Wisdom Teeth


Hi everyone! I've been having some troubles with my wisdom teeth. They are impacted on the bottom, and I might have an infection. :( They are causing some pain so I've been taking advil. I was supposed to have them out 2 years ago but I was scared of being put under anesthetic. The doctors told me its the only way though :no: Im really scared to have surgery and take the pills. So I guess I was just wondering if anyone here has had troubles with wisdom teeth and if you went along with the surgery?
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Hi everyone! I've been having some troubles with my wisdom teeth. They are impacted on the bottom, and I might have an infection. :( They are causing some pain so I've been taking advil. I was supposed to have them out 2 years ago but I was scared of being put under anesthetic. Im really scared to have surgery, it seems like it would be so painful too..
I was wondering if any others have had this issue and what to do about it?

Hiya :waving:

Yep I had four impacted wisdoms... omg it's no fun...

You gotta go in and get them out. I know, I really know, that you are leery because of the whole MJ/anesthetic thing..... but trust me, in a normal, professional, dental setting..... they will do it right. You really have to get them out. It doesn't get better... it gets worse without them being treated.

I waited way longer than I should have and by the time my family dragged me in (i'm really scared of dentists in general) I was getting migraines and fevers and was getting fairly sick because of it. And they pushed all my other teeth over... :(

Make an appointment and go in. When you do go in, tell them your fears. Trust me, they won't laugh about it, they will probably do a lot to actually calm your fears. But do it... or you'll end up in hospital with infections and all... and then still have to get them taken out.

Aw, bless :huggy: I know it's not easy :hug: :heart:
Hi everyone! I've been having some troubles with my wisdom teeth. They are impacted on the bottom, and I might have an infection. :( They are causing some pain so I've been taking advil. I was supposed to have them out 2 years ago but I was scared of being put under anesthetic. The doctors told me its the only way though :no: Im really scared to have surgery and take the pills. I was wonderin and if any others have had troubles with wisdom teeth and if you went along with the surgery?

:waving: Hey sweetie,

I ended up getting my wisdom teeth surgically removed 3 years ago and let me tell you its the best decision I've ever made. I wasn't really having any trouble with mine though, the dentist just said they needed to come out.

I didn't have any problems while having them removed or after, heck I was even out and about from home the next day eating hot chips and gravy when I was supposed to be resting for at least 48 hours.

All I did was keep up with the painkillers they give you to take for the first 48 hours ever 4 hours and just watched what I ate, I did have a few things here and there that I had to watch when I was eating, but I just followed the doctors instruction and I was back to eating solids within a week.

You have nothing to worry about darl if you go ahead and get them removed this way, you'll be sure to get the best treatment and you'll me monitored every step of the way. As I said I had mine surgically removed and I wouldn't of had it any other way.

If you do have them surgically removed just be careful with what you eat and listen to what your doctor tells you to do, if you follow his advice and be careful with what you' eat, you'll be fine.

Good luck darl and let us know how you go.
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I was supposed to have them out 2 years ago but I was scared of being put under anesthetic.

If you are afraid of being put under anestheic, insist to the dentist to be put you under local anesthetic only! Not general anesthetic. That was what I did.
You will still be consious with local anesthetic but you won't feel the pain because they will numbed up your gums. Local anesthetic is only an injection on the gums near the wisdom tooth.
Take out the tooth that is hurting you only, not all four of them. That way it will not hurt too much. You can take out the rest of them later but try to do it when you are younger because it will heal faster. You can also take out 2 teeth with local anesthetic.

I got my first wisdom tooth pulled out last year. It was impacted as well. My dentist recommended me to take out all 4 of them but since I will need to be under general anesthetic and unconsious, I refused too and choosed to take out one only! I'm planning to take out the next one soon! I'm a medical biotechnology graduate so I think I have pretty good knowledge of what is best treatment for me! lol!
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^ These are all great posts. Shay, if you ever want to hear my hilarious story about being under the anesthetic and specifically what happened after i woke up ... like to ease you a bit about it.... just pm me.. omg it was the craziest funniest day... :p
This was my experience of what I went through a few years ago this month.

