Will you be recording the concert on your mobiles?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Szczecin, Poland, Poland
I'm not going to any of the concerts so I wonder if any of you guys plan on recording the concerts on your mobile phones? Do they allow it at O2?
no way...i will be too busy with my phone then and miss half of the show.
Im gonna try and record the whole show and if none of the shows are released I'll be more than happy to upload it for yall
Theres goin' to be a whole bunch of people recordin' this on there phones more than the Bad, Dangerous, and History Tour even though these phones we got now didn't exist back then lol.
Theres goin' to be a whole bunch of people recordin' this on there phones more than the Bad, Dangerous, and History Tour even though these phones we got now didn't exist back then lol.

And it was good that they didn't exist. You at least could enjoy the show and see something. Right now all you see are mobiles everywhere, and it does restrict your view.
Yes i will be taking my phone to record some footage, but not the whole concert b/c like u said u will miss the whole concert if u record it all.

"we be goin' full-out, son!"​
And it was good that they didn't exist. You at least could enjoy the show and see something. Right now all you see are mobiles everywhere, and it does restrict your view.

yeah your probably right. I know I remember somebody commented about people probably will use there cell phones instead of lighters to light up. LOL Lighters probably won't be allowed there I think.
I will record it with my Digital Camera, why the phone, crappy quality!!
If I could get away with taking a Zoom H2 recorder in I would, still might.

The sound from these little beasts is amazing, pure stereo CD quality!!
It was okay, but using digital camera is much better. I won't buy a new phone, I have one alerady. 3.2 megapixels and bad zoom, doenst work for me.
if you want HD quality recording on a mobile phone you need to check out the new samsung omnia i8910 HD. I just ordered mine today

here's a sample video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi1U-qRS5go (make sure you click the HD button)

I'm hoping security at the O2 wont realise the phone records in HD! lol
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Even if Security do realise, there's nothing they can do.

There's no rules with regards to Mobile Phones in Concerts :)
^^ i hope so! its a 8 megapixel camera too so hopefully i'll have some great pics and footage to share after the show! roll on 12th july!
There's no way I'm going to lose the magic by being distracted on recording all from my cell phone. Anyway, the word out there is that the show will be recorded and there will be a DVD at some point, so why bother?
^^ we all know how quickly these dvds come out lol. personally i wont be recording the whole show, but i do want to capture the moment so I have something to look back on to re-live the magic!
no point really, itll be bad quality and shaky.
The whole 50 concerts will be filmed in HD anyways on red cameras!!