Word of Michaels Passing in trailer?


Proud Member
Aug 1, 2011
Having read a interview with Kenny Ortega he makes reference to when he heard the news of Michaels passing. He was waiting for a call from the hospital from one of his team to find out what was happining. While this was happining he gathered his musical director, lighting designer, vocal coach, dance coach, production designer, musicians and dancers together to join in a circle and pray. This footage can be seen at the start of the tralier and you can hear Kenny say "we're all her because of him, may that continue with him leading the way" A few minutes later he got the call telling him Michael had gone. In the tralier you can see him hugging one of the team and she is crying. I may be wrong but I believe this is the moment they heard the sad news of Michaels passing. Watch the tralier again and see what you think. I got home last night from seeing the film for the second time. I read this article yesterday and remembered the scene from the tralier. I watched it and it just hit me what I was seeing.

God bless you Michael, I miss you everyday
Having read a interview with Kenny Ortega he makes reference to when he heard the news of Michaels passing. He was waiting for a call from the hospital from one of his team to find out what was happining. While this was happining he gathered his musical director, lighting designer, vocal coach, dance coach, production designer, musicians and dancers together to join in a circle and pray. This footage can be seen at the start of the tralier and you can hear Kenny say "we're all her because of him, may that continue with him leading the way" A few minutes later he got the call telling him Michael had gone. In the tralier you can see him hugging one of the team and she is crying. I may be wrong but I believe this is the moment they heard the sad news of Michaels passing. Watch the tralier again and see what you think. I got home last night from seeing the film for the second time. I read this article yesterday and remembered the scene from the tralier. I watched it and it just hit me what I was seeing.

God bless you Michael, I miss you everyday

You could be right but i heard they weren't releasing that footage.
If this is true I hope that we'll never see that footage ever!!! I don't think i can see it... :(
I thought this bit was in the film but Michael was in the circle too and then they all do the hand thing ( where they all put their hands in the middle and then raise them up?)
I thought this bit was in the film but Michael was in the circle too and then they all do the hand thing ( where they all put their hands in the middle and then raise them up?)

Nope.. This is not what we're talking about... Watch the trailer and you'll see it!! The scene we're talking about has a very good light, the one in the film it's darker cause of the stage light!
I thought this bit was in the film but Michael was in the circle too and then they all do the hand thing ( where they all put their hands in the middle and then raise them up?)

that bit is in the trailer too but the bit where kenny says 'we're all here because of him' isnt in the film and as the person above said its a totally different light and michaels not there :(
This scene is discussed in the Entertainment Weekly cover story: "This Is It: Michael Jackson's last dance".

"The goal, Ortega says, was to celebrate Jackson's creative genius, not to provide fodder for people's fascination with his death. ''There's enough of that out there,'' he says. Thus one of the most emotional and sensationalistic pieces of film — in which Ortega notified his cast and crew that Jackson was in the hospital, gathered everyone in a group prayer, and then learned of his death — was left on the cutting-room floor, though a fleeting moment from the prayer can be seen in the trailer. ''We could have made this a much more salacious film,'' says Phillips, who notes that additional footage will appear on the eventual DVD."
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Nope.. This is not what we're talking about... Watch the trailer and you'll see it!! The scene we're talking about has a very good light, the one in the film it's darker cause of the stage light!

I didn't notice the difference **goes to look at the trailer again** ;)
Kenny said that ..the footage of them hearing the bad news would never be released...so I dont know .
Oh God yes it is totally different in the trailer.Thanks for pointing it out.
It wouldn't suprise me if this is put into the dvd although I don't want to see the moment they found out :cry:
I always thought that was just another gathering for them to talk about different parts of the concert (like the one we see with Michael). Can't even imagine that... just getting everything setup ready for him to walk in and then a call saying he's in the hospital :( I don't think it will be on the DVD, I doubt Kenny would want anybody to see that.
*watches trailer* Hmm, yes i think you could be right, they do seem quite upset cos theres alot of hugging going on. Its hard to tell though, its only a split second & they did alot of hugging anyway! Cos Michael did... :(

Why would this be recorded though?

Why would they be recording, when Michael isnt even there? They only filmed when Michael was there rehearsing, right?

This is really sad, if this is the case. I dont think Kenny would put it on the dvd, i probably would want to keep it private anyway.
This would explain my puzzlement over that clip from the very beginning.

Right after that trailer was released, at least one critic mocked what appeared to be a routine cast prayer TO MJ to let HIM lead the way... which was pretty sickening. So I hoped the HIM referred to was God (even though I don't believe in God). But there's a picture of Michael while they say HIM... so this has always bothered me.

It would make this prayer more palatable and understandable if it was a unique event; while MJ was in the hospital. I think this must be so.

But this makes it sickening they would use this for the trailer. I'm going to give Kenny the benefit of the doubt and hope it was NOT his idea. He said in an interview there were differences of opinion in the beginning that were later worked out -- perhaps this is the sort of thing he won out on. Because the final cut showed exquisite taste.

Gotta be the same people who designed the damned accompanying "soundtrack" CD.