Wireless Internet??? HELP!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ok, I want to get wireless internet in my house, but I have no idea where to start, or what it entails! Can someone help me :(?!
well first off you need to contact an Internet provider for example AOL
they will then send you a set up pack which consists of a wireless router
now if your computer is wireless there should be a switch on the side of it
set up your router when you get it wait for 3 lights

1 the power light
2 internet light
and another light cant remember its name right now

the laptop or desktop if wireless enabled should then pick up ur wireless router connection and you should be then online wirelessly

if not contact service provider or here and either i or ur IP and we will try to help you out further hope this helps you and good look getting your wireless connection to the net
Ahaaa! Thank you!! :huggies:
We have road runner internet now, so I guess we'll try and make it work lol.
I just came back from wal mart and had asked the guy who works there lol
Contact an internet service provider and say you want a wireless broadband connection. They'll send you everything you need and its so easy to set up. My new one took all of five minutes to set up.
Contact an internet service provider and say you want a wireless broadband connection. They'll send you everything you need and its so easy to set up. My new one took all of five minutes to set up.
Is it really expensive?
Or would it be cheaper just to keep our high speed internet connection?
Your wireless setup will use the same ISP as you currently have, so the only expense you should have would be purchasing the wireless router. However, as MissyJackson said, you'll need to ensure your Desktop/Laptop is wireless enabled, otherwise you'll have to also invest in a USB dongle ;)

Once up and running, I recommend that you protect your wireless network to avoid unauthorised people using it. It sounds complicated, but it really isn't!
I have it through my cable company. I love it. You can watch youtube videos with ease.