Worried right now...


Proud Member
Nov 2, 2008
I found out about an hour ago that my uncle suffered a massive heart attack earlier today and has been airlifted to Mt. Sinai in NY for emergency surgery. Apparently he has a 6-cm tear in his aorta. :( He was conscious and speaking in the hospital, so I guess that's encouraging. And now we play the waiting game.

He has problems with high blood pressure, which I'm afraid will complicate things further. :no:

Sorry to be depressing, but I just needed to get it off my chest.
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Awh hunny :huggy: , I have an uncle and a family friend who have had heart bypass surgeries but I don't have experience with heart attacks so I don't know what to say other than if he is well enough to be conscious and speaking that must be a good sign, right? I hope so, I hope he is ok. :angel:
I am so sorry for your pain right now,,,I will pray for your uncle....him being able to talk is a good sign...please try to stay calm and I wish you and your family all the best..:pray:
Im sorry that this happened. I will pray for your uncle and your family. I want you to know that he has already beat the odds, most people arent lucky enough to have a tear to the Aorta discovered until its too late. Please update, and let us know how things are going.
TarinJade, praying for your uncle and your family that he'll pull through allright! Please let us know how he's doing! big hug to you! :hug: :hug:
Oh no. :( I'm so sorry to hear that. Much love and strength to you, your uncle and your family. :hug: Take care.
Thank you, everybody. :hug:

Right now, no news. I'm taking that as a good sign. :)
I'll be hoping everything turns out fine for him and your family. Take care. :)
Update--My uncle is now in stable condition and scheduled for surgery next Wednesday. It will be complicated due to a number of factors, but hopefully everything should work out. Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes! :)
Thank you for the update.

I'm glad your uncle is in a stable condition :).

Best wishes for his surgery on Wednesday :angel:
I am so happy to hear he is doing better..I will continue to pray for him and the rest of your family.
Let's pray for his uncle and his family.
i hope he gets ok, try to stay calm, and him speaking as everyone said is a good sign =)
with all of my heart ill pray he gets fine =)
With L.O.V.E

EDIT: didn't read the update =) that's great then