WORLD AIDS DAY - Please Light a Candle

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3



World AIDS Day Events

World AIDS Day is an opportunity to bring people together to raise awareness for HIV. By organising or attending an event you can help raise awareness of HIV and get people talking.

This year, as part of their commitment to increasing public awareness and understanding of HIV, Durex are kindly hosting the UK World AIDS Day event listing and search facility on behalf of NAT. Visit their website to list your own event or search for events in your area.

Follow the links below to find out about promoting an event through Durex's special site. You can also find out how you can attend an event.Organise an event
Why not organise an event to mark World AIDS Day? Whether you raise funds for an HIV charity or just raise awareness of HIV it can make a really big difference. If you're planning an event in the UK, you can promote it here for free.

Attend an eventThere are events taking place across the UK to mark World AIDS Day 2010. Find out what is happening and filter by date, location and event type.


What would make a difference?
What people living with HIV have asked...
"I would like to see society's attitudes change, so that I don't feel that I have to hide the fact that I have HIV" Alan, London

"I would like people who are living with HIV whom are confident to do so, to share their own stories about how they have overcome the barriers and challenges of living their everyday lives" Danny

"I would like everyone to think seriously about HIV and what it means to live with HIV - and therefore be realistic, aware and practical when it comes to safer sex" Maurice, London

"I would like there to be a focus on education and stigma within younger groups of people, with attention paid to cultural differences and needs" Richard

"I would like to see more positive role models of people living with HIV" Danny

"I would like it to become possible for people to write they are HIV+ on job application forms without fear of being discriminated against" Michael, Somerset

"I would like people to realise that HIV and AIDS is a pandemic that can potentially affect everyone and is not confined to the gay community and drug users. It's unfair for people to categorise the huge problem in this way" Sean

"Within some high risk groups e.g. young gay men, lack of self worth and hope for the future can be a big demotivator for safer sex. I'd like to see this understood more fully and see more action to help change this" Mike

"I know my status - do you know your status. Be visible and stand out, stop the prejudice and discrimination in our society" Mark

"Having lived with HIV for nearly 27 years, have attitudes changed. No, so ask yourself why? Ignorance and fear, so changing attitudes and improving education at all ages and levels of our society may make that difference. More awareness, better understanding and increased acceptance that HIV is here and not going away" Michael

"I would like to see people with or without HIV embrace the issue and talk more openly about it. It is no longer the death sentence it used to be. By being open, it promotes awareness and can only help us all understand that the stigma is not the only thing that counts! We are human too and have feelings like anyone else... a better understanding can only help, not hinder!" Carlosboi

"An overall change from the very top down with attitudes of people towards those living with the virus... this includes employers, DRs, and allied health proffesionals to the average person on the street" Scott

"I would like some advice from people living with HIV and AIDS who have disclosed from their families and partners" Sihle

"Please be aware that as I get older my needs as a positive gay man increase not diminish. I am still me. Please love and respect me, as I do you" Kenneth

"I hope that one day I will be able to discuss my HIV status without fear of discrimination and rejection" John

"I would like the media to become more responsible in reporting HIV stories, particularly in those cases where people have had a possible infection incident" Steven

"Do yourself a favour; get tested" Edwardo

"I would like parents to get tested regularly, or even have the entire family tested together" Rose

"I'd like society to remember that no matter what "risk group" I belong to, no matter where I am from, no matter who I love, that I live with hopes, fears and desires like anyone else. I'd like to be thought of as the person I was before diagnosis and the person I have become - do not only think of me as a diagnosis" Kris

"That employers understand that staff who they know who are living with HIV and are on medication do suffer from side effects of these medications, and for them to be more supportive and understanding, and to be more proactive promoting World AIDS Day and provide awareness training to all their staff including the senior management team"

No matter who or where you are, your actions could make a real difference in stopping the spread of HIV and ending HIV prejudice.

Why do I need to ACT AWARE?
Why is it important for me to take action?
What would make a difference?
Find out how people living with HIV would like people to ACT AWARE.

Make a personal pledge to ACT AWARE - It&#8217;s about making commitments to help improve understanding about HIV in the UK, prevent HIV transmission and stop prejudice.

Living with HIV?Why not make a suggestion of what you think people can do to really make a difference?


The Source:

Light A Candle of Hope !!!

This World AIDS Day and beyond, take ACTion

Light your candle of hope today!!!

The Source:

MJ TinkerBell
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