I had to go to a hospital for oral surgery to have 2 or 3 wisdom teeth removed. As well as a tooth that was growing inside of my upper gum. I was scared myself especially when I was told I was to be put under. I was 5 years old the last time I was put under. This was going back to 1985 and that was when I need to have 3 sets of tubes put in to my ears. Cause I was having hearing problems back then. Well when I was in the hospital for my teeth. The one thing they did that I did not like was that I had to wear one of those hospital gowns. Then once I was back in to that hospital bed. The one nurse had to stick an I.V. in to my left arm. I never had an I.V. put in to my arm before. And then they took me to have my teeth remove. When I woke up later my throat was really killing me. Because they had to stick a breathing tube down in to my throat. And my gums were all stitched up with dissolvable stitches. For a week or so I had to eat liquid foods. But I had to be extra careful if I did eat any solid foods like chicken. Which I happen to have a major love for then.

I hope I didn't scare you with my experience Shayla. And I know you are afraid because of what to our beloved Michael. But they have to come out. And you will feel a whole lot better too. Once they do come out. I was scared too back then no I was terrified to have this done. Because of all the horror stories I was hearing in the news then. About what could happen to people after they are put under. And then they wake up to have some kind of instrument that was left inside of them. I know that was kind of crazy to think that. But I never had any kind of surgery done on me before. So you could understand my fears. But thankfully the hospital I was in was a good hospital. Because this hospital I was in turn out that it was run by Catholic nuns. That did made me feel better knowing that.
When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, they were still underneath my gums. I requested to have them taken out two at a time, with local anesthetic, so I had two different appointments. If you can handle an injection into your gum, then that's the only discomfort during the whole process. Afterwards you need to eat soft foods and gargle with salt water (well, I had to anyway). I found it a lot easier to go with the two at a time not only because I didn't have to be put under, but because I could still chew on one side of my mouth.
I'm waiting with fear the day when my wisdom teeth must be taken out.
Ever since my jawbone blocked few years ago when I was at the dentist it hasn't been my favourite place to go.
Hi everyone! I've been having some troubles with my wisdom teeth. They are impacted on the bottom, and I might have an infection. :( They are causing some pain so I've been taking advil. I was supposed to have them out 2 years ago but I was scared of being put under anesthetic. The doctors told me its the only way though :no: Im really scared to have surgery and take the pills. So I guess I was just wondering if anyone here has had troubles with wisdom teeth and if you went along with the surgery?

I had all four of mine extracted, not at the same time though. Mine were becoming impacted and causing me problems. I was afraid of anesthesia too, but I ended up going under. It's pretty worth it. Just make sure you follow the rules they give so you're not too woozy/queasy when you wake up.

Believe me, it's not as bad as it sounds. You won't even realize you were put under until you wake up and the surgery is over. You may become a little nauseated but that's typically normal. You may want to take the pain pills afterwards, depending on the amount of discomfort you have. If you feel you don't need the heavy pills (valium or other painkillers), you can always take advil, 4 ibuprofen (equals prescription strength) or even Motrin. You'll be sore and a wee bit swollen for a little bit and maybe even a little bruised, but it's worth it because the jaw problems and pain will be no more.

If you're afraid of being put under, talk to your dentist. There are other alternatives that won't knock you out cold, but will relax you and allow you to feel no pain. They can give you just a local anesthetic. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, I personally would opt for going under.
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Oh my, wisdom teeth!
Mine are growing through in my lower jaw right now. Soo painful.
I really, really dread the day when it is a must that they are taken out :(
Hi everyone! I've been having some troubles with my wisdom teeth. They are impacted on the bottom, and I might have an infection. :( They are causing some pain so I've been taking advil. I was supposed to have them out 2 years ago but I was scared of being put under anesthetic. The doctors told me its the only way though :no: Im really scared to have surgery and take the pills. So I guess I was just wondering if anyone here has had troubles with wisdom teeth and if you went along with the surgery?

Hi Shayla!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry to hear about the problems you've experienced w/ your wisdom teeth. I had mine out and didn't have any problems. The doctor gave me 'laughing gas,' so I was actually awake during it but didn't feel a thing. The gas may make you nauseous later when it wears off though. And I think the doctor gave me medicine to take for afterward, and that was it.

Another time I received the anesthesia to put my all the way under when I had my tonsils out. I was actually kind of nervous about it, but I kept getting these horrible/painful infections every month, so I had to. They gave me drugs though I-V before it, and it was actually very calming, then they put a mask on me, asked me to count to 10, and I think I was out before I got to 10, lol. Then I woke up, and the operation was over. Once the drugs wore off though I was nauseous from the gas and my throat hurt, but that was the worst of it.

