Will Michael Moore make a documentry?


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2005
He was there at the funeral (surprisingly) could it be a possibility that he makes one?
I think he would be a good person to do it. Maybe he is doing one now IDK.
Oh, that's great he was there! Hadn't noticed! He would be the best person to do an MJ doc. His documentaries are recognised and talked about around the world. I wish he focused on the bogus child allegations...
He gonna go into those conspirisies theories. Like Mj was killed ny AEG or something
That would actually be really interesting. Perhaps at how the media had treated Michael all his life. Well, Michael Moore usually does docs to expose something that needs to be reflected on and/or improved on by society. So he might not do one about Mike's whole life, but maybe how he was treated by those that built him up.
wow , Michale Moore there ? well well, Evan Chandler should really really start to worry.
Not unless George W Bush is some how involved in all this....then no. Plus it looks like the Jackson Brothers beat him to it.
I know a few fans wrote him during the trial and asked to do a documentary on Michael's troubles.
If he did one telling the truth about the lies surrounding Michael and the allegations and conspiracies in his life that would be great - get the TRUTH out there for Michael's sake.

I think Michael Moore has the guts to do it, he takes on governments and pharmaceutical companies... why not lying families, Tom Sneddon, concert promoters and record companies
Maybe he is working on the truth and the lying allegations, extortionists and greed surrounding Michael..What a book to write or a documentary to produce..Michael life was so full of every conceivable aspect of a great documentary..actually 2 documentaries..One on his Music all aspects of it and the other on the controversies.