Will there be a THIS IS IT trailer?

I hope so... I would love to see a little sneak peak of what to expect..
im really curious
very soon i hope! but i hope they dont give too much away, i wanna see everything for the first time at the cinemas
I was just talking about this to a friend of mine. I hope they promote this well because I was talking about going to see "This is It" and no one even knew what I was talking about. Most people were like "they're making it into a movie?" lol. So yeah they def need to get the word out because outside of the fan circles, I don't think it's well know.
Kenny Ortega said promos are coming soon.
Of course there will be! It has been rumoured one will be during the ad break at the VMAs in a week or so.
I spoke to Kenny Ortega on the phone and he stressed a trailer is definately not coming out.
According to MJJFrance.com the trailer should be released as a world premiere during the MTV Video Music Awards on Sept 13th that will take place in NYC (beginning at 9PM).
Please consider that nothing is confirmed yet though.

Quelques informations arrivent aux oreilles d'MJFrance à propos du film "Michael Jackson This Is It" que nous attendons tous pour le 28 Octobre prochain. Ainsi, la bande annonce du film devrait être diffusée en exclusivité mondiale lors des MTV Video Music Awards à New York le 13 Septembre 2009 à partir de 21h (heure locale). Autre chose qui n'est pour l'instant à concidérer qu'au conditionnel, il se dit qu'en complément de la sortie du film, celui-ci pourrait être accompagné en salles d'une reprise en version raccourcie du court métrage de Ghosts. Cette éventualité concernerait les USA et pourrait également concerner le reste du monde. Rien de tout ceci n'est pour le moment confirmé.
Original article
Of course man every ground braking movie has an trailer i really think its gonna sell more than the titantic movie and harry potter i really do think so omg