Will the fans stay in contact with MJ kids now?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Remember when we the fans would to yell MICHAEL ! MICHAEL ! MICHAEL ! outside his hotel windows or how we would be chasing cars that we thought was MJ? Well now its hard to say if we can still do that without MJ around..but his kids are here...Will we the fans stay in contact with them to let them now we still love there dad and we love them and we will be watching over them? Will you send MJ kids stuff like gifts just like the way we did to there father? Lets talk about this topic...:D what do you think?
I dont think the fans should bombard them like they did with Michael. Birthday presents and stuff like that is a great idea and shows that we are thinking about them and care, but I think they know how much we love their daddy. Maybe when they get older and if people see them out somewhere they can say something but I dont think running up to them in a store telling them how much we love their father is a good idea right now.
I think ones they turn 18 they have the right to speak out to the media and talk about there dad and what life was back then..( speaking 1997-2009)
fans need to keep a distance from them, they are not Michael, it's ok to love them from afar b/c we love their daddy, but that should be it, birthday presents aren't a big deal as long it's delivered by the company and fans don't go to stand in front of the gates, chanting ''happy birthday''
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I think we should wait for them to grow up and make the decision themselves.
At this rate, they are bound to have a strong fan base though. :lol:
fans need to keep a distance from them, they are not Michael, it's ok to love them from afar b/c we love their daddy, but that should be it, birthday presents aren't a big deal as long it's delivered by the company and fans don't go to stand in front of the gates, chanting ''happy birthday''

I agree!!
I think we shall leave the kids alone and let them decide how they want to have it when they grow older.
They might appreciate to get cards telling them about things their father inspired us to do, humantarian things, planting trees for the environment .
MJ fans shouldn't invade the kid's privacy to compensate the loss of our Michael. Give them time to grow up, it's hard enough for them to be the new target of the paparazzi.
Well, I won't be chasing them behind their cars lol. But I think giving things like birthday gifts our the support package Shannon had made are ok. I love the kids. It's not like I'm a ''fan of the kids'', you won't see me hanging around Paris/Prince/Blanket Jackson fansites, but I deeply care about them.
Maybe it is because I kind of saw them growing up, I am only 5 years older than Prince...but oh my gosh..I almost felt like a proud mom when Prince was speeching at the Grammy's lol.

Like Prince said ''Our father loved you so much, because you were always there for him'', It would be kind of cruel to go like ''Óh, now Michael isn't here anymore, you can go figure it out on your own.''. They're still kids who are now unleased to a world where the media constantly haunts them down, I think it's only more than logical that we are here to support them and let them feel that we won''t forget them, just because Michael isn't here anymore.

That doesn't mean, camping in front of their house, but I think it's nice to sometimes send them things like the ''support package'', to show them that we do care about them and that we are thinking about them.
What we're doing now is fine-sending Prince a birthday present was such a lovely gesture but they need time to be kids. We need to look out for them but they're not Michael. Let them know we love them and we're always thinking about them but give them their privacy.
I think fans need to be careful about transferring their attention on Michael to his children.

I think sending these birthday gifts and support pack are nice gestures which just let them know we care about how they are.

I would do this for other's anyway.. my mum works in a school and a 7 year old has just lost his mother and little brother (they were killed when the driver of a car had a heart attack and the car went out of control, the driver died too) we'll be sending the child something probably. Its just to try and lift their spirits even just a little bit.

I definitely don't think people should be following them around, crowding outside their house and chanting their name. No no no, they're only children. I would hate it if they felt 'creeped' out by their father's fans.
As others have said the birthday gesture was beautiful and Michael would of been so proud of his fans. As fans of their father, we should continue our support from a distance. Things like complaining to a media outlet if ever they disrespect the children or supporting any ideas the kids may have, i.e: Prince's decision to speak at the Grammy awards, etc.

But that is it. Stalking the kids, approaching them, chanting their names is just simply inappropriate. They are children, let them be. Like everyone has said, when they are adults, it is different. I'm sure in the future they will be as kind as their father was when approached by fans.

Crazy thing is, not only does Prince need to look out for his fathers fans but it seems Prince has his own fans, all around the same age group as himself. Ive heard they have fan forums too :lol:
Nope, but sending presents to the kids is okay. The fans should keep thier distance from the kids and should'nt hound them. They are not celebs.

But that is it. Stalking the kids, approaching them, chanting their names is just simply inappropriate. They are children, let them be. Like everyone has said, when they are adults, it is different. I'm sure in the future they will be as kind as their father was when approached by fans.

I do agree, let them have thier privatcy.
I agree. It would be weird of us to assume that we could transfer our idea of Michael onto his childern. They are not Michael, although they are forever a part of him, they should not have to deal with some of the outrageous and sometimes frightening behavour some fans can exude. Not to say that we should not support them just as many here have already stated...yet to cheer them on when they are in public or to follow their moves, would just not be what they would want nor understand. Besides, it frightened Mike himself, I know he wouldn't want his childern to experience that at all.

Let them be childern, and try to gain their footing again in life. They have so much to learn, and so much to give the world. Lets respect their privacy, yet embrace their future ideas and goals. And when the time deems appropriate, lets celebrate 'Michael's' life and past achievements.... then if the childern see this, that would be enough. Continuing loving Michael in your heart, and let this come through. Believe me, whenever us fans celebrate .... the world will watch, they'll see it.... and the childern will too.
You have all said wonderful things and I agree with you. Our love and passion for Michael should never be transfered to the kids in ways they may feel uncomfortable. In fact, what the media (and business people) want from us, MJ fans, is exactly that: that we transfer our love from Michael to his kids.

There is simply no point in chasing them, screaming their names or camping outside their house. Also, think about it: it is great to know people love your father, but it must be complicated to feel they love you just for You being somebody's son/daughter, not for being simply yourself. MJ3 will have to learn to deal with this issue too, and I hope we MJ fans will not be the ones to ever put any preassure on them.

I can understand little girls and teenagers making forums for Prince or Paris. They are lovely and so beutiful!! But they are simply kids... what have they done so far? Just being Michael Jackson's kids. And Michael didn't want that for his children.

I truly care about them, but I also try to understand that the less I know about them, the more I am respecting their privacy now. If they ever do any public stuff (like Grammys or the like) I'd like to know each detail. But when it comes to their private lives, I try to remember I must turn away and leave. That's not my place and they don't need me to show "that" kind of support :)
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In my opinion we have the 3 angels of Michael in our hearts and thoughts. We must pray for them and ask God that is always with them protecting them from harm and filling their lives with love, joy, many conquests and victories in their lives. Why do I really feel that these children will do things so big in life when they get older. They know how much we love and know that Michael feels the same for them and that we also care about them. I'm sure that somehow they feel our deep and sincere feelings for them and that's the way it will always be with them and they know it. Just remember what Prince said at the Grammy... :)
I defintly think fans should give them their space. Its not approrpiate for fans to be waiting outside of hotels or their home. They are not celebrities. They already know that fans care a lot about them. I'm sure they've been overwhelmed with all the love even before their father was gone. The younger kids sometimes don't know any better, they haven't learned boundaries. Its a little weird that Prince, Paris, and Blanket have fansites. Hopefully these are kids around their age making these websites and not adults.

I think the birthday gifts are a nice idea. But maybe some gifts are not appropriate. Example food gifts.. You just don't accept certain things from strangers. Usually those types of gifts are thrown away. Gifts that come from the heart not the pocket are generally what many people would want to keep.