Will the World get to see one more time?

I don't want an open casket funeral. I really don't. I like to remember people as they were when alive. The body lying in a casket is not him. MJ has moved on to bigger and better things.
I think the family is still deciding to have a public or private funeral. I think it should be a private funeral for their benefit and a public memorial.
I would be surprised if they decide not to have a public funeral. Michael is the most famous person on the planet and people want to pay their respects. But I also would not be surprised if Michael has in his will that he doesn't want a public funeral. Seems like something he would do to me.
Apart of me wants to see an open casket.....to say goodbye. To see him in peace and wish him well.....but the other part of me.....I dunno....I don't think I could bare it. I want to see him 1 more time, but yet I don't...:(