Will we ever see Dr Murry in handcuffs?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Like as anytime soon? Iam watching the HLN channel and I see all these stories and it made me think if it will ever come to "BREAKING NEWS : Michael Jackson doctor faces charges in death in Michael Jackson" *sighs* or if we ever see him in handcuffs or going into court for the death of Michael Jackson. What you think? Or will it be a out of the media hush hush case?
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Justice For Michael

I am also losing hope as well. It will be even better if he is found lying dead somewhere. If they can't arrest that murdering bastard.

Wow, those are very strong words! I am frustrated as well as the rest of Michael's billions of fans. Right now we really don't know what evidence the LAPD has on Murray and on other people involved in his death. I too want to see Murray go to jail for what he did. At the very least he was grossly negligent in the care of MJ. He was not qualified to administer the medicines he gave him. Nor did he have the proper equipment or staff to do so. Regardless of whether or not Michael authorized the use of such medication, the doctor ultimately caused his death. Yes, it will take a long time to bring Murray, Klein and others to justice. But just remember that Evan Chandler is now gone by his own hand. Justice happens not in our time, but in the time of a higher power. All that harmed Michael will be punished.
Re: Justice For Michael

Wow, those are very strong words! I am frustrated as well as the rest of Michael's billions of fans. Right now we really don't know what evidence the LAPD has on Murray and on other people involved in his death. I too want to see Murray go to jail for what he did. At the very least he was grossly negligent in the care of MJ. He was not qualified to administer the medicines he gave him. Nor did he have the proper equipment or staff to do so. Regardless of whether or not Michael authorized the use of such medication, the doctor ultimately caused his death. Yes, it will take a long time to bring Murray, Klein and others to justice. But just remember that Evan Chandler is now gone by his own hand. Justice happens not in our time, but in the time of a higher power. All that harmed Michael will be punished.

I do agree I guess I just said that out of anger and frustration.
Re: Justice For Michael

[QUOTE = MrsMJ2007; 2393538] Wow palavras, essas são muito fortes! Estou frustrado, assim como o resto de Milhares de milhões de fãs de Michael. Agora nós realmente não sabemos o que prova a Polícia tem em Murray e sobre outras pessoas envolvidas na morte sua. Eu também quero ver Murray ir para uma cadeia pelo que fez. Pelo menos ele foi negligente cuidado não fazer MJ. Ele não estava qualificado para administrar os medicamentos que ele lhe deu. Nem tinha o Adequado equipamento e pessoal para fazer o. Independentemente de estarem ou não Michael autorizou o uso de tais medicamentos, o médico finalmente causou sua morte. Sim, vai demorar muito tempo para trazer Murray, Klein e outros à justiça. Mas basta lembrar que Evan Chandler é ido agora por sua própria mão. Justiça não acontece Tempo no nosso, mas no tempo de um poder superior. Tudo o que prejudicou Michael será punido. [/ QUOTE]

Concordo plenamente com suas palavras

Re: Justice For Michael

[QUOTE = MrsMJ2007; 2393538] Wow palavras, essas são muito fortes! Estou frustrado, assim como o resto de milhares de milhões de fãs de Michael. Agora nós realmente não sabemos o que prova a Polícia tem em Murray e sobre outras pessoas envolvidas na sua morte. Eu também quero ver Murray ir para a cadeia pelo que fez. Pelo menos ele foi negligente no cuidado do MJ. Ele não estava qualificado para administrar os medicamentos que ele lhe deu. Nem tinha o equipamento adequado e pessoal para o fazer. Independentemente de estarem ou não Michael autorizou o uso de tais medicamentos, o médico finalmente causou sua morte. Sim, vai demorar muito tempo para trazer Murray, Klein e outros à justiça. Mas basta lembrar que Evan Chandler é ido agora por sua própria mão. Justiça não acontece no nosso tempo, mas no tempo de um poder superior. Tudo o que prejudicou Michael será punido. [/ QUOTE]

Concordo plenamente com suas palavras

Be patient guys. I know its difficult :(

But we've got to build a good case to ensure that it's watertight and we send him where he belongs - in prison. The prosecution can't just rush into this case.

I believe the truth will prevail and justice will be served.
I just hope we don't hear this : One year later after Pop star Michael Jackson death DA plans to bring charges to Michael Jackson Doctor saying..etc etc.
The day I see that "Dr." Murray taken into custody will be one satisfying day. I check my cell phone every day for that breaking news text that never seems to come. But I agree, this will take some time and hopefully they are working to build an iron clad case. They better be, anyway.
Like as anytime soon? Iam watching the HLN channel and I see all these stories and it made me think if it will ever come to "BREAKING NEWS : Michael Jackson doctor faces charges in death in Michael Jackson" *sighs* or if we ever see him in handcuffs or going into court for the death of Michael Jackson. What you think? Or will it be a out of the media hush hush case?

Investigations take time to complete, and they need a solid case before prosecuting. This man from what I see was careless and filled with all kinds of complaints. Not to mention serious money problems.

I would not be surprised to see the man led away.
Keep the faith! I do believe that one day we will see Murray in handcuffs-we just need patience. This needs to be done properly, the case is too high profile and cannot be messed up.
probably by next year he will go to trial if he doesn't bail

lapd is looking into all his doctors and aliases that were used to get prescriptions
they need to make sure their investigation is complete and that no evidence is tainted to that they can have a strong case.
Justice will not make me feel any better because when the trial is over even the hardest punishment will not bring Michael back. Don't get me wrong. I do want all of those resposible punished. I just won't feel any better. :weeping:
I know how u feel it wont change anything it wont bring him back:cry:
but I do want him to live a torturing life!!!
(and plz Michael dont have mercy on him from heaven! also plz dont forgive chandler and that bashir from heaven! cuz oh I know u do!!)