Will non-MJ fans and people who did not like him will still go see the movie?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Do you think people did not really like Michael Jackson or his music do you think they will go still sit there for a hour or 2 too see the Michael Jackson movie? If so why would they go? I thought they did not like him.?
yes... there are haters. there are closet fans. there are people that are neither haters or supporters and will be curious... and there will be people who will go to mock and redicule.

so is life. go figure.
I really hope not!! :( I mean it's pretty silly to spend money on something you dont even like for the purpose of ruining it... but some people are just mean.
let's be honest... how many haters compare to michael jackson fan ??

let's say 10000, well, we have a billion of fans worldwide.. so, doesn't matter really :)
yes... there are haters. there are closet fans. there are people that are neither haters or supporters and will be curious... and there will be people who will go to mock and redicule.

so is life. go figure.

Well why send 10 buks to see someone u dont like..?? What if people or friends or family you know who did not like MJ go and watch it ..what would u say to them?
i'm sure some people will only go out of curiosity and others just cos its some where to go thats why i so want to go with people like you lot but its just not possible. i am looking out for anyone near me thats wants company. i promise to be good but i don't promise not to sob my heart out.
I think if there would be a new single released before the movie plenty of people will go. PLENTY
There sare close to 6 billion people on earth and Michael has about 5 billon fans. no need to worry..
Well if haters are going to see this movie, then there's obviously something they like about him if they're willing to spend their money to see it.
It all goes toward MJs estate
so whoever spends money to see it
is benefieting MJs children _ plus
it may change many hearts :)
Yes, I've got non-MJ fans friends now who are bugging me to come watch it with them and they're even more excited than I am and who enjoyed the trailer more than I am....their exuberance towards Michael and the film had me grinning.

over the past months I've been having conversations with newly convert MJ fans, there's a new audience out there. :)
Nobody will mock or ridicule Michael in our cinema while I'm watching TII.
I'll kick their asses if they dare doing that!!!!
I don't agree with most of your comments, get real! I believe there's a lot more haters than fans in this world, that's why we're in this situation. If there were billions of fans as you say Michael would still be alive today.

I hope all the haters stay away from seeing the movie, and let the fans enjoy the KING just once more. Most of the world didn't want to know about Michael when he was alive, they only wanted to read the disgusting lies and stories that surrounded him, so why should they bother now he's dead.
I don't agree with most of your comments, get real! I believe there's a lot more haters than fans in this world, that's why we're in this situation. If there were billions of fans as you say Michael would still be alive today.

I hope all the haters stay away from seeing the movie, and let the fans enjoy the KING just once more. Most of the world didn't want to know about Michael when he was alive, they only wanted to read the disgusting lies and stories that surrounded him, so why should they bother now he's dead.

in my place it's all MJ love. I'm not gonna deny it coz' there are really a lot of haters out there but there are new converts too, a lot of people are coming up to me and saying "how much is the ticket for the TII film?" they're not even fans,it's only after he's passing that they appreciated Michael, now they're excited as I am about the film.
There's a difference between a Hater, a person who doesn't care for Michael's music and a curious non-fan who wants to check out who Michael was.
I think people should be made to take an MJ loyalty test before they go in!!!
My friend isn't a fan but she loved the trailer so she wanted to go see it with me. I'm not gonna say "No you can't because you're not a fan". I think many non fans want to see it aswell. Though i won't really like it if there would be a lot of haters or sensation seekers watching it.
I don't agree with most of your comments, get real! I believe there's a lot more haters than fans in this world, that's why we're in this situation. If there were billions of fans as you say Michael would still be alive today.

I hope all the haters stay away from seeing the movie, and let the fans enjoy the KING just once more. Most of the world didn't want to know about Michael when he was alive, they only wanted to read the disgusting lies and stories that surrounded him, so why should they bother now he's dead.

There aren't more haters than fans. Haters and fanatics are the minority. Casual fans and people who are in between are the majority when it comes to Michael. The haters are not the majority, not at all.