Worldwide Release Dates For This Is It DVD & Blu-ray


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Worldwide release dates are now available for Michael Jackson's This Is It on DVD and Blu-ray®

Argentina 27-Jan-10
Australia 3-Mar-10
Belgium/Dutch-speaking 22-Feb-10
Belgium/French-speaking 1-Mar-10
Brazil 26-Jan-10
Bulgaria 26-Jan-10
Canada/English-speaking 26-Jan-10
Canada/French-speaking 26-Jan-10
Chile 28-Jan-10
China 25-Jan-10
Colombia 26-Jan-10
Croatia 26-Jan-10
Czech Republic 25-Jan-10
Denmark 23-Feb-10
Egypt 26-Jan-10
Estonia 26-Jan-10
Finland 24-Feb-10
France 1-Mar-10
Germany 25-Feb-10
Greece 15-Feb-10
Hong Kong 26-Jan-10
Hungary 26-Jan-10
Iceland 25-Jan-10
India 26-Jan-10
Indonesia 28-Jan-10
Israel 26-Jan-10
Italy 23-Feb-10
Japan 27-Jan-10
Jordan 26-Jan-10
Lebanon 26-Jan-10
Malaysia 26-Jan-10
Mexico 26-Jan-10
Netherlands 22-Feb-10
New Zealand 3-Mar-10
Norway 24-Feb-10
Philippines 26-Jan-10
Poland 26-Jan-10
Portugal 24-Feb-10
Romania 26-Jan-10
Russia 26-Jan-10
Serbia 26-Jan-10
Singapore 26-Jan-10
South Korea 27-Jan-10
South Africa 26-Jan-10
Spain 23-Feb-10
Sweden 24-Feb-10
Taiwan 27-Jan-10
Thailand 29-Jan-10
Turkey 26-Jan-10
U.S./English 26-Jan-10
Ukraine 26-Jan-10
United Kingdom 22-Feb-10
Unitedrabmirates 26-Jan-10
Uruguay 28-Jan-10
Vietnam 26-Feb-10
Whaaaat. Why would Australia be SO far behind? If it can get to the Philippines on the 26th of Jan??? Confuzzled!
AAWWWWW!!!! WHHHYYYYY!!!! I hate lvivng here now...have to wait till MARCH!! uuugghhhhhhh!!! :( not happy.
Are all the euorpean release dates in february? Meaning we have to wait till then for all the extras to be seen?
Going to Denmark with the train takes like 20 minutes from my home here in Sweden Malmo. The releasedate for denmark is 23rd and Sweden 24rd , so I can have my this is it one day before the releasedate here in Sweden !
Yes, they have weird logic :doh:

Yeah well actually they seem to be releasing it really early in most Eastern European countries (Czech Republic 25-Jan-10!!), but I don't understand why.. :scratch:
Those countries are in Europe, even in the EU, have region 2... So why, oh why, does the rest of Europe have to wait so long?
I'm going to have to think about this, but maybe having lunch in Tallinn on the 26th wouldn't be a bad idea :)
Going to Denmark with the train takes like 20 minutes from my home here in Sweden Malmo. The releasedate for denmark is 23rd and Sweden 24rd , so I can have my this is it one day before the releasedate here in Sweden !

Hello, I also live in sweden, malmö, so are you going to Danmark? Great idea, I will do that to, tack så mycket :)
Yeah well actually they seem to be releasing it really early in most Eastern European countries (Czech Republic 25-Jan-10!!), but I don't understand why.. :scratch:
Those countries are in Europe, even in the EU, have region 2... So why, oh why, does the rest of Europe have to wait so long?
I'm going to have to think about this, but maybe having lunch in Tallinn on the 26th wouldn't be a bad idea :)
Haha great idea actually! :cheeky:
My birthday is January 22nd but This Is It DVD won't be released in the Netherlands until Feb 22nd ( one month too late). Now I have to wait and patience is not one my virtues!
STUPID AUSTRALIA is literally the very LAST COUNTRY to get this is it
March 3. ITS TOOOOO LONG. i'LL b practically 80 by then. ..well i won't... but it'll feel like i will.
i'm hoping it will by extra special when i get it after the long wait. i mean extra extra extra special
Woohoo! Jan 25 here :D One Week from 2day :)

Going to Denmark with the train takes like 20 minutes from my home here in Sweden Malmo. The releasedate for denmark is 23rd and Sweden 24rd , so I can have my this is it one day before the releasedate here in Sweden !

Haha nice ;)
wow a dvd
im so excited
was this the way it was meant to be? :cry:
22 feb? FS! lol.

It'll be double special for me then : my best friend's b-day plus TII! :wub: