WorldWide Men In The Mirror Day


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
would appreciate everyone's help in getting the word out about this! Please feel free to copy, paste this, and pass it along! We need to reach as many MJ tribute artists as possible to make this happen!

To MJ Tribute Artists All Over The World:

We all know what a terrible disservice has been done, both to Michael’s legacy and to the men (and women) all over the world who have become impersonators in a sincere attempt to pay tribute to a man and artist whom we all love. A man who has done so much for humanity, as well as the art of music and dance. I am referring to the recent arrest of Ricardo West, an MJ impersonator, on the charge of child molesatation, and the resultant mockery that the media has made of West’s association to MJ as an impersonator. The media has once again used this as another excuse to drag Michael’s name through the mud. Although we all know the real Michael Jackson had nothing to do with this incident, the media has used this as an excuse for sensationalistic headlines intended to exploit-once again-all of the old “Michael Jackson Was a *********” feelings with the public. They seem to think the public will appreciate the twisted humor and irony of an MJ impersonator carrying his “admiration” to the extreme, forgetting that there is nothing remotely humorous about child ******ation and ignoring the fact that Michael Jackson was never proven guilty of any crime.

In response to this, I’m proposing something called Men In The Mirror Day. The way it would work is this: On Saturday, May 29th, 2010, every Michael Jackson impersonator across the world will agree to do ONE GOOD DEED FOR HUMANITY IN MICHAEL’S NAME (but with a catch: You must do it in your full Michael Jackson gear!). Now, what you decide to do is up to you. You could: Give a free concert for underpriviledged people in your community. Give a free performance at a nursing home facility or hospital. Bring toys or gifts to an underserved area. Volunteer to pick up trash from a community street (but in full MJ costume). Take a group of underpriviledged kids for a day at an amusement park, or just do something nice for them. Organize a street dance for the community. Help an elderly person. Do a community car wash. Plant a tree. You get the idea…it could be as big or small as you want it to be, as much or as little as you can afford, as much or as little of your time as you can give…but the whole idea is just to do SOMETHING NICE for someone on that day, in the name of Michael Jackson. And if your local media asks, let them know why you’re doing it!

Michael strove to make the world a better place. This would be a wonderful way to let people know, and to let the media know, that those who strive to be like him are also striving to keep alive his spirit of humanitarianism and desire to help heal the planet.

Let’s help show the world that being like Michael Jackson is a GOOD thing, and that it’s also more than just song and dance!

Why May 29th? No particular reason, except as I was thinking about this today, I realized we would need enough lead time to get the word out, and to give people time to plan/prepare. Yet at the same time, it should be done while the Ricardo West story is still fresh in peoples’ minds. May 29th seemed like a good compromise-not too near or too far, and it’s on the weekend, when most people are off work.

Remember, the media isn’t interested in positive stories on Michael Jackson. But if they realize this is a worldwide event, they won’t be able to ignore it!

So what say you, people? Can we make this work? Can we do it?

“There’s nothing that can’t be done if we raise our voice as one”-Michael Jackson

Please pass this along, especially to every MJ tribute artist you know of! Most of them have websites with all of their contact info. Most of them also have friends who are tribute artists; many have connections to extensive networks. Who knows how big this thing could grow once we get the word rolling?

a friend wanted me to share this
This is a wonderful idea.
Let me take it a step further.
There is a wonderful writer, Barbara Kaufmann, who has a website dedicated
to Michael. (Making That Change)

She has written a piece on "Michaeling". What this is is a way for each of us to
make a change in Michael's name, and, at the same time. to shift and change his
legacy that has been tarnished over the years.

Her words are more powerful than I can do justice to, but simply put, anytime you
do something generous ie//donate, volunteer or fight for justice and against
ignorance, help the earth, it in Michael's name and refer to it as such.

And verbalize it, write it, sing it or pray it...and it opens opportunities to share his
lifelong humanitarianism, love and to set the record straight about who he really was.
The idea is to try and incorporate this word "Michaeling" into daily life and to
Heal the World in Michael's name.
Great idea but why not the 25th June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!