Will Bloody Texting PSA Get The Message To Teens?


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
Texting behind the wheel qualifies as irresponsible and completely stupid. But is a gory British public service announcement going to reach kids who believe they are immortal?

Be warned: the four-minute PSA is extremely graphic, showing not only the realistic bloody injuries of three pretty teenage girls, but also an unresponsive infant in a car seat and a preschooler asking her unconscious and bleeding parents to wake up.

Mike Stout, director of the division of traffic safety for the Illinois Department of Transportation, said that he doesn't know if this kind of message would deter teens from texting behind the wheel -- and he wouldn't take the risk of trying to find out.

"This is way too gory," Stout told ParentDish. "...sometimes you have to push the envelope, but if you put this on TV, you'd have no control over who your audience was. Younger kids could see it, and I know some teens that it wouldn't affect at all."

As I watched the clip with my baby nearby, tears came to my eyes when the camera lingered on what appeared to be a dead infant in a car seat with a preschool-age sibling pleading for her parents in the front seat to "wake up."

So the PSA gets right to the heart of parents to avoid the lure of a quick text. But would the teenager behind me do the same?

Video is here: http://www.parentdish.com/2009/08/2...-bloody-texting-psa-get-the-message-to-teens/

Oh wow. That's pretty...graphic...
Scared me a little. ha..

I hate seeing people texting or even on a cell phone while driving. I just see a car accident waiting to happen.
I'm only after watching it. It's extremely scary. I hope it leaves an impression on people, I know it has done on me.

I don't know if it'll stop it completely, but it'll certainly have an effect
I'm only after watching it. It's extremely scary. I hope it leaves an impression on people, I know it has done on me.

I don't know if it'll stop it completely, but it'll certainly have an effect

I hope so too. It's becoming a serious problem now and even though it's a bit exaggerated these things do and can happen sadly.

When I'm driving with my parents, I see at least 6 people a day on average texting on a phone while driving. It does scare me a little. When I start driving this year, I'm going to keep my phone off. One little message can wait for my life you know?

The (dead?) infant and the little kid part freaked me out. How she's telling her parents to wake up..
Thank you for posting this, i've shown it to my brother's friend (he always texts/phones when driving) - don't know whether it'll have any effect on him, but hopefully it will make a difference and save some lives!
The other day my sister was bragging about how she texts while driving, and not only that but also reads and watches movies and other things. I was disgusted. On the whole I don't think this will make people like my sister think twice about it. They'll just say "Oh, this stuff is overexaggerated. That will never happen to me."

That video shook me to the very core, btw.
Sadly, most of the people this PSA is targeted to won't have the attention span to watch the whole thing.
Sadly, most of the people this PSA is targeted to won't have the attention span to watch the whole thing.

Sadly, I think you're right.
I sent this video to a friend of mine and she said it's not something that will prevent her from doing it, it just grossed her out. :rolleyes2:

As exaggerated as it is, this can happen and it has happened..
I swear, some teenagers these days are so arrogant and stupid. I'm glad I'm not like that about these things.
yea but graphic things prove a point to some people.
i also dont like when people make their personal updates on youtube in their car on the way to somewhere.
or even if your hands are free, your mind isn't concentrating full out on what your doing on the road if your busy doing something else. i think people think driving is easy, they forget it can be deadly and or go to jail if you killed someone.
they won't learn anything from this, they can make it as graphic as they want
and teenagrs should not be allowed to own cars in the first place spoiled brats!!
Sadly, I think you're right.
I sent this video to a friend of mine and she said it's not something that will prevent her from doing it, it just grossed her out. :rolleyes2:

As exaggerated as it is, this can happen and it has happened..
I swear, some teenagers these days are so arrogant and stupid. I'm glad I'm not like that about these things.

Sadly, it's not just teens who do this. Adults are guilty of doing this all the time as well. My sister being an example. She isn't a teen, she's 42 and knows better. It sickens me when I see people like her doing all sorts of stuff while driving. Texting, reading, watching movies, putting on makeup, etc is NOT to be done while behind the wheel.
Sadly, it's not just teens who do this. Adults are guilty of doing this all the time as well. My sister being an example. She isn't a teen, she's 42 and knows better. It sickens me when I see people like her doing all sorts of stuff while driving. Texting, reading, watching movies, putting on makeup, etc is NOT to be done while behind the wheel.

Yes, I've seen adults do this too.
Driving is a form of transportation, whatever you need to do can wait until you get to where you need to go. Before there were cell phones or anything like that, people got along just fine without texting or watching movies while driving. If you need to put on makeup, do it before you get on the road or after your parked.

Some people are just irresponsible and don't think and it's those kind of people who make driving more dangerous than it already is. Now I'm afraid to drive. haha. :/
im so proud as this video is filmed just down the road from me, our town is not well known, and we had no idea it would be shown all around the world.

Btw there are other trailers for the film its called COW
Its a video thats needed, I agree with others that the type that text and drive might not watch it all the way to the end,its not just teenagers either my 50yr old supervisor got fined for it by Police.
im so proud as this video is filmed just down the road from me, our town is not well known, and we had no idea it would be shown all around the world.

Btw there are other trailers for the film its called COW

So this is a film? I thought it was some kind of commercial. lol. But that's cool either way, I really hope people consider it. It has an important message. Do you know if this is something that's going to be released?

I was watching a preview of this episode of Dr. Phil with this girl who texts and drives and she thought that it was ok for her to do it because she was good at texting...? :rolleyes2:

I looked up the COW trailer.
So I was thinking more about this, and I was trying to think of what the reaction at my high school would have been to this while I was still there...

The guys would have gotten a huge 'thrill' out of watching this. They love blood and guts, and I think it wouldn't have phased them at all. I mean, we watched films of equal gore in driver's training, and many of them have still gotten behind the wheel and driven drunk. To them texting and driving is just like a walk in the park!

The girls on the other hand, they will tell you that they 'won't' do it, but as soon as they got in their car after school the first thing that comes out are the cell phones to text their friends and make plans for the evening. In high school, and even in college, you become so obsessed with and focused on your social life. You think that you are invincible, that you'll live forever and that 'sending this one text' isn't going to determine your fate.

I am guilty of texting and driving sometimes :( Ugh. This video really makes me want to not do it anymore. If I caused an accident like this because I was trying to type 'lol' to someone, and I didn't die, I would probably want to kill myself. I would feel terrible :(
I hope that message does work. Texting while driving and talking on the cell phone while driving. Are the 2 main reasons is why I don't drive in the first place. I was already almost killed in one car accident. I certainly don't want to be in another one. Where I do actually end up dead. There has been a couple of times when I was in the car with my mother. She had talked on her cell phone while driving. I really yelled at her for doing something so stupid as that. When I was teenager texting was totally unheard of then. When I was taking drivers ed. We were always told to keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road at all times. Talking on the cell phone while driving was almost unheard of then as well. The only thing we really did a major discussion on was a new thing called road rage. And this was going back to the mid to late 90s. I can't believe how much times has change since then.