Woman Sues Ex For Giving Her AIDS On Honeymoon


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
los angeles
LOS ANGELES (AP) ― Opening statements have begun in Los Angeles in a lawsuit that claims a man gave his ex-wife AIDS on their honeymoon.

The couple were identified in court papers only as Bridget B. and John B.

The woman's attorney says John B. "engaged in reckless, risky, unprotected sexual conduct with numerous men while he was dating Bridget and through their marriage."

The ex-husband, who is acting as his own attorney, said he did not consider himself a homosexual and argued that the woman gave him HIV. He says he's "an innocent man."

The couple divorced in 2003.

Bridget B. is suing for negligence, fraud and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

The judge is hearing the case without a jury.

well unless he knew he had aids and didnt protect himself while sleeping with her or didnt tell her he had it then imo she has no case
Wow. The things you can sue people over is amazing. They can always find a technical term for something.

I don't know if I should laugh or just be amazed at how dumb it is.
if its true and he did give her aids, she should have just went for the Bobbit route instead of court, costs too much!
There's a difference between AIDS and HIV. From what I've read here it sounds like he is simply HIV positive which is worlds away from having AIDS. HIV+ people can live very long and healthy lives if kept in check.
There's a difference between AIDS and HIV. From what I've read here it sounds like he is simply HIV positive which is worlds away from having AIDS. HIV+ people can live very long and healthy lives if kept in check.

I still wouldnt be happy having got HIV from someone I trusted as being clear, if he put her at risk he deserves to be sued in my opinion, the very fact he is representing himself says it all. Who would take his case? lol
I mean now that I think about it more; This is amazing. Do you know how many people could sue someone else for something like this! It would full up the court systems.

Now don't get me wrong I believe if you have it and know you do you must let your partner know. But I really don't see why it has to go to court. I'm sorry but theres more important things out there to sue over. Its hard for me to explain this without sounding like I don't care about the issue.
I still wouldnt be happy having got HIV from someone I trusted as being clear, if he put her at risk he deserves to be sued in my opinion, the very fact he is representing himself says it all. Who would take his case? lol

I wasn't giving my opinion on the subject itself but rather clearing up the seemingly uninformed nature of the article. Having HIV isn't a good thing but it is no longer life threatening like it was 20 years ago. People are living longer than ever and there is no reason why anyone living with the disease has to die from it. There isn't a cure but we do have hope.
^ wow I wonder which other countries have this. It's certainly interesting.

Jona you're right the article is a bit off.... with a title of AIDs and then mentioning she was infected with HIV... both are different

unless her condition has worsened somehow?? still poorly written article....

And I don't care on the severity of the disease whether it be AIDS, HIV or genital warts... he still has a duty of care to tell his partner that he has a contractable disease.