Anyway I hope you feel better w/ whatever you decide to do!!!
Im 26 and I still haven't got mine! Hope I never do. I need all the wisdom I can get!

But I have had a tooth pulled and really its not so bad. When they were pulling it (its one in the back) it broke off and it seemed like it took forever to get it out. But they gave me all kinds of good meds. It bled a lot and your in pain for several days. But remember once its done - its done!!! Find a good dentist one you can trust and just sit back and try to relax..
Hi Shay,

My bottom ones were impacted also. The dentist took the one out cause it was bothering me. It took him 2 and a half hours to pull it out cause he ran into problems, thus making him not want to deal with the other one. A few years later, the other one gave me a fit, so I went to have it pulled. He was afraid to. One, it had an absess on it, and two, it was close to a nerve. He decided to pull it, and it was out in like 10 min. Was not as bad as he thought. You don't have to go to an oral surgeon to get them pulled. A dentist pulled mine. Get a second opinion if you need to to see what they say.

Keep us posted.
Thanks everyone for the input :flowers:

I've been talking alot of tylenol for pain. Im going to get into a specialist and set up surgery for sometime this summer.
Thanks everyone for the input :flowers:

I've been talking alot of tylenol for pain. Im going to get into a specialist and set up surgery for sometime this summer.

Good, you can do it! I'm horrified to go to the dentist... If I can go in, you can, you gotta be braver than i am :ph34r: I'm a total wuss!

Good luck with it and I hope you get to go soon :hug:
ugh I feel so bad for you! I had my oldest in June by C-section, had just gotten back to normal then my wisdom teeth came in and it hurt SO bad! So a month later I had to go in to an oral surgeon because my dentist didn't want to do it since it was impacted. I hate being under, but I was in so much pain I really didn't care. Good luck, it's really truly worth it in the end, it's not worth being in so much pain.
I got mine taken out approx 10 years ago (wow, I can't believe it's been so long!) with only local anesthetic. I thought it unnecessary to go under general anesthesia for the procedure. Wasn't bad at all... the healing was kind of uncomfortable but I'd done it during the summer so I didn't have to go to school. Took a couple of weeks for the swelling to go all the way down.
I finally scheduled my surgery for the 23rd of this month. I now have a bad infection and suspected blood poisoning and have been taking penicillin to control it. :( They are pulling the 2 bottom teeth out and I will sedated.
wow you sure waited along time.....I thought they couldn't do surgery if they were infected.?.....I also had my wisdom teeth out quite sometime ago..all 4 at once. My face was sooo swollen that my mom could barely see my nose. But it was worth it in the end. I hope all goes well for you...:hug:

and oh yes...that is one HOT siggy...I love it...:D

thanks!! :flowers: yeah I have been having problems with them for a few years now. I have to clear up the infection first with the antibiodic, hopefully I will be ready now. Been really scared of taking propofil so I kept putting it off. It will be quite a relief to finally get them out! lol and thanks for commenting on my siggy! *hugs back* :hug:
You have to get them surgically removed, especially if they are infected, or causing a problem with your other teeth. There's nothing scary about being put under anesthesia, it's actually quite a pleasant feeling--it feels like you're going to sleep. I had to be put under it because I was dying from an allergic reaction to penicillin and still wouldn't cooperate with them, because I was afraid of the IV thing. :p

I've had the small fortune of having rather small wisdom teeth, so that they do not interfere with the position my other teeth are in. They also do not hurt at all, so--for the time being, at least, there's no reason for me to have them removed. My brother, however, did have issues with his, because his teeth were significantly larger--so, he had to have them surgically removed. He's still alive, though, and this happened years ago, when he was 16 or 17 (which year, in specifics, I don't recall.) He's almost 22 now, and as far as I can tell, very alive--so there's nothing for you to be worried about.

What are you afraid of, regarding anesthesia, anyway?
You're brave for going through with it, you should be proud! :) Those antibiotics you're taking will relieve some of the infection so you're anaesthetic is able to work properly, and to top it off you'll be sedated - so there's nothing to worry about, you'll do just fine :huggy: Keep us posted with updates!