Winners, losers in month since Jackson's death - An interesting article. Discuss it!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi, I found this from the scoop articles at msnbc. I've read before articles of this author for MJ and my impression is that she is leaning positive. I would though want to know what people think of this, especially people who have been in the US for the past month.

Has the negative bs in the press resurged and equalled the positiveness and the emotion of the first days after he died? (she talks about that in the second part where she says that talk of the critics has resurged and is felt on coverage about him).. How do people in your larger environments feel today about him in general now that he's passed, and how do they feel for the continuing talk about him after his death? Is recognition of him -at least as an artist- nearly universal..? Here's the article:

Winners, losers in month since Jackson’s death

Since singer’s death, people close to him have continued to make news

By Courtney Hazlett

The Scoop

This Saturday marks one month since the death of Michael Jackson. Thirty days is more than enough time for it to become clear: Some people and groups came through the experience in ways more positive than not, some did the opposite. While the list will surely morph and multiply, here’s a look at some of the winners and losers.

The winners

Michael Jackson’s image as a father and performer

Jackson’s parenting skills have been called into question plenty — dangling an infant off a balcony and then appearing on camera spastically attempting to bottle feed the same baby, as Jackson did in Martin Bashir’s documentary “Living With Michael Jackson,” will have that effect. However, when Jackson’s daughter, Paris, took to the stage at the July 8 memorial, all of that was forgotten. Her brief, yet poignant goodbye to her dad puts a period at the end of at least one sentence: Michael Jackson was a good dad.

As for Jackson’s image as a performer — that’s the one part of his legacy that will never tarnish. The covers of the magazines that paid tribute to him by and large used performance images, and after his death, his songs were downloaded in record numbers. Ask around: The majority of Jackson fans will say a song, a concert, a video is what resonates most.

In the press: TMZ, the Internet

Prior to the death, Radar Online was nipping at TMZ’s heels, and the site hadn’t broken much news of significance in some time. TMZ’s exclusive changed everything. More broadly, as Twitter and Facebook jammed and sites such as this one saw record traffic numbers, Jackson’s death proved that the Internet is how we get our breaking news.
Hangers on and their sudden-onset relevancy: Thanks to their sudden prominence on a global stage, the Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson now have the standing to promote their own social agendas on a larger scale — and they’re doing as much. Then there are some friends who’d been existing on the fringes of Jackson’s life, if not off the radar entirely. One prime example: Brian Oxman, who purported to be a family spokesperson the day of his death (and wasn’t), got tremendous air time — to what end, that remains to be seen.

The losers

MJ’s image in every way but fatherhood and performing

Now that some time has passed since the period of abject adoration surrounding the memorial, Jackson’s bizarre past behaviors, transgressions, and lawsuits stand alone not just as a chapter in his life, but as an entirely separate volume. Critics who said the public had wrongly dismissed these aspects of his life need not worry that they’ve been forgotten.

Joe Jackson, The Jackson 4, LaToya

The Jackson family probably stood united for the final time onstage at the Staples Center in Los Angeles the day of Michael’s memorial. Among the lines that can be drawn between family members since then is an indelible one between those Jacksons who’ve sought to profit from Michael’s death, and those who have not.

Within hours of his son's death on June 25, Joe Jackson was promoting his record label; within days, the remaining members of the Jackson 5 were planning performances; within weeks, LaToya penned a tribute song to Michael, which began streaming ahead of its official July 28 release. I, for one, have learned many things this month, among them: Those closest to Jackson are the ones who, since his death, have remained the quietest.

In the press: TMZ, The AP, the British press

It’s an understatement to say the story has been difficult to report, what with so many profiteers, false information and entities involved in Jackson’s death and ensuing investigations. However: After breaking the death, TMZ erred on the side of sensationalism time and again. The Associated Press made many errors in what can only be described as a chase to address the precedent TMZ had set. And then there’s the British press.

Two shining examples of outright journalistic irresponsibility: They perpetrated the unctuous claim that son Prince thought Jackson was only “clowning” and then witnessed his death; then they claimed that former nanny Grace Rwaramba gave an interview that revealed she had to pump Jackson’s stomach “many times,” his drug use was so bad — only Rwaramba never gave such an interview, according to statements she issued right after publication.

Jackson’s life and death will rank among the landmark pop culture stories of our time. The bad news is so much of it has been retracted, redacted and wrong. The good news is there’s still more to be written. Control over the news-gathering process has been difficult across the board.

What should be less difficult, now that the players and the mistakes are clear, is writing the rest of the story with some control, so that the final chapters are recorded not just efficiently, but are also right.
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I first learned about his death while I was hitting the refresh button on I don't know why I did that that day, but something told me to not step away from it.

Also, like many others, I too noticed the www acted weird when it was clear that Michael Jackson was gone. Like one reporter said "he almost took the Internet with him." In a strange way, I liked to hear that quote.

Sidenote: I have opened this thread again by request. Discuss this topic here. How has your local media covered this? Are you satisfied? How have they handled it?
The British press is absolutely correct, they have been manic over here. The Sun (a trashy tabloid) has had Mike as the front page story almost every day since he died.
German press (Bild notably) are also losers. All they discuss about Michael is stupid things like will he be buried with or without his nose - yes, such is the lowness in quality of their articles. They still keep hard trying to maintain the "lunatic *****" image instead of remembering the performer.
BTW, I have to say I am so glad that he was a good daddy. I have to admit I did have my doubts also in the past and I am so happy to be proven wrong. Good job, Mike, you can be proud of that!
well I'm always glued to the internet and sadly I don't have a TV in my dorm so I had the internet and the papers to rely on.

In my experience on how the media handled it(in my country) I say it was quite fair. They're not full 24/7 but from time to time they got MJ highlights and important details shown. I've read a couple articles from here and there, I was glad,all were a great read, never read a negative article--twas more like focusing on the Michael Jackson as a performer, an artist and the greatest entertainer and whatever the media(tabloids) stated were set aside.

All positive were not a single negative towards Michael--as far as I'm concerned.

after all those media coverage I received loads of texts from my non MJ friends stating-- that they realized it's sad that MJ's gone and just starting to appreciate the man for who he really is-- it's sad but at least people are now seeing Michael through his music and not what the paper states.
The British media are possibly the most sick and twisted in the world. The Sun, for instance, have had Michael's face sprawled across their front page almost every day since his passing with the most bizzare and sick headlines imaginable printed alongside it. Going into my local newsagents a few days after MJ's death was a very distressing experience. Rumours, allegations and 'last pictures' were EVERYWHERE.
The problem is, the British tabloids know there will never be another Michael Jackson or indeed, another death like Michael Jackson's. They are prepared to twist everything in order to reap all they can from this ordeal, it's all lies.
The British media are possibly the most sick and twisted in the world. The Sun, for instance, have had Michael's face sprawled across their front page almost every day since his passing with the most bizzare and sick headlines imaginable printed alongside it. Going into my local newsagents a few days after MJ's death was a very distressing experience. Rumours, allegations and 'last pictures' were EVERYWHERE.
The problem is, the British tabloids know there will never be another Michael Jackson or indeed, another death like Michael Jackson's. They are prepared to twist everything in order to reap all they can from this ordeal, it's all lies.

Exactly, its so annoying. The other thing is that papers like The Sun and Daily Star are the only ones saying things like this. They dont seem to realise that if it was true it would be in all the other papers and online and stuff. Its so obvious that they are making it up. I've made it my job to go to the shop over the road every day just to glance at the headlines.
Sorry for double post, but this is crazy. Todays headline in the Daily Star is 'J*CKO DOC CONFESSES TO COPS". Fucking come on! If this was true, dont you think it would be massive news in other places?? Its sickening :(
what about opinions on the US media/coverage? the article implies that they have pretty much returned to negativity. do you feel it's so?
I've asked the question in the original post cause I've been out of the US for most of July and don't know what's been going on, and also the estimation of this varies according to people's perception..
Last I knew, previous haters like Friedman or TMZ had turned respectful -if not positive-, and everyone was exasperated with that dickhead congress man who made that stupid statement before the memorial.. The article seems to imply that maybe such 'reservations' on MJ are encountered more often as weeks go by.. Does anyone feel it is so?
I don't get the mentality of millions of people every day who pay good money to read trashy tabloids, and worse, believe everything they read. I won't have them in the house let alone buy them.
Sorry for double post, but this is crazy. Todays headline in the Daily Star is 'J*CKO DOC CONFESSES TO COPS". Fucking come on! If this was true, dont you think it would be massive news in other places?? Its sickening :(

Excatly! i havent heard such thing down here in australia at all.
It quite sickening how they could write such a headline, when it anit even true.
Sometimes you don't know when to quit and your curiosity gets the best of you. You sit and listen or just glimpse at what they say in the rags...and what does it do...makes you sick to your gut. It has really depresses me so much. It's not fair either, Mike isn't around to stand up and defend himself. I'm going to walk away from it all ...can't deal with this anymore...:agree:
Sometimes you don't know when to quit and your curiosity gets the best of you. You sit and listen or just glimpse at what they say in the rags...and what does it do...makes you sick to your gut. It has really depresses me so much. It's not fair either, Mike isn't around to stand up and defend himself. I'm going to walk away from it all ...can't deal with this anymore...:agree:

Just remember it's only words,and anyone with half a brain knows the tabloid media talk shite.
Sometimes you don't know when to quit and your curiosity gets the best of you. You sit and listen or just glimpse at what they say in the rags...and what does it do...makes you sick to your gut. It has really depresses me so much. It's not fair either, Mike isn't around to stand up and defend himself. I'm going to walk away from it all ...can't deal with this anymore...:agree:

yeah it is sad and depressing been truning it to hate lately whoever talks sh!t right now will be eating their own crap I feel the need to just shove it up their a$$es it's just too Much! they had been all over Micahel's face when he's alive now that he's gone I see no point of continuing such act--it's plainly too much! I had enough and I won't sit here and just shut up!
yeah it is sad and depressing been truning it to hate lately whoever talks sh!t right now will be eating their own crap I feel the need to just shove it up their a$$es it's just too Much! they had been all over Micahel's face when he's alive now that he's gone I see no point of continuing such act--it's plainly too much! I had enough and I won't sit here and just shut up!

How extensive is that? has the negative bs in the press resurged and equalled the positiveness and the emotion of the first days after he died? the msnbc article in the beginning of the thread implies that this kind of talk by the critics has resurged on coverage about him.. how extensive is this? Is at least recognition of him as an artist -nearly- universal..?