Would Michael's next album have been angry?


Proud Member
Jul 11, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Following the 1993 allegations we obviously had the album HIStory which was very angry in nature for obvious reasons.

If Michael had been able to release his 11th studio album - do you think the nature of the songs would have taken on a more angry tone? Or do we feel that due to his age and his relationship with his children he would have moved on more peacefully and created music that was more separate from his personal hardships of the 2005 trial. He was vindicated of course, but yet still labelled wrongly and lied about by the media. Michael always drew inspiration from his personal life as we know - would he have channeled that frustration on the new album?

I personally feel he would try and focus back again on creating feel-good music. A 21st Century Off The Wall which would have redefined the genre and would have had Michael creating wonderful dance hooks and club-bangers again. Michael went back to his roots in Invincible with a lot of soul/ballad-esque music. I feel he would have taken an artistic direction toward feel-good dance sprinkled with a mixture of love songs and perhaps one or two about his hardships during the trial.

What are your thoughts? What would the next album have looked like?
I don't think it would have been angry. Sad perhaps but not angry. Best of Joy, Hollwood Tonight, Hold my Hand - the songs he worked on in his last time weren't angry.
Well, there is this

Unfortunately I don't think a record company would support the release of another angry HIStory-style album.
I pray to God that some day we'll hear Michael singing some of 'Innocent Man'.

Do we actually have any information on this song? Was it ever recorded? Was it on the list of songs at North Carolwood??
I don't think it would be angry. He was happy and excited with TIT tour, which probably would be a huge success and a successful come back to him.
I think it would have been bitter-sweet: angry and sad about the accusation and happy and peaceful because of his kids..
From what I've heard he was trying to make for danceable music a la OTT. Maybe there would be sad songs like Innocent Man, but overall more of a danceable, care free album.
He talked earlier about a modern off the wall.
It was going to be a comeback album for him, I think he wanted to give the fans what most of them wanted,a dancealbum.
Someone,Chopra?,said Michael wanted help with lyrics for some songs about the environment,they could be inspiring,sad or angry.
Maybe a song like Monster would fit.

It seems he considered the songs mentioned in the thread below
But he could have many other songs in his mind too
Like many of you have said I think his album was going to be a danceable albums , and maybe 2 or 3 angry/sad songs that reflected what he went through , what he felt during those hard times. Most would have probably been dance songs but not just following the trend like everybody , but taking his songs to the next level as he always did. Someone working with him said he was going to release singles (5-7 songs) and then the album, so if people like the songs would end up buying the whole album. So I guess he was approaching to killer dance songs. It would have been so amazing and sell millions and prove the mj was far from "done"..Sadly we'll never know.
I don't think so. I believe he was in the process of creative positive music so give some healing energy through it. You know, what he loved doing the most..
He has dancable trakcs like: Hollywood, Shut up and Dance, and many more we dont know about. Then he may have put Best of Joy in. He wanted Hold my Hand to be his next single....

So if i have to guess we would have seen a completed Hold my Hand as the first single. Followed by many other tracks we may not ever know about.