Will Liz Taylor appear on the first show?

I love her so much. She's a true legend and friend for Michael. Mike has always her support. By the way, I hope her health is OK.
^^Yeah, she's cool... we had our own private little moment when I greeted her... she waved at me at the 30th anniversary concert...
Is that her real Twitter? I hope she goes. :) I'm sure she'll be there for him, as she knows it's hard for him.
I don't think she will be there. Not because she doesn't care but because she's 77 and has health problems.

And yes, it's her real twitter, it was confirmed by her spokeperson.
I don't think Liz will be on stage, but she might be there somewhere as a guest of honour. She's English and so might use the concerts as an oppurtunity to visit her homeland.

Even if she doesn't have plans to attend, I'm sure she's excited for Mike. This is a big deal for him and I'm sure she'd love to see him succeed again after all the crap he's been through. what friend wouldn't want that?

Even Liz Taylor has a twitter. Why doesn't Mike? He could have a member of staff vet it for him, rather than read all the crap that'll get posted. It's a shame Mike isn't more hands-on in this new technical age. So many other celebs have made themselves uber-accessible by personally interacting with their fans through twitter, facebook, myspace etc.
I don't think she will be there. Not because she doesn't care but because she's 77 and has health problems.

And yes, it's her real twitter, it was confirmed by her spokeperson.
Well, she's not in the hospital anymore... and she's stubborn and like us she's been with Michael through all the dark times so I'm sure she wants to be there when he finally has his big comeback... I'm pretty much sure that she has plans to attend the first concert!
I love the Liz. She was always a true friend to Michael, was always beside him. Everyone knows that she has several health problems, but I'm sure she takes care of your health. She never appeared publicly today and know that she is with old age. It would leave too if it were in its big debut honored friend.
I don't think she will be there. Not because she doesn't care but because she's 77 and has health problems.

And yes, it's her real twitter, it was confirmed by her spokeperson.
Thanks, hun. I followed her. ;)

I think she'll be there like she was during the 30th... In a private section.
Maybe you should think before you post.

hoping liz won,t die because you are affraid of your concert you attend?
Shame on you!
I hope nobody dies, because life is something beautifull......and liz is a treu friend.
i hope she won,t die because she,s one of michael,s best friends and not because michael otherwise will cancel the concerts i attend.
Very selfisch

I did think about it. Its too easy too upset a lot of people on this forum. Dont take everything too serious please. I give a shit if she dies. Thats not cruel. that honest:) But again i just said it as a little joke. no worries guys
Aw I hope she goes to one of the shows! Would be great to hear that she had been! I bet Michael would love it.
does liz have a twitter oh lawd

boy, nowadays e'rybody do. 'cept Mike cuz he too cool for dat:cheeky:

I read in an AP article that Liz started using it while in the hopsital recently...I love her, she dope.
Hope she comes.

MJ would be very glad if she did.
When she can she will. This is what she wrote

Counting the days until Michael's opening night in London.
9:15 AM May 13th from web
ok u guys, i cleaned up this thread. we will NOT tolerate the tone that was taken earlier in this thread. talk lik ethat will be an automatic infraction.

so if u don' tsee ur post, it's b/c it refered to what w as removed...unless u received a pm, ur ok.! lolcuz i

yes she has a twitter and yes she'llbe there
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