Would MJ have become too popular?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The more footage i see of This Is It the more i think to myself 'my god if MJ had of done these concerts he would of ruled the world, just as big if not bigger then thriller' then i think maybe he wasn't MEANT to be that big. I think had he completed the concerts and released a brand new album he would of been bigger then anybody on earth perhaps ever, even far more so then he has ever been. But maybe he was ALLOWED or MEANT to become that big thus the reason he passed.

Does anyone else feel this way? Im probably making no sense to anyone whatsoever!?
i think he already arrived at that point. that is why the impossible was asked..and..demanded of him.

and that also explains the haters that tried to deny his popularity. that also explains much of the reason for the way of the media.
but it's not a crime to be too popular..

but there is a self centered air, in this fast pace, 'i-want-it-yesterday' world, of me, myselfs and i's, that made life treacherous for the very selfess Michael Jackson.

Michael wasn't made for a world where the feeling is, -not only do i wanna run my life, but i wanna run yours, too.-
People got jealous when he became the biggest thing on the Planet. That's when the haters settled in!

To answer your question, it would be no. The simple reason for this is that the media and haters (who include politicians) wouldn't allowed it. In addition to this, the general public have become too much like sheep in the way they believe everything the media says without trying to look for the facts themselves.

On top of that, we seem to live in a "yesterday" world where things become "old news" before the day is up.
No, because he'd still be "Wac*o Jac*o" the "freaky child molester".

^ lol, censored? ^
Thanks for your views everybody. I was talking more in the spiritual sense. Meaning maybe GOD (if there is one) didn't allow him to complete his comeback because he would of been too big, too successful, too popular. I believe he would of become like a true god, even more so then people view him now.
If those concerts were done, everyone including the meanest of critics would have been in such awe. I could picture a majority of newspapers with headlines about an

"Unbelievably amazing "comeback" concert, the concert of all concerts."

They would say something like,

"...put aside all your thoughts about what you think of Michael and purchase a concert ticket! You will not regret it."
