Will any songs released in the future be considered true classics?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Will any songs released in the future be considered classics?

I have often wondered about this. What i mean is we have alot of songs that people consider TRUE classics. Billie Jean, The Way You Make Me Feel, Thriller, Beat It, Bad, Smooth Criminal, Black Or White, Man In The Mirror, etc.

We have heard alot of unreleased songs that didn't make it onto albums and i think alot of them are just as good (if not better) then some of the songs that did make the albums. So there is certainly some amazing unreleased songs that haven't been heard. But i wonder if any of them could compare to the songs i mentioned.

Over the next seven years, and even after that we will be hearing ALOT more MJ songs that haven't been released. Do you think its possible that any of these (now) unreleased songs will, in time, be considered true classics like the songs mentioned above?
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Yes, I do. Michael was working on recording music for years, so it's not that all the unreleased songs are just outtakes that didn't make it to any of his albums. But even with that said, some of the previously unreleased songs are some of my favorites. Also, there are really great songs like "Who is it" that we all know and love, but they've just never gotten the attention they deserve.
The first couple singles released on the new album will probably be pretty big. However I don't think there is enough current sounding songs in the mjj vaults for there to be more then a few big hits and "classics"

eventually these albums are gonna need to dip into the songs recorded in the 80s and 90s, and even with a ton of remixing (which I am opposed to anyway) it wouldn't sound fresh and new.
Probably not, I'd say.

Nothing post-Dangerous has been considered "classic" by the critics or the public. Even if the next few releases are a big success, I don't see any of the unreleased music being put up there with Billie Jean, Beat It, DSTYGE etc.

That time has come and gone. I'm just thankful that the true fans have a wealth of unheard music to look forward to and enjoy. Screw what the critics and the public think - they wouldn't know a good song if it came and hit them in the face!
i dont think theyre gonna be held in the same regards as billie jean,man in the mirror,remember the time,rock with you,human nature,smooth criminal,beat it,dirty diana,cant help it ect by the public..or they just might with the way music is these days,anything mike puts out shud be a classic cuz we dont have TRUE artists out these days besides a few, but for us,im sure we have some classics. thats all mike makes lol
Nothing post-Dangerous has been considered "classic" by the critics or the public.


Earth Song (critically + publicly a classic)
You Are Not Alone (critically + publicly a classic)
They Dont Care About Us (recently becoming MASSIVELY popular, and everyone is talking about it)
Wasn't Butterflies also praised by critics despite the drama over the Invincible album and MJ's dispute with Mottola/Sony?
The fact is, Michael's entire discography from 1979 to 2001 is considered to be true classics. Every song has it's own magic and experience. So many artists poison their discography with mediocre junk that really lessen their greatness as an artist (we all know the artists who do that). The man is at the top of the hill when it comes to music sales, you don't accomplish that if you don't have something very special about your music.

I have no doubt that many of his unreleased songs will be a classics. I mean have you heard Another Day? His vocals on that are one of the most special things I've currently in music today.

BTW this should be merged with the New Album Thread or in another section of the forum.
i dont think so... his legacy as a whole is too big
to let another single song shine brighter than that ..so it could go down as "classic".
all the "classics" are from the time before these classics made the "legend".

no more classics once you're legend... thats the rule :D (of public perception)
Yes. The Will.I.Am songs.

Heck no! I can't stand him, he used to be good but I think him remixing MJ songs would just come out like a B.E.P album and their recent stuff sucks IMO. I'm being hopeful and I think there could be some gems hidden that will hopefully surface on the new album. I also think they should use that newly released 'Michael Jackson's Blue Eye' photo that they were going to use on the Invincible album cover for this new album cover.
Remember "Sittin' On The Dock of the Bay" by soul singer Otis Redding!!!!!

That was his best song and it was released after he died!!!!!!
We won't know until we hear them. Earth Song is post 90s and is definitely a classic, TDACU and Jam are also becoming massively popular so who knows.
i dont think theyre gonna be held in the same regards as billie jean,man in the mirror,remember the time,rock with you,human nature,smooth criminal,beat it,dirty diana,cant help it ect by the public..or they just might with the way music is these days,anything mike puts out shud be a classic cuz we dont have TRUE artists out these days besides a few, but for us,im sure we have some classics. thats all mike makes lol

agree :yes:
Well the honest truth is we will have no way of knowing until the time comes. It might take a few years until we do find out too, whether or not the new songs will be considered classics. You have to think of it as if Michael was here as well. Michael Jackson is Michael Jackson and just because he isn't here anymore doesn't make a difference.

I think that some will be considered classics, yes.
I personally don't think so although I'm not really sure why i think that. Just a hunch I guess :(
Although I would very much like it if they were