Will Thriller Ever Be Topped?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do you think Thriller will ever be topped?

I mean that album was perfect in EVERY way.

To date it has sold 65 million copies. Thats23 million copies ahead of its competition('Dark Side Of The Moon)'.

Thriller completely changed everything and it created a phenomenon that was equal or greater than Elvis or Beatle mania. It took the entire world by storm.

Do you think any album will ever surpass it in sales or cultural impact?

My answer is no because Thriller was lightning in a bottle, perfect timing, great music, popular with everyone from 3 to 83, etc... the kind of success that is once in a lifetime.

But what do you think? Do you think someone will come around in the future and do it all over again?
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Never.. albums just aren't the same anymore
c'mon.. lol, you really had to make a thread. Everyone knows. Thriller will be #1 untill the end of times ;)
Yes, but only if Michael can come up with something to compete against himself with! Otherwise, not a chance!

But someone will have the biggest selling online album, which may not be Michael. But if releases a new album online then who knows???
I dont know how many of yall are sports fans,but those who are know that many times records have been perceived to be "unbreakable", but history shows records are made to be broken. I say it will be broken someday.
Had things not been so shitty for Michael, I reckon there was a time he could of done it
Break it down..its still competition..one day there will be someone withthe same competitive fire of Michael Jackson gunning for his records.
"Thriller is cited as having sold between 47 and 109 million copies worldwide; the Guinness Book of World Records lists Thriller as having sold 65 million copies as of 2007"

I always hear different selling numbers from different sources. Do anyone have accurate numbers on how many albums Thriller actually sold? I mean, there's a HUGE difference between 65 million and 109 million :)
I think if they started giving music away for free and still counted the downloads it will never be topped either lol
Well...I'd say "In a Million years" but NOT before His NEW Album...:wild:lol:D Fo real though, His New Album Might be The Sickest ALBUM EVER CREATED!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo::sarmoti::sarmoti:Lets just wait and see...:cheeky:

But til then, Another Album topping Thriller??? "H*LL TO DA NAW!!!":naa:
With an new album that hold 3-4 short films. He should bring back his unique way of styling/clothes. Just like the beat it jacket, it refers to Michael Jackson. He should bring back his clothes not the old ones, but just new one we all want to wear.
Bring back the merchandise!!!!

He should lead the radio stations, making alot of commercial breaks, not only on tv, but also on the internet.

Making alot of photoshoots so everyone could see mike on the front page of an magazine.

Making appearances on shows like Ellen.

These are the things to make the album bigger than thriller. (ofcourse alot more would be needed;) )
Yes, I think it will happen. It's inevitable. Someday, someone will come along and blow everyone else out of the water, just like Michael did. Probably won't happen for a very long time, though (I'm hoping).
Thriller will always be the best selling album of all time, because of pop music history and how it has developed. Thriller has sold so many copies because of its reputation.

When it comes to the artistic aspect of the album, I would claim that Michael has already outclassed Thriller. Thriller still holds three of Michaels best songs ever(you know wich one's) :) But the rest of the album does not hold up I think. All songs are good, but there is a huge difference between those three songs and the rest.

I personally think Bad and Dangerous from an artistic point of view is better then Thriller.

So I would then also say that it won`t matter how good the new album is, or what other artists in the future creates. Thriller can not be done again.

It is the historical aspect of Thriller that made it what it was. Michael delivered something at the right time in music history and that gave rise to the success of Thriller.

Remember after Motown 25th and his BJ performance the album went into orbit in sales. That performance alone gave him 10 million more sold albums.

To do something like that again will be very very difficult for Michael and anyone for a long time, perhaps forever.

But who knows, stranger things have happened.
Do you think Thriller will ever be topped?

I mean that album was perfect in EVERY way.

To date it has sold 65 million copies. Thats23 million copies ahead of its competition('Dark Side Of The Moon)'.

Thriller completely changed everything and it created a phenomenon that was equal or greater than Elvis or Beatle mania. It took the entire world by storm.

Do you think any album will ever surpass it in sales or cultural impact?

My answer is no because Thriller was lightning in a bottle, perfect timing, great music, popular with everyone from 3 to 83, etc... the kind of success that is once in a lifetime.

But what do you think? Do you think someone will come around in the future and do it all over again?
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nope, never, no, nil.

An album that breaks Thriller's sales would have to be sung by Jesus and produced by God.
"Thriller is cited as having sold between 47 and 109 million copies worldwide; the Guinness Book of World Records lists Thriller as having sold 65 million copies as of 2007"

I always hear different selling numbers from different sources. Do anyone have accurate numbers on how many albums Thriller actually sold? I mean, there's a HUGE difference between 65 million and 109 million :)

It sold 65 million.

Here is a market by market break-down:

USA : 28.200.000
Canada : 3.250.000
Brésil : 1.375.000
Mexique : 1.200.000
Argentine : 650.000

Japon : 2.700.000
Singapour : 50.000

Australie : 1.000.000
Nouvelle-Zélande : 165.000

Europe : 16.820.000
- UK : 4.280.000 (4.020.000)
- France : 3.200.000 (3.000.000)
- Allemagne : 1.900.000 (1.850.000)
- Espagne : 1.100.000
- Italie : 1.280.000 (1.240.000)
- Pays-Bas : 1.000.000 (950.000)
- Suède : 400.000
- Finlande : 92.000
- Autriche : 400.000
- Suisse : 360.000 (340.000)
- Belgique : 550.000
- Portugal : 81.000
- Danemark : 180.000
- Norvège : 150.000+

Turquie : 300.000

It sold 55.7 million in those 24 countries alone. Which are some of the biggest markets.

So it sold about 9.3 million in the rest o the world.
in terms of sales no, in terms of quality IMA he topped it multiple times, I love thriller but overall i think bad and dangerous were better