Winter Hair Thread ; Not Enough Humidity


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Ok so every single winter, my hair becomes a pain in the a$$. Since its too cold, theres no humidity outside so I get very staticy hair. I can't just put it up and pull it back everyday; I'd like to have my hair down sometimes.

~*~What are some tips ladies to have healthier, less static hair!?*~*

I know 1. is not to shampoo that often. Both the scalp & hair dry out easy.
2. Do not overuse the hair dryer.
3. Run hair through cold water
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I am the opposite. I love winter hair and low humidity! Because I have thick, curly hair that "blows up" in the summer as the humidity rises and I have to wear it up all the time. I look forward to the fall and winter so that my hair finally calms down and I can wear it down again.

Anyway, for static electricity try running a laundry dryer sheet over your hair.:)
Get some leave in conditioner and let your hair dry naturally rather than using a hair dryer.
Get some leave in conditioner and let your hair dry naturally rather than using a hair dryer.

I had the same problem every winter with my hair becoming impossible until I was told to do this and it's been working so far.
I had the same problem every winter with my hair becoming impossible until I was told to do this and it's been working so far.

Over the summer I bleached my hair about 10 times in the space of a month. It kept going wrong and every other time was to correct a previous dye job gone wrong.

My hair was literally DEAD, and if you were to pull it then the hair would break off. It was terribly stressful. I ended up getting the colour I wanted and was advised touse leave in conditioner and to let it dry naturally and the condition of my hair greatly improved.

I would also advise you to wash your hair with JUST conditioner and rinse it with water at quite a low temperature....

So wash it with JUST conditioner, let it dry naturally and use some leave in conditioner. Also you could use some hair mousse which protects your hair from weather damage and stuff......
I used to have that problem when I was little. I used to always wet the hair brush that I using and brush my hair with it. And then I run the hair dryer on my hair. Since my hair will be wet. And that always helps for me. I no longer have that problem now. Because I have thinning hair now.