Worst Customer Service?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What are your tales of bad customer service? I went to a Walgreens, and I asked for cashback (Walgreens gives money back if you pay from a debit card), and the cashier had the audacity to ask me why I wanted money back!:mad: I was thinking, "None of your effing business!:mad: (I felt extremely uncomfortable and upset).

I didn't say it aloud though, because I am too meek and worry a lot about what people think. I didn't go back to that Walgreens for about two weeks, and the only reason I came back was because that Walgreens was the closest to my house. I did complain about her though to another employee and asked that they tell her not to ask customers why they need money back, because other customers will curse her out oor tell her to MHOB.
Definitely BELL CANADA! (phone company)

Awful awful awful!
The story is just too long to write, but there are thousands of angry clients and they do NOTHING!
I recently had to deal with Bank of America. There was a serious error on my mortgage statement so I called customer service and they told me they would fax me some documents and that it would take a few days. Well, the days passed and I received no fax from them. I called again to request the documents and again, I received nothing from them. I sent them an electronic message through their website - no results. So I got someone else to intervene for me (a mortgage specialist not with BOA) and that person already knew what horrible customer service Bank of America has and he knew he was in for a real headache with them. It took some time but this person managed to get my mortgage account straightened out. Meanwhile, the documents I had requested arrived a month later! This is why I was concerned when I read that MJ listed Bank of America in his trust. I don't trust Bank of America, heh!
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I went to a local bank to cash my check and of course the check says the company I work for which is Part of Live Nation so she asked what I do and If I could get her free concert tickets. Nervous laughter and I cracked a half smile and walked away but she was DEAD SERIOUS.. You are supposed to be a professional in a bank environment you don't ask your clients for free concert tickets you certainty wouldn't ask someone with a hefty bank account for a loan?? Or a Dentist for free dental work.. WOULD YOU??
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Every cell phone company, every cable company. And any company that sends me over to India for customer support.
Walmart. They treat their customers like sh*t. Their associates 9 times out of 10 don't know what they are doing, and when you ask them a simple question, it's like watching a monkey do a math problem.