Will michaels new album come out next year?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
new york
I want his new album to come out with new music, so he can beat everyone!!!! win all the awards! Imagine michael came out with a song for each genre , country pop, r&b, rock, and won every award lol...... Will.i.am better push for his and mikes music to come out
I don't think so, but I really hope it will!

I need new music.

This Is It is such a great song, hear it all the time. But I want MORE!!

I'm a Michael Jackson addict! :lol:
I want his new album to come out with new music, so he can beat everyone!!!! win all the awards! Imagine michael came out with a song for each genre , country pop, r&b, rock, and won every award lol...... Will.i.am better push for his and mikes music to come out

OMG... My dream come true...

The album will out-sell every single artist's albums for next year... Then, the music will be so incredible, so mind-blowing...the critics cant say anything...

Then, Michael will win every single award.... HAHAHAHA!!! Complete domination...

Ok.. sorry... (clear throat) Got a bit carried away...
rumor is they want to have an album by his birthday.. but like I said it is a rumor and I don't want to elaborate on it anymore in case it is a false rumor.
Im sure, totally, i dont know what it may contain, but im sure there would be one, may be even a double disc, and for that reason im glad, i love Michael s music so much is so INGENIUS, i hope it has some stuff the time he did Cheater and Monkey Bussiness (crossing fingers) he planned to do a typical Michael Jackson style album and one of classical music... im sad he didnt, i think he didnt even got to began to record the classical one...

anyway, the answer, OF COURSE
I want his new album to come out with new music, so he can beat everyone!!!! win all the awards! Imagine michael came out with a song for each genre , country pop, r&b, rock, and won every award lol...... Will.i.am better push for his and mikes music to come out

I hope so. :D
I really hope the first major album of unreleased MJ material is packaged together like a proper new album and consists of music he was recording from 2006-2009. I don't want a demo from the Dangerous album sitting next to a song he recorded with will.i.am. It would be so cool to get an album made up entirely of relatively new material. It wouldn't feel that different from MJ actually releasing a new album and still being with us.

But if Sony have anything to do with it I'm sure they'll manage to fuck it up somehow.
Damn I really hope the new stuff does come out... over 100 songs in the past years damn!
nothing really excites me anymore how can it. even more so if its a bunch of unfinished songs that have been touched up by others like with this is it
I guess we'll find out sometime after the This Is It DVD/BluRay!

But I would say that if there is no news by the time of June, I wouldn't put my hopes up!!!!
nothing really excites me anymore how can it. even more so if its a bunch of unfinished songs that have been touched up by others like with this is it

This is what it probably may be, unfinished songs from that era that will be remixed and tweaked to look like a whole song. :( Maybe there is a few full songs somewhere in that vault.
If there is enough NEW material (2006-2009) to make a posthumous album that would be preferred. I really don't like the idea of mixing old demos from Dangerous/Bad era with stuff from the 99 invincible sessions.

Is it true that what became Invincible was postponed in 99? I heard in 1999 that an entire album was ready to go for a late 99 release, but MJ scrapped the whole record and began fresh recording again. This may be one of the reasons why that album was an expensive undertaking.

As far as the older demos and songs, what I would like to see is those put into context. For instance, the post Bad(decade) sessions has an albums worth of material that never ended up on Dangerous. While some of these songs have been leaked, some have not been fully remastered. A collection of songs titled "1990" or something like that could work. There are probably 12 or 15 songs ready to go from those sessions. The Adult version of "I'll be there" is sure to be a huge hit! There is probably enough footage shot for the pepsi commercial to create a video for it too! They just need to be careful how to promote something like this, if it comes out and people think it is the "new" stuff, it will sound very dated and might confuse some.

I think getting the recent work of MJ should be the priority before raiding the vaults (but done in a manner of time that respects his passing). I just don't want the new cd to dwell on MJ's death. Everyone knows he's gone and we will all be thinking of it when we finally get the cd. I think releasing the album without that over it's head would begin to help some fans heal.

Although if "Hold my hand" is on the cd, and MJ's first lyrics are "This life don't last forever" it will break some hearts out there.