Why Will There Never Be Another Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I always get confused when people say that there will never be another Michael. I always wonder, "why?" There's talent in this world, a lot of people are talented, why is Michael the greatest, why is he the best, with all the people we have in the world, and all the people that have walked on the world.

I love Mike, I just wanna know why people think this way. Thoughts?
I always get confused when people say that there will never be another Michael. I always wonder, "why?" There's talent in this world, a lot of people are talented, why is Michael the greatest, why is he the best, with all the people we have in the world, and all the people that have walked on the world.

I love Mike, I just wanna know why people think this way. Thoughts?

The same way there will never be another you, me, Martin Luther King Jr., The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Mozart, Beethoven, Picasso, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Steven Spielberg... Everyone is unique and contributes something just as unique to society. No one will replace anyone, ever. They will just join them among the ranks of others who came before.
I always get confused when people say that there will never be another Michael. I always wonder, "why?" There's talent in this world, a lot of people are talented, why is Michael the greatest, why is he the best, with all the people we have in the world, and all the people that have walked on the world.

I love Mike, I just wanna know why people think this way. Thoughts?

I can totally understand what you are saying....And in part, I agree...but at the same time, there will NEVER be another Michael, simply because anyone could see how unique and different he was...in such an amazing way...I don't know...i really don't believe anyone will ever have that calibre of talent again...Someone may come close, but imo, no one can reach what he's reached. :D
The same way there will never be another you, me, Martin Luther King Jr., The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Mozart, Beethoven, Picasso, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Steven Spielberg... Everyone is unique and contributes something just as unique to society. No one will replace anyone, ever. They will just join them among the ranks of others who came before.

Exactly. Well said.
Michael is from a long list of people in history who come along only once.
He's specifically chosen to bring love and joy with his gifts and talents. Many lives were changed forever. We had a treasured angel in our lifetime. His legacy cannot be matched by anyone else.

Some people come around every few decades or every few years.

Some people come around every century.

Some however come around once in a lifetime and Michael was one of those people.

He was too unique of a talent and personality. The world has never seen anyone like him.

There will only ever be one Michael Jackson. It wont happen again.
I grew up with Michael and he continued to amaze and thrill people over and over again. There has never been anyone that could do that to the extent that he did. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better it did. He worked much harder than anyone else is willing to work. Think about the videos and the dancing all perfect timing and his voice was so smooth and never missed a note. He gave away and shared everything he had with the world which no other person would do. And what he got in return was a tortured life but he still loved the world and tried to bring peace. He never gave up no matter how hard it got. There is just not another person that could do what he did. Never was before and never will be again.
He had humongous talent, with off the charts charisma. And no one moves like him. His movement is to die for.!!! Authentic and extremely likable.
It wasn't just his incredible, unique talent. It was him as a person. He was so unique, so rare, so different, so special. His personality, his view of the world, his eccentricities, even the way he spoke. He was truly one of a kind.
No. Of course there are millions of talented people but its a rare occasion for someone to have the same effect on the world and same impact that Michael has. I really doubt we will ever see that again.
I thought this same thing. Like there are over 6.8 billion people on this planet. I do find it hard to believe MJ is the only one with that kind of talent.

Of coarse MJ is the only one who actually did it to that level and left his mark. But as time goes on the population increases more and more and I feel that there will eventually be someone who comes out and surpass MJ.

His legacy will never be forgotten however and what he did for this world now. That will always be remembered, because he changed the world in a way that no one can anymore becuase its already been done.

We just have to wait and see.
The thing is, it's not just about his talent. It's about everything that made him Michael. His love, his purity, his kindness, his humbleness, his generosity, his dedication and determination, his ability to unite people of all ages, races, religions and cultures all over the world. Plus all the talent on top of that. He was creatively gifted to a level that must be insanely rare.
He changed music forever, made a huge impact on our culture and made the world a much better place.
There will never be another Michael. He was unique.
No, there will never be another Michael Jackson. People can try but they can not be Michael. Everybody is there own person. He set the standard so high.
Musical genius, great singer, wonderful human, fantastic dancer
A man who stopped the dance rehearsal earlier to pay respect for another dancer-a dolphine who drowned caught in a fishingnet.
A man who couldn´t step on a bug
A man who took a tank to the stage to tell us about peace and love
A man who cared for littele Susies, made tours but gave away the money to charities

There will never be another Michael
I can totally understand what you are saying....And in part, I agree...but at the same time, there will NEVER be another Michael, simply because anyone could see how unique and different he was...in such an amazing way...I don't know...i really don't believe anyone will ever have that calibre of talent again...Someone may come close, but imo, no one can reach what he's reached. :D

He's not just unique because naturally we are all different, but his otherwordly talent, his contributions to pop culture, to the music industry- his social messages, his personality, his impact with the media - there is so much that he accomplished and so much impact he brought on this world- whether you love him or not Michael was and is a powerful force that will live on for generations. And frankly I don't see anybody equalling that ever.
Musical genius, great singer, wonderful human, fantastic dancer
A man who stopped the dance rehearsal earlier to pay respect for another dancer-a dolphine who drowned caught in a fishingnet.
A man who couldn´t step on a bug
A man who took a tank to the stage to tell us about peace and love
A man who cared for littele Susies, made tours but gave away the money to charities

There will never be another Michael

This is beautiful. This is what that man is.
I feel honoured that I have shared this planet with him.
And now I will go and cry.
Musical genius, great singer, wonderful human, fantastic dancer
A man who stopped the dance rehearsal earlier to pay respect for another dancer-a dolphine who drowned caught in a fishingnet.
A man who couldn´t step on a bug
A man who took a tank to the stage to tell us about peace and love
A man who cared for littele Susies, made tours but gave away the money to charities

There will never be another Michael

Yes! totally- that's something that I should add to my post. How can anybody equal that?
When I think of Michael, I think of a man that had the most amazing charisma - he could make anyone; man, woman, child, young or old - with just a smile or a soft word he could make you scream, yell, cry and yes faint, how many people do you know can do that - how many people have that innate ability. I also think of a man that had the most immense passion - not only for music and dance but such great passion for kindness and peace.

