital who brought in Thome Thome and made Michael say yes into the AEG negotiations. As a long time fan to me that looks very much the time when things started to go very wrong.
Then again I don't believe officials in the valley will ever open that ranch to the general public. The whole valley would suffer by the stampede of tourists.

If it will be opened to the public it's only to call ethical if the money would completely go to charities.
Sorry but even Michaels estate has enough money so will the children have.
The money making with Michael death is to a ridiculous over the top to me.

Well there I said it, my personal opinion... and good luck with your dissertation there!

Michael didn't move his stuff away, it was taken to LA by julien auctions because Michael needed to auction it but then he decided against it and called it off. Neverland was Michaels dream and i know some people say this dream was ruined by extortionists but why should we let that be, why shouldn't we make his dream a reality and prove to the world there was nothing sinister about the place, make the name Neverland and Michael Jackson become synonymous with helping underprivileged children around the world. These people who say they don't want anybody making money off Michaels death don't understand how the world works. If everybody accepts it is wrong to sell anything Michael now and we hate everybody who makes money off Michaels legacy then there will be no legacy, the world remembers Elvis in 2010 not because of his song lasting the test of time or his hip shaking but because of a brilliant record company marketing team who promote Elvis to the young generations.
I respectfully but very strongly disagree.

Michael renamed the place. He decided his stuff to be moved, he just wanted it into storage... everwhere better but the ranch. Why paying that much storage if he could have left it there? *shrugs* He did let the ranch go down while he was still alive. (Read Tom Barracks genius stories in fortune and WSJ of how he saw how the ranch looked when he saw it.)
That's not how one treats something what one still loves.

The money making will go on, I'm sure, yes it always does.
Whoever wants to take part will be able to take part.

To me Michaels legacy is not about it. It's much bigger than that. It will shine whatever ppl decide to do from now.
Michaels legacy was build by Michael.. that at least noone will be able to touch anymore... it's in art and it's in music and it's in his love living on.

Sycamore Valley Ranch is not needed for it.

I was at the auction exhibition in LA and i met the guy who was in charge of the whole operation he was also the person who spent weeks living in neverland while moving everything out for the auction so he did not just want everything put into storage, he was auctioning it because he needed to and then he decided he didn't want to get rid of it and called of the auction.
The word IRONY is what comes to my mind when it comes to this subject. Ironic because Michael was at his happiest when he lived at Neverland but also his saddest because the place he once called home was tainted by accusations and lies by those filled with greed. I'm 50/50 to this idea but if it is reopened, I hope that its profits will go towards charities and will be used to help those who are in need.
You mean they shut Holland? why wasn't I informed!
^^ :hysterical:

In the end I believe Prince, Paris and Blanket should have the final word, but because of their ages it will be years before they could make that official decision.
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You mean they shut Holland? why wasn't I informed!

He he what a silly billy i am! Thats what happens when i type and watch Michael at the same time! lol I always have to make sure i concentrate when i type or i write scouse. I always say ''Netherland'' in stead of ''Neverland'' hehe :D
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On November 11, 2008, Michael Jackson transferred the title of his Neverland Ranch to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC, a joint venture between Jackson (represented by attorney, L. Londell McMillan) and an affiliate of Colony Capital.[1][2][3][4] It is unclear if Jackson still owns the property.[5] The Santa Barbara County Assessor's Office stated Jackson sold the property for US$35 million

Neverland is not owned by MJ estate any longer its name has been changed its now called the SYCAMORE VALLEY RANCH.. Everything Neverland was removed from it in 2005.. This is a fact cause I contacted the people who own it now about investment...
On November 11, 2008, Michael Jackson transferred the title of his Neverland Ranch to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company LLC, a joint venture between Jackson (represented by attorney, L. Londell McMillan) and an affiliate of Colony Capital.[1][2][3][4] It is unclear if Jackson still owns the property.[5] The Santa Barbara County Assessor's Office stated Jackson sold the property for US$35 million

Neverland is not owned by MJ estate any longer its name has been changed its now called the SYCAMORE VALLEY RANCH.. Everything Neverland was removed from it in 2005.. This is a fact cause I contacted the people who own it now about investment...

As you have posted it is unsure if he still owns part of it but even if Thomas Barrack of colony capital owns it all he was a friend of Michael and from what i can see is very interested in opening it to the public.
I'm currently writing my dissertation for my university course. I am exploring whether it would be ethical to open up Michael Jackson's Neverland to the public. How would you - the fans - feel about it opening? Would you visit? How far would you travel to get to it? What would your expectations be (in terms of interpretation)? How much would you pay to enter? How would you feel about it being used as a tourist attraction?

Any feedback would be appreciated and will help me with my research.

May I ask you something, David? What is your dissertation about? What do you study? Major/graduate/undergraduate/school...? What is your focus? Michael Jackson? Fans? Music? Property? Law? Wild fans? Sociology? Human behaviour explained? New business opportunities? How would you use our answers?

I ask you this in honesty. Though you say opinions will be kept safe and private, as a University/colleage student, you must know this is not the right way to do a research or a poll. You can't quote "PCR" on your dissertation (that's my user name, just to mention one). You can't collect "data". I mean, you can do it, but a serious tutor/teacher/researcher would never take this as valid data/info. Your questions are too open and to be honest, they are also leading questions, since you only want to know if we are willing to pay for getting into Neverland and how much.

So... really... what is the idea of this? Read your notes. This is not the right way to do any serious research.
as of now its way too soon. it should be left to the family to make that decision they kno how he really felt. let ppb make that decision in due time
May I ask you something, David? What is your dissertation about? What do you study? Major/graduate/undergraduate/school...? What is your focus? Michael Jackson? Fans? Music? Property? Law? Wild fans? Sociology? Human behaviour explained? New business opportunities? How would you use our answers?

I ask you this in honesty. Though you say opinions will be kept safe and private, as a University/colleage student, you must know this is not the right way to do a research or a poll. You can't quote "PCR" on your dissertation (that's my user name, just to mention one). You can't collect "data". I mean, you can do it, but a serious tutor/teacher/researcher would never take this as valid data/info. Your questions are too open and to be honest, they are also leading questions, since you only want to know if we are willing to pay for getting into Neverland and how much.

So... really... what is the idea of this? Read your notes. This is not the right way to do any serious research.

So? David?
Any hints for us?
If you want our opinions, we need your info :cheeky:
You mean they shut Holland? why wasn't I informed!

^^ :hysterical:

In the end I believe Prince, Paris and Blanket should have the final word, but because of their ages it will be years before they could make that official decision.

Probably too many grumpy Germans that want to eat rundflees kroket. Those tourists are stoned out of their mind, I understand! :D
... and DAvid never returned to tell us more about his "research"....
Is this serious stuff?