World Water Day March 22nd, 2012 ~ Drop by Drop For Those That Don't Have Clean Water !!

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3

World Water Day, Thursday 22 March 2012, draws attention to something most of us take for granted despite its importance &#8211; safe water.

There are still 783 million people worldwide without access to clean drinking water.

This year, World Water Day takes place one month before the 'Sanitation and Water for All' High Level Meeting in Washington DC, where world leaders will discuss what they're going to do to tackle the water and sanitation crisis.

As part of our Water Works campaign, we're collecting photos showing how much we all rely on clean water. Put simply: Water Works! Upload your photo today at:

Other ways to get involved:

If you have not liked us on Facebook yet, please do! We are posting World Water Day updates, so please share them with your Facebook friends. On the day, please update your profile with a World Water Day timeline image. Click here to grab one!

On Twitter, follow us! On World Water Day, please tweet: 783 million people are still waiting for safe drinking water. Make change happen on #worldwaterday: #waterworks.

On Twitter, we were busy all day. #worldwaterday trended in the UK and globally, while in London @wateraid itself was a trending term during our "Twitter hour" at lunchtime, and our key call-to-action tweet was re-tweeted more than 1,000 times (and counting!)

Here are our World Water Day 2012 highlights so far:
Watch our World Water Day 2012 slideshow:
WaterAid is a member of UN-Water. To find out more about other activities taking place on World Water Day, visit their website.


Vision and Mission

"WaterAid's vision is of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation.
Now it is easier to fetch water and go to the toilet. Our hygiene has improved and there isn&#8217;t diarrhea and dysentery like before." ~ Moti Kumari, Nepal

WaterAid transforms lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities. We work with partners and influence decision-makers to maximize our impact.


What We Do
WaterAid enables the world's poorest people to gain access to safe water and sanitation. Together with improved hygiene, these basic human rights underpin health, education and livelihoods, forming the first essential step in overcoming poverty.

We work with local partners, who understand local issues, and provide them with the skills and support to help communities set up and manage practical and sustainable projects that meet their real needs.

We also work locally and internationally to change policy and practice and ensure that water, hygiene and sanitation's vital role in reducing poverty is recognized.


Realizing the Vision
We are committed to addressing the vital need for safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation head on. We aim to increase our impact both directly on the ground through our partner organizations, and indirectly by influencing others and promoting best practice in the field and in our offices.

We aim above all to be honest, accountable, effective, innovative and flexible. As a learning organization, we are constantly evolving. An emphasis on research, analysis, evaluation and dissemination is vital to our future.

We rely on every member of the team - partners, donors, staff, volunteers and trustees. It is only when all parties work together that we can realize our shared vision of a world in which everyone has access to safe water and sanitation.

Tanzania, East Africa
Clean water cuts disease and boosts education.


Photo: WaterAid / Marco Betti
Fourteen year old Husna lives in the Singida District of Tanzania.

WaterAid helped her community to build the new well pictured above, which is very close to her school. We also helped set up a hygiene club in the school which teaches the children the importance of washing their hands, using clean water containers and other basic hygiene that helps safeguard their health.

The result is better health and improved school attendance, as Husna told us:
&#8220;I had to use a traditional well before we had the pump. At that time we had to go every day to the traditional well to fetch water. It took half an hour to get there and the water was very dirty. During the dry season there was very little water so we had to wait a long time to collect enough. I fetched the water after school every day. Now it takes a lot less time to collect water and we know the water is safe.

"Now there is less illness in the school. At that time I got ill and sometimes had to miss school and I felt bad because my fellow friends were continuing their studies but I had to stay at home. During the rainy season most of the children got ill, I think it was because there were a lot of micro-organisms in the water.&#8221;

Influencing Others
We undertake research to inform our advocacy and lobbying work calling for pro-poor water and sanitation policies. Read about our advocacy work

Our Program Approach

We strive to deliver clean water, sanitation and hygiene education services in an equitable, integrated and sustainable manner. Read about our guiding principles.

WaterAid's World Water Day 2012
We released a brand new World Water Day video on YouTube:


The World Is Thirsty Because We Are Hungry

Chisomo's Story - Extended Version
This extended cut of the film follows Malawian schoolgirl Chisomo and looks at how a WaterAid project brought big changes for her and her classmates

The Source:

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