He truly believed that he could make a difference and by god he did. There will not be another Michael not just because of his music but because of his charisma; his ability to touch people, and for his kindness and compassion.
I thought this same thing. Like there are over 6.8 billion people on this planet. I do find it hard to believe MJ is the only one with that kind of talent.

Of coarse MJ is the only one who actually did it to that level and left his mark. But as time goes on the population increases more and more and I feel that there will eventually be someone who comes out and surpass MJ.

Equal or even surpass his multiple talents? Sure, others may do so. But surpass his worldwide impact and appeal as an entertainer? Never!

Just like you mentioned, there are 6.8 billion people on the planet and counting. Yet each has a distinct fingerprint. Michael's was composed of elements that combined to make him singularly unique beyond his exceptional talent, charisma, and presence.

*The fact that he began at 6 years of age and at only 50, had a massive 40 year multi-generational fan base. My 87 year old great aunt loved MJ, and four year olds imitate him.

*The fact that from his young age, he was trained to be perfect. When he wasn't perfect, he was beaten by his father, fueling an unrelenting drive for perfectionism in his every performance and every aspect of his life.

*The fact that he was born in the world's most opportunity rich country, but because of his race, he faced stumbling blocks that made him work even harder, determined to be accepted and be the very best.

*The fact that racism did pose barriers for him and he overcame them, making him an inspiration for those themselves facing discrimination or a feeling of being perceived as lesser than because of the color of their skin, ethnicity, or social status.. .

There are so many factors that contribute to what and who Michael was and how people embraced him. Times are different. Artists are different. They aren't as driven as he was. They don't have to be. Don't want to be. He broke the barriers. But even at his peak of success, he still spent every Sunday fasting and dancing to perfect his performance, not just to be the best, but to give his audience the very best.

When you couple his determination and dedication with his engaging spirit, humbleness, inner and outer beauty, charm, and a sensitivity that gave you a feeling of kinship to him, and sense that he respected you as much as you respected him, you have just part of the whole that made Michael singularly great. . And NO,, I don't believe anyone today or in the future will come along and have his across the board appeal and longevity..
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He's simply set the bar too high; it's in another stratosphere. Realistically I would say he was 30-35 years ahead of his time.

There will never be another Michael Jackson because he was such an all-round entertainer and human being. He embraced the world and the world embraced him. He never limited himself and never kept a narrow mind. He was someone that if he said he was going to do something, you would believe no questions asked.

Will anyone ever surpass him? Maybe. But I can't see it happening in my lifetime
If Michael Jacksons' were common, we would have had another 10 by now. The fact is, even artists that are called 'the closest thing to MJ' e.g. Usher, Neyo, Justin, etc....are SO FAR from Michael that's its almost ridiculous to call them the 'closest thing'...

It depends what you're talking about...if you're talking about talent, yeah you could find other great singers/dancers/performers, but would they be able to do it like Michael? Hell no! But aside from the musical talent, if we just look at him as a complete person...I've never seen anyone with such an etheric aura of sheer disarming charm. He could be, walking, talking, smiling, shouting, saving the world, running, hiding, crying, laughing, or even doing nothing......he just did it with more grace and beauty than anything I've ever perceived.

There will never be another Michael Jackson, ever. We're lucky to have that phenomenon happen at all - it's a miracle! Michael will always be Michael, and he'll always be here. :yes:
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I've ever seen anyone with such an etheric aura of sheer disarming charm. He could be, walking, talking, smiling, shouting, saving the world, running, hiding, crying, laughing, or even doing nothing......he just did it with more grace and beauty than anything I've ever perceived.

So true...I've looked at the recent Speed Demon behind the scenes video Karen Faye provided for 20/20 a dozen times already. And Michael is doing really nothing in it but standing there, talking a little, having his clothing adjust, and I'm just totally captivated.
He's just unbelievably charismatic.
Will somebody surpass MJ is another question and it is a certain NO. Nobody will ever surpass MJ in terms of his achievements.
So true...I've looked at the recent Speed Demon behind the scenes video Karen Faye provided for 20/20 a dozen times already. And Michael is doing really nothing in it but standing there, talking a little, having his clothing adjust, and I'm just totally captivated.
He's just unbelievably charismatic.

Yes, that video is a great example of it. I fell in love with him a LONG time ago, and you'd think the dizziness would wear off.....but no. Watching that clip, I was just gushing so much, I had butterflies, and I fell in love all over again :wub: He is magnificently spellbounding. Not of this world..
Talent is individual thing........two talented people in the same industry gain different achievements!!!!!!!!!

We have to ask ourselves who will get even close to the height Michael reached????

We have another problem in the Music industry.....it prefers attractiveness, and how commercial someone is, to a person of raw talent!!!!!