Will you be seeing New Moon?

I dunno if I'll be seeing it on Friday because I've got college in the daytime and then a Jonas Brothers concert in the evening, But will definately go on saturday!
I'll be seeing it this Friday night. I just read that there are crazy fans slitting their necks open and asking Robert Pattinson to suck their blood! Crazy!

"Twilight star Robert Pattinson says he worries about being infected with HIV when adoring fans approach him with open wounds and ask him to suck their blood. Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the series, has revealed he genuinely fears for his life when fans mob him in the street.
The 23-year-old actor laid out his concerns to promote a new biography ahead of the next Twilight film, New Moon, which premieres this week.
"People ask me to bite them and want to touch my hair," Pattinson told the News Of The World.
"I just don't want someone to have a needle and give me HIV and I don't want to get shot or stabbed."
Pattinson recalled one time where a group of girls approached him bleeding from scratches they had just opened up on their necks.
"They were like, 'We did this for you' … I didn't know what to say — 'Thank you, guys?'"
Pattinson said he feels vulnerable at big film events such as premieres, where he could be the target of an overly obsessive fan or even a terror attack.
He admits struggling to come to terms with fame since the release of the first movie, which grossed more than $350m worldwide.
He has difficulty coping with so many people trying to "ambush" him in public and at home.
He said he has come to accept the attention, but would be prepared to give away acting away for his first passion — music — if the fans ever became too much."
I'll be seeing it this Friday night. I just read that there are crazy fans slitting their necks open and asking Robert Pattinson to suck their blood! Crazy!

"Twilight star Robert Pattinson says he worries about being infected with HIV when adoring fans approach him with open wounds and ask him to suck their blood. Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the series, has revealed he genuinely fears for his life when fans mob him in the street.
The 23-year-old actor laid out his concerns to promote a new biography ahead of the next Twilight film, New Moon, which premieres this week.
"People ask me to bite them and want to touch my hair," Pattinson told the News Of The World.
"I just don't want someone to have a needle and give me HIV and I don't want to get shot or stabbed."
Pattinson recalled one time where a group of girls approached him bleeding from scratches they had just opened up on their necks.
"They were like, 'We did this for you' … I didn't know what to say — 'Thank you, guys?'"
Pattinson said he feels vulnerable at big film events such as premieres, where he could be the target of an overly obsessive fan or even a terror attack.
He admits struggling to come to terms with fame since the release of the first movie, which grossed more than $350m worldwide.
He has difficulty coping with so many people trying to "ambush" him in public and at home.
He said he has come to accept the attention, but would be prepared to give away acting away for his first passion — music — if the fans ever became too much."

These Twilight fans are f*cking stupid, LMAO.

In answer to the question, I wont see it by choice, but as I work in a cinema, I may stand at the back of the screen and laugh openly at it.

I have to work on the box office for the midnight showing. How fun for me :mello:
I'm a fan of the books. Films - not so much. But I have "Twilight" on DVD and I'll be seeing "New Moon" in a few days also. The previews that I've seen actually look way better than "Twilight" (bigger budget I guess?:scratch:)

And:lmao: at some of the fan's requests, but don't laugh - I asked Michael whether I could touch his hair once too. He laughed and said I could - beautiful, soft curls.:wild: Didn't ask him if he could bite me, though. :tease:Regretted it ever since, LOL
Of course. cute vampires and werewolves without shirts...what's not to love :p

Fluffy Oz!!!! You met Mikey and touched his hair! Oh my *so jealous* Yes, it would have been tempting to bite him....but highly inappropriate hehe
I do love the Twilight Movies....however I think the fans are jsut crazy....thats the problem ..people take things way beyond what it should be....now look the poor guy fears for his life.......RUN ROB RUN......:lmao:......no but seriously.....those chics are insane..IMHO
nawww twilight is too overrated...i'll juz wait for the dvd ...
I'm not a fan of the films (I did like the books), but I will be watching it anyway. Taylor Lautner is a cutie ;)
Don't like Pattinson for the role of Edward (nor Stewart as Bella), but hey, what can you do... It's one of the worst film adaptions of a book that I've ever seen! Could have been much better!
I'll be seeing it for sure...but I'll wait a week or so. I don't like crowded theaters!
Ill be going to go to it but buy TTI tickets when I go.. lol!
I'm not a fan of the films (I did like the books), but I will be watching it anyway. Taylor Lautner is a cutie ;)
Don't like Pattinson for the role of Edward (nor Stewart as Bella), but hey, what can you do... It's one of the worst film adaptions of a book that I've ever seen! Could have been much better!

Haha! I couldn't agree more!! :D But yeah of course I'll go see it, I'm hoping this one is better!
I'm a fan of the books. Films - not so much. But I have "Twilight" on DVD and I'll be seeing "New Moon" in a few days also. The previews that I've seen actually look way better than "Twilight" (bigger budget I guess?:scratch:)

And:lmao: at some of the fan's requests, but don't laugh - I asked Michael whether I could touch his hair once too. He laughed and said I could - beautiful, soft curls.:wild: Didn't ask him if he could bite me, though. :tease:Regretted it ever since, LOL

OMG so jealous!! :wild: When was this?
Im so excited for new moon! I have tickets for 9pm showing tomorrow night. I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!
Yes! I will bring my boyfriend to the movies with me to see it :) lol, it's such a chick flick too....but he doesn't mind. I love Twilight!!!!
I liked the Twilight movie, didn't read the books and tried, but couldn't really get into them.

After seeing the movie, I was really into Robert Pattinson. I think he's a good guy with a great sense of humor and perspective about his sudden fame.

But weird thing... When MJ died, I lost all interest in him and other celebrities. I do want to see New Moon, but will probably wait for the DVD. But I'm going to see TII my
4th time before it leaves theaters.
Yeap!!! Actually here in Greece starts tonight a midnight and I'm going on the premiere!!!!:)I'm so excited!!!!:D
:yes: I've already seen it, the Midnight session and then again today at 1:40. I will also probably see it with mum sometime while it still on, friends what to see it this weekend but both on different days so I might go with them but till I've made up my mind even though I really enjoyed it I might wait for a little while and go back to watching TII :